Six years ago to the day the most wonderful and amazing thing happened to me. I received and experienced God. I cried out to Him for help and He faithfully came. He drew near to me in His mercy and called out to me in His grace. On our first of many days and years together, God gave to me a Gift and said these exact words: “I come to you with a Gift that no one can take away. When you lay your head down and rise again, your eyes will be opened and you will now see. Your ears will be opened and you will now hear. Everything will be different.”
On July 3, 2009 I experienced and received God. Along the years He has taken me back to that glorious night and caused me to revisit what took place and as I did and as we went back to that moment in time, He would as it were, fill in the gaps to the story of beginnings with Him and I and show me what was taking place, who was in that upper room with me, what were the two choices present, the two roads that I could have gone down like two separate directions to take and how He had did everything and revealed everything of who He always was on that night to me.
Today is a very special day for me and for God. It is not only a “born-again” birthday but also an anniversary. It marks the beginning of new birthdays; eternal birthdays, birthdays from above, but it also marks anniversaries to be celebrated as well.
Born again from above in that what I received on that beautiful night was made known to me to be the “Holy Spirit” in which was in that upper room with me. And the Holy Spirit is from above and not below as I am, therefore, these new birthdays or “born days” are born days from above. Halleluyah!
They are also anniversaries as they mark a whole frame of time that has came and gone signifying yet another wonderful year that I have been with God and spent it getting to know Him, walking with Him and experiencing His faithfulness to me. Halleluyah!
July 3 is a most splendid day and it’s my favorite date! It is the very day God became personal, intimate and powerful in and through my life. The very first thing I experienced from Him in receiving the Holy Spirit, was God’s peace. I was struggling with sleeping. Getting to sleep was quite the feat to me in those days. It took a bottle of NyQuil to get me to become drowsy enough to sleep and remain sleeping. Not a cap full but a bottle full. Yet when He the Holy Spirit was given to me and as it were came upon me, His peace was upon me, His peace was at work instantaneously in me and the result of God’s peace was a rest that I can only attribute to ‘sleeping like a baby.’ I slept and I slept well. Goodbye NyQuil, hello Spirit of God!
So there you have it. Six years ago, on July 3, 2009, what I received and what I experienced was God making Himself personally, intimately and powerfully known to me and it would never again be the same but the ‘everything will be different’ as He said to me, I, Flavio Anthony Lugo, since that night have experienced and written about and shared with others ever since. THANK YOU GOD!
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