Friday, April 27, 2012

My Book Report (Chapter 5): Every Day A Friday

Chapter Five

"Enjoy The Journey." These words are synonymous with anything that puts a smile on our faces and contentment in our hearts. But why do so many of us fail to experience a life that would have those words as a banner of accomplishment in all our endeavors? One word- Busy. 

As I read chapter five of Every Day A Friday by Joel Osteen, I was amazed to be reminded of something so simple I shouldn't have to be reminded of it. That's to stop and smell the roses. Joel shares many incidences were he was caught up on the excitement and grandeur that is, to be busy. Yet Joel is quick to inform us of a lesson to be learned in every moment he passed on enjoying his journey for being busy. That although being goal-oriented is a good thing, never allow it to supersede spending time with those of whom matter most as they are here one day and gone the next. Joel further displays that sentiment by these words from the Bible, 'you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. (James 4:14 NIV). There is one thing I desire more than anything for my life. That is to experience it with enjoyment.

My Takeaway:

I myself am extremely guilty of looking to be so busy to feel as if I accomplished something, that I just blow right past the roses and trample them underfoot. Enjoying life should be easy but our unwillingness to slow down and our stubborn willingness to speed up has made enjoyment something to work hard at. If what we're doing is wrong, let's do the opposite.

Beloved, I am not the worlds smartest man, or the worlds most handsome man. I do not have tremendous influence on many and I make a ton of mistakes. But this one thing I know. Unless you and I desire enjoyment in our lives, we won't experience it. As chapter five is so appropriately titled, as I started with them, I'll leave you with these words...Enjoy The Journey.

As always...YOU ARE LOVED

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