Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Quotes, Quotes and more Quotes: 100 Midday/Midnight Quotes (Part 2 of 2)

Beloved, you can read part 1 of 2 of Quotes, Quotes and more Quotes by clicking the title in Italics. I decided to post something I believe to be fun, inspiring, enlightening, challenging, encouraging, that will cause us to reflect, to cry and rejoice. Something many of us enjoy doing—reading quotes and passing it on to others. This is part 2 of 2. Here are those words God divinely inspires me to write through our afternoons and evenings together. Read on and receive the blessing. As always...YOU ARE LOVED.

100 Midnight Quotes
(Heavenly perspective given to one Christ Follower)


“It takes a humble person to praise and worship God. Humility is thankfulness. And if you are desiring breakthrough in your life, this I know! When you stop pretending and humble yourself before the Lord, that is when true sustained breakthrough will finally occur.” — F. Lugo (10/25/12)

“There’s a place of origin I have come to discover where God meets us— that beautiful line forged in the presence of humility bowed at the foot of divinity. Amen!” — F. Lugo (10/25/12)

“A blessed man bows at the feet of Jesus— A cursed man bows at the feet of anyone.” — F. Lugo (10/25/12)

“It takes a humbled man to come before the throne of grace— It takes a fearful man to flee God’s embrace!” — F. Lugo (10/25/12)

“Humility and gratitude are one and the same— Just as pride and arrogance are one and the same.” 
— F. Lugo (10/25/12)

“It is shameful even to think for one moment God doesn’t love me.” — F. Lugo (10/25/12)

“The day I died to myself, Jesus became alive in me— Amazing what I was missing for the first 29 years... Life!” — F. Lugo (10/25/12)

“There’s only One, that could disrupt my journey and He’s too busy being my ever faithful guide.” — F. Lugo (10/25/12)

“The name Jesus was once foreign to me, I didn’t understand it. But now! Jesus is my first language— I’m glad to say, I’m getting to know Him well.” (10/25/12)

“Jesus was once a regular name, but now I know it as the Name that gave me a name— Child of God.” — F. Lugo (10/25/12)

“I thought I knew Jesus before; what a wonderful man. Then the Holy Spirit came to me— And behold! I called Him Savior and Lord!” — F. Lugo (10/25/12)

“There’s only one Truth. Fortunate for us, He was willing to die on a cross and rise again three days later to prove it! Thank You Jesus.” — F. Lugo (10/25/12) 

“Unless we are willing to get to know God, we won’t be able to get to behold God.” — F. Lugo (10/25/12)

“I never knew love like this. Thank God, He always knew me.” — F. Lugo 

“To my great surprise God called out to me. I’m glad when He speaks there’s never a busy signal.” — F. Lugo (10/25/12)

“Isn’t it amazing how beautiful God is? Oh yeah He created you, so you already know.” — F. Lugo (10/25/12)

“Foolish of me to think that God couldn’t love me. Maybe I’ll ask what He thinks first the next thought I have.” — F. Lugo (10/25/12)

“I heard a baby cry one day, and the sound was deafening to me— Thank God when I cry, it’s a melody to Him.” — F. Lugo (10/25/12)

“The woman’s shape has long captivated me. I wonder how God sees the earth, since it inhabits great life itself!” — F. Lugo (10/25/12)

“December 25th, what a wonderful day so many look forward to. Lots of presents to open. On that day when we open our presents, maybe we’ll see a glimpse into God’s heart as He looks upon us everyday when we open our eyes.” — F. Lugo (10/25/12)

“A birthday is a fine day. Cake, decorations, singing, laughing and loved ones surrounding us. Oh the day we are in heaven, I’ll look back and say, now I understand what all the fuss was about— Preparing me for the real party.” — F. Lugo (10/25/12) 

“You can say no to a glass of water, but when God offers you eternal life— Just say yes!” — F. Lugo (10/25/12)

“I read we spend a third of our lifetime in traffic. Maybe we should do something more productive with that time then complain ‘why aren’t they moving!’” — F. Lugo (10/25/12)

Right Perspective

“There has never been any condemnation out of God’s mouth— only invitations to rise to the challenge.” — F. Lugo 11/1/12

“Have you heard the saying “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t force it to drink.” I wonder if it ever occurred to the person that the horse wasn’t thirsty to begin with— It’s all in having the right perspective.” — F. Lugo (10/25/12)

“A thief breaks in, steals, gets caught and covers his face in shame. A person saves the life of someone in a burning building and the newspaper celebrates their heroism. That’s a lesson to all of us. Think about the consequences of your actions, they will either lead you to cover up or stand and have your heroism applauded— It’s all in right perspective.” — F. Lugo (10/25/12)

“I read somewhere watching sitcoms on tv kills your brain cells, but laughing more releases natural growth hormones. If that’s the case wouldn’t we rather pay less and laugh more instead of paying more and when the bill comes laughing less?— It’s all in right perspective.” (10/25/12)


“Every answer we are seeking, is birthed out of praise and worship.” — F. Lugo 10/27/12

“No matter how many people you shove out your way, they’ll always be one more left— Yourself.” 
— F. Lugo 10/27/12

“I’ve learned that in order to be myself, I simply need to be myself.” — F. Lugo 10/27/12

“When you look beyond yourself, every mirror becomes magnified.” — F. Lugo 10/27/12

“If you want to experience real life change, you will have to surrender to God what you don’t understand and be willing to have faith in the fact that God does understand.” — F. Lugo 10/27/12 

“All men and women are the same— We need Jesus.” — F. Lugo 10/27/12

“All cuts are the same. They are visible, hurt, need to be bandaged and if not properly cleansed can get infected. The same goes for our Christian walk— our sins are visible, hurt us, others and need to be covered and cleansed properly. The difference is, a cut on our skin simply needs any band aid and it will do, but sins that scar our entire being can only be covered, cleansed and properly taken care of only by the blood of Jesus.” — F. Lugo 10/27/12

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. And this is wisdom— Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father! Amen.” — F. Lugo 11/2/12

“This is the revelation— God is love.” — F. Lugo 11/2/12

“There is nothing greater than God’s love. Therefore in aspiring to be great, love as God does— Unconditionally and sacrificially. Amen.” — F. Lugo 11/2/12

“There is a divine lesson to be learned in following the Lord. What is given Him is also given to us! As the Father and the Son are one, we too, by the blood of Jesus are one with the Father.” — F. Lugo 11/2/12


“Forgiveness is such a supernatural thing. Every time it happens we experience God.” — F.Lugo 10/28/12


“This is true indeed. Praise and Worship songs aren’t praise and worship songs until you praise and worship— Therefore, make them your truth.” — F. Lugo 10/28/12

“What have you learned? Although love seems lost— Love always stands.” — F. Lugo 10/28/12 (Inspired by the time God told me to walk away from my relationship with Mishel. To trust it in His hands: Genesis 22 became our truth)

“Even in the darkness, I can see Him. God’s presence is always near. Whether I fail or triumph, my God’s favor I bear.” — F. Lugo 

My Prayer

“Oh Father, thy heaven is your embrace and thy new earth is walking with you again. In my youthful ignorance, have mercy on me that I may be held by You and walk with You forevermore. Amen.” 
— F. Lugo 
(Inspired by Psalm 90:1) written 8/1/2012 1:00am


“Only when we look back from where we were once at, will we see faith at its great perspective, as faith moves quicker than the human brain or body— It’s faster than anything clocked or recorded. Faith stands when everything else falls. Faith comes from heaven, but selflessly is given to reside within men. Our greatest tool always at our disposal God gave us... That is faith!” — F. Lugo 10/18/12 (Inspired by Author Philip Yancey’s description of faith on pg.63 of John Maxwell’s The 15 invaluable laws of growth)

Author Philip Yancey described faith as “Trusting in advance what will only make sense in reverse.”

“Silence, cool weather and the dark of night— to me, it’s all conducive to Creativity.” —F. Lugo 10/30/12 4:40am (posted on Twitter & the extended version on Facebook)

“A welcoming glance— Whenever I am walking and living my life as a praise and worship to God’s glory, when I look into the mirror I see God in my eyes.” F. Lugo #TrueStory 11/2/12 12:23am

Divine Inspiration 

“I know of a place; a secret place. Where both God and man meet— It’s called prayer. Close your eyes and dream away!” — F. Lugo 11/2/12

“I came to a fork in the road of my life. To the left was darkness. To the right was light. After observing both directions, the choice was clear— I wanted to finally see!” — F. Lugo 11/2/12
(Inspired by God graciously calling out to me on January 1, 2006 and then me crying out to Him on July 3, 2009)

“There was a man who thought he was strong, and this man carried the weight of his world on his shoulders. One night as the weight was too heavy for him to bear, there came along what seemed like a stronger man. He said, ‘give your weight to me— I am willing.’ From that day forward the weak man and the stronger man were inseparable. The heavy load was gone, he was able to rest and finally have peace... True story.” — F. Lugo 11/2/12 
My True Story

“God said He will never leave me and the gift He gave me no one will ever take away from me— I decided to actually take Him at His Word!” — F. Lugo 11/2/12

“No one knows the day or time Jesus will return. Furthermore, why exert energy on such matters when the rest of our lives and the lives of others, God is calling for our undivided attention?” — F. Lugo 11/2/12

“My actions say ‘amen and hallelujah!’ Your actions say ‘no way and that’s ridiculous!’ Both of us are making statements— But by our words and actions whose actually getting God’s attention?” — F. Lugo 11/2/12

Lessons to be learned

“A woman was given a priceless gem long ago. She never really gave it much attention. All she wanted to know is what could she get from this priceless gem. Her whole life came and gone passing her by and eventually she lost the priceless gem. When she stood before God frustrated and annoyed, she asked Him “why did this priceless gem you gave me never do anything for me?” God responded, “I gave you that priceless gift, not to want from it, but to be thankful you already had everything you needed and to make sure you would value it by protecting it— You did neither.” What was the moral lesson of this sad woman’s life story? Be thankful for what God gives you, because you may very well be in the possession of something priceless.” — F. Lugo 11/2/12 
(This is a true story in someone’s life still unfolding... To be cont’d)


“First generation leaders pay the biggest price and create the biggest strides— Momentum begins with them!” — F. Lugo 11/9/12 #50MILLION4CHRIST

“First generation leaders create such a wake, that generational curses are broken and blessings are abundant by the wave of their great sacrifice.” — F. Lugo 11/9/12 #50MILLION4CHRIST 
(Revised on 1/21/14)

“The greatest words any human being could utter is ‘Jesus forgive me,’ every other word prior to or after that epic moment will either be against or to the glory and praise of God. Amen.” — F. Lugo 11/10/12 #50MILLION

Heavenly Visions

“I have seen it! When the redeemed get to heaven and are before God and the Lamb! It will be an everlasting church service that no church service on earth has ever duplicated. As a great multitude that no man could ever count will be present. Yet no words need be spoken, for we stand before the Word of God! Praise and worship will never cease for we will be in the perpetual presence of our great Savior, Lord and King! Hallelujah! Bless His Holy name forever and ever! Amen.” — F. Lugo 11/10/12 #Epic #TheUnblinkableChurchService

Saving Grace

“At the Cross the Soul Detox of a man is made complete.” — F. Lugo 11/17/12 

“Upon standing confident on that hill, it’s without a doubt, that man was known throughout the valley.” — F. Lugo 11/17/12 #50MILLION 

“From the desert to the promise land. The valley to the hill. From death to paradise, nothing and I mean nothing can ever take us away from the love of God who stand in Christ. Therefore, let us praise the Lord Jesus.”
— F. Lugo

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