Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Lay Person: Sharing Your God Story


Beloved, I read the above words this morning. As I thought about these words, this verse in scripture came to me rapidly: “My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20 NLT). The italicized portion of this scripture in grey has come to be known as The One Great Truth.” With that said, I now invite you into my HEART...

I immediately saw this verse in a brand new way! Oftentimes we can fall short of sharing (quoting) God’s Word, word for word, or speaking and teaching it like someone who stands on a platform with a title of “pastor,” “reverend,” “bishop,” or even “doctor” yet this brand new way I am so very happy to share with you is that of a lay person

The Lay Person
(layman or laywoman)

A person who is not an expert in a given field of knowledge. A person who is not a member of the clergy: One who holds an actual doctrinal or theological title. One who is considered a member of the “laity” or “common people.”

A lay person is one who doesn’t hold any of the above titles, and I see it as greater than such titles, as such titles tend to hinder people, as they protect themselves more because they tend to have more to lose. Such titles are like masks, in which the corrupt hide behind. But a lay person, has no title and by having no title they should be less inclined to hide their true selves. Though they may be a part of the church in a lesser capacity, they still can serve God out of the abundant love they have received from Jesus by the grace of the Cross of Christ, not because of a title.

Paul of Tarsus: Bondservant of the Lord Jesus
(His own words)

Even though I may not be an apostle to others, surely I am to you! For you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord.

However, I would be remiss if I didn’t make this abundantly clear. In no way am I saying such titles that individuals hold are always used for their own advancement and personal gain. No! Many have held such offices and gave their entire lives to Christ in the service of loving others as Christ loved them! Amen. We are to honor such faithful servants of the Lord.

What I am saying here, is that, our sharing God’s Word as Christians, is already deeply rooted into us as Christ has taken residence in our heart, mind, body and soul. All we need to do, if a lay person you are, is be willing to share your testimony of what Jesus has done in your life. To those of whom you faithfully share your testimony with, to them, you may very well be considered not a layperson, but rather an answer to their prayers. The effort you place into sharing your testimony is thus: Be willing!

Ask God, as I ask God, to open your eyes and heart to opportunities to share your faith in Jesus, today and everyday. He is faithful to do it. Then go ahead and be willing to share your faith. 

What do you think I use Instagram for? Or Facebook, or Twitter, or my blog for? Why do I labor to read as many books as I can, or study the Word of God, or research those who are teachers of the Word of God? Is it that I may know more than others, or sound intelligent? No, it is not! I do such things to know my God as best as I can, and when opportunity presents itself as it will, let it be so, I will not approach others as an intellectual but rather as a humble man who is willing to share his heart for God and what Jesus has so wonderfully and sacrificially done for me. Amen! Anyone who uses the Word of God they have received by the grace of God to build themselves up on some high platform and tear down others, is an intellectual barbarian, and God’s mercy be with them!

Such social media platforms that I utilize are of no use to me, if I do not share my faith in Jesus Christ and what good things He has done, is doing and will do in my life, in which is available to you as well. Amen! So the next time you feel inferior to share your faith, know that countless many all over the world and from the time after Adam and Eve were casted out from the garden of Eden for their sin, though they weren’t “approved” as a priest, prophet or pastor, have faithfully shared their testimonies and the world has been much better for it!

As always... YOU ARE LOVED.

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