Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Epic Quotes 2015 (Part 32 of 33)

Every divinely inspired insight and truth from God made known to me that I recorded down was just another step leading me into the glorious future He has for me, and with each letter typed and word recorded down, closer I came to the point of a new year. God is faithful. Below are all those quotes recorded down for the year of 2015 and they are indeed epic! Thank you Lord! I pray, you will read through all of them, be lead to pray to God because of many of them and will come to know Him more and my joy that is Jesus Christ the Lord. YOU ARE LOVED. With that, I now invite you Into My HEART that pens down faithfully and accurately all that the Almighty speaks to me.

776. “Let us remember. Jesus experienced persecution, opposition, abandonment, ridicule and mockery even though He did no wrong. If we be in Christ, wanting to know Jesus intimately, is knowing all of Jesus.” 12/7/15 (Inspiration: 2 Timothy 3:12)

777. “It’s a praiseworthy thing to see others who work for the Lord without seeking a profit, but solely, out of reverence to God in response to His wonderful love displayed for all the world to experience upon the Cross.” 12/7/15

778. “Let us be content of who we are in Christ. It’s time to take off the masks.” 12/7/15

779. “Don’t bow down to men nor grow accustomed to bowing down before anyone. Who are they but mere men? They are like we all are—human. You should bow down to Jesus. He is not a mere man, but the resurrected King!  Proving once and for all that He is both Lord and God.” 12/7/15

780. “I think of this. What possesses us to enter into a relationship with people who are unstable? Yet, Christ is an immovable rock! For those who are truly fixed on Him as a firm foundation, the more stability you desire; the more stable you are.” 12/8/15

*781. “As a soul winner, I see now, I must not only make Christ known to those who are being drawn to Christ by God and are going to hear about Christ through me. I also must become a “Simon,” to them, in that, the soul winner shares Christ with the lost, yet he must equally bear up and experience that lost person’s cross—the hardships they face, are going through and must embrace, in order to truly and fully see them be won over to Christ, not momentarily but, halleluyah, forever.” 12/8/15 

The above is revelation given to me as I thought of one who is being and has been won over to Christ through me. I said to the Lord, as He was making this known to me. ‘It would be nice if the soul winner who is sharing Christ to only do that, and upon them hearing and being won over, there pains and sufferings, they shared with you, like Simon, the soul winner shares Christ, and just minds his own business. Yet I see now, I must embrace their cross alongside them and bear them up under it.’ Their pains in a sense are becoming my pains, along with their sufferings. Lord, how I praise you! You have made me a soul winner and now (12/8/15), you show me I must become a “Simon a Cyrenian” (Mark 15:21; Luke 23:26) to them as well. Indeed I have been this, yet, now I must become one to them, so that your Word might again be fulfilled: “For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more; and to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might win those who are under the law; to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law; to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. Now this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I may be partaker of it with you” (1 Corinthians 9:19-23 NKJV). Amen.

Lord, this I pray, may the pains and sufferings of those to be won over, not overcome me, yet may I bear them up under it for a time, but behold, you are the Rock and Chief Cornerstone on which I stand and draw my strength from. Halleluyah and amen! 

782. “If you are coming to Christ or are in Christ now, you certainly need to decide if you will faithfully live for Him and also die for Him. As it is written: ‘To live is Christ. To die is gain.’” 12/8/15

783. “If the Lord said He came not to abolish the Law but to fulfill it and from the Law to the prophets He is the fulfillment and that no part of the Law would be done away with until it was completely fulfilled, who are we to say one place of the Bible (Old Testament) is more important than or supersedes another place (New Testament)? For the same Lord who delivered the Law on Mount Horeb is the same Lord who delivered His ‘Sermon on the Mount.’” 12/8/15

784. “It can only be said that no man has the knowledge to begin to describe how does he hear from God. Yet this I can attest to along with a great many. If ever there was a certain manner to hear from God. It has its beginning and its end by surrender and through humility. Amen.” 12/8/15

 Power of Choice/No Contradiction

785. “Yes, I see now that God does indeed reveal to us He has foreknowledge of all things and He predetermines a great many things, yet never has He made known, if properly investigated and researched to be understood intellectually within its context, that He controls people like a puppet master with his stringed puppets.” 12/9/15

786. “People tend to not give credit where credit is due nor to honor those who have honored them. This must change.” 12/9/15 (reflecting on the souls won over to Christ and yet none have honored me. Where are they? Its as if I don't exist or haven't introduced them to the Savior—the grandest thing to ever happen).

I hear one say, ‘want to hear the most amazing thing?!’ I’m thinking I already have heard it and I am currently experiencing it. They say, ‘an energy company in Texas gave their employees as a bonus this year for meeting their goals, $100,000! And last year, they were given the option of getting $35,000 in cash or a new car worth $50,000. Isn’t that amazing?!’ 

Beloved ones, receiving money and material things aren’t the ‘most amazing thing.’ God becoming flesh to die for our sins on a cross, so we might be forgiven and able to spend eternity with Him, is THE MOST AMAZING THING.

787. “When God became flesh so that He could reconcile sinful man to Himself, this can be easily understood and confidently said—God became forever intimately connected to the human race.” 12/9/15 
The Most Amazing Thing! 

788. “When Jesus resurrected by the power of God, He didn’t resurrect to be Spirit again, but to a spiritual body. What does this mean to the believer in Christ? For those who live in Him and also die in Him, they will enter into eternity to be met, not with a strange thing, but the One they have known and can know, forever intimately—For the Son is now eternally both God and man.” 12/9/15 
The Most Amazing Thing! 

 True Story

789. “Two things I have noticed. They’re those who have responded to an altar call to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior and there are those to whom have graciously and miraculously received the One in whom was sacrificed on the altar of God for the forgiveness of sin. The first doesn’t always produce a lasting impression. However, the second, having received the perfect Lamb of God, being without spot or blemish, have given consistent witness and testimony of the holiness that is mightily and perpetually at work within them.” 12/9/15 

But there is hope for the first. This is that hope. Seek to know Jesus personally, intimately and powerfully for yourself, and do not merely settle for someone else standing on a stage to tell you about Him.

790. “You can’t say you’re ‘born-again’ and consistently sin without regard of Christ or remorse for your wicked ways—As it is written, ‘How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? What harmony can there be between Christ and the devil? And what union can there be between God’s temple and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God said: “I will live in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people.’” 

Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? What harmony can there be between Christ and the devil? How can a believer be a partner with an unbeliever? And what union can there be between God’s temple and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God said: “I will live in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people.
2 Corinthians 6:14-16 NLT

* 791. “The Gospel isn’t a particular set of verses or a particular portion in scripture. The Gospel is Jesus. Jesus speaking is the Gospel. Therefore, whatever we say, that Jesus said, and whatever we do as Jesus did, is the Gospel. For, every word spoken from Jesus’ mouth is the Gospel as Jesus is the Word of God.” 12/9/15 

792. “Purpose is not a task, position, title, role, job, career or laborious work to be done, had, attained or occupied. 
Purpose is a Person. 
Purpose is knowing that Person. 
Purpose is having a personal and intimate relationship with that Person. 
Purpose is Jesus Christ the Lord.
Now by extension of that Purpose, one can have work to do.”  

Inspiration: (Matthew 10:39, Matthew 16:25, Mark 8:35, Luke 9:24, John 12:25, Matthew 28:18-20)

793. “Music can be hypnotic. So be mindful of what you allow to seep into your mind, heart and soul. Beware of the lies that have a melody attached to them.” 12/10/15

Inspired by my witnessing of men and women listening to music and singing along to the tune of that music and what would come out of their mouths was almost incoherent, chanting. Truly they are unaware that they have been hypnotized by the melody that has them chanting like a people possessed!

794. “You must have order. Order in your thoughts, speech, heart, actions, reactions and day-to-day living. Man [human race] has not fully mastered this. Nevertheless, we must pursue, desire and pray to God for order. Order brings rest. And Christ is order, and those who are in Christ, have their rest.” 12/10/15

795. “Lord, whatever you will, have your way. This is the true essence of effective prayer and confident faith.” 12/10/15

Pray Like This 
796. “If you’re going to pray for someone be intentional about it. Maturity, goes from ‘God bless you’ to, ‘Let the Lord who is grace and truth, be with you and your future generations both now and forever’ Amen.” 12/11/15

797. “I’m not trying to paint a perfect picture of myself. I’m trying to present an accurate likeness.” 12/11/15

*798. “Listen, head knowledge has its way of further confusing you. Too much studying will drive you mad! Let us not put away reason in the light of knowledge gained. We cannot take one place or two places in scripture and build our entire case on it. But let all of God’s Word define itself, in which shows the entirety of God’s character in which is holy.” 12/11/15 

Hearing & Listening 
(the profitable combination)

799. “We should attentively listen and hear to gain understanding. Why to gain understanding? So we can obey. So in listening we are able to do or act according to righteousness— that which is right in the sight of God.” 12/12/15

800. “When you come to Christ you aren’t merely saved, rescued, ransomed and redeemed in Him. You are met by Love Himself! And since love is the greatest of all, when you come to know Christ as Lord and Savior, it isn’t enough to rejoice forever in Salvation, but all the more, to have been saved by Love.” 12/12/15

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