The tracks have been undone, the way lays desolate and bare. If only help would come my way. Behold! For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end.
The screeching is the pain the smoke is the sorrow
The glory, the beauty, the majesty, the excellence, even to the mystery of, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” is for all men to worship the Living God who extends grace to all! Halleluyah!
Repent: This word has been defined as a changing in direction yet mere mortals as the human race is, cannot fully fathom the excellence of a change of course; a change of heart, a change of desires, a change of attitude, a change in all things for the supreme glory of God who saves all who call on the name of His Son Jesus. Halleluyah and amen. With that said and the words above in bold beginning to create curiosity in you, I now invite you Into My HEART...
Let me paint a worthwhile illustration for you, on this ‘change of direction’ as surely this does not speak to a geographical turning, or a ‘coming about’ on the seas, but rather, like a locomotive that is at full steam racing down the tracks at dangerous speeds, across two mountainous ranges, towards a sure collision and horrific end as what lies before them is a great chasm of track missing, and in a moments notice, the conductor receives word of this disastrous end and decides to change its course and yet there is no course laid down by human hands to change to! The break is applied, the secondary breaks are applied that being the manual breaks and the dynamic breaking system, screeching and smoke are heard, seen and the turbulence of it all is felt and experienced. Upon this beast of a machine coming to a dramatic halt just in the nick of time, its final direction is changed (Christ and Him crucified), and slowly but surely, traction is applied, speed is increased, motion is in affect and this new direction; this new course, this machine that was once headed down into destruction, is now headed to its home base!
Like the illustration of the locomotive in its proper course, is every man who repents. Their is pain and sorrow felt. Deep anguish of the soul is experienced at the call of God in His holiness to your soul in its depravity. Oh that, the men of this world, would have their ears and hearts opened to the call of God, I pray O Lord, that they may come to you with broken hearts and sorrowful spirits, so that they may truly bear witness to the wonderment of your grace, mercy and eternal forgiveness. Amen.
Wondering about the Lord’s “I’m coming” yet without details revealing a seemingly vague response to His audience; the world at large.
As I spoke to the Lord about His words, He showed me something quite alarming yet ultimately helpful, revealing His grace, mercy and patience towards us all.
He showed me that His words weren’t vague at all. However, they were meant to lead a people to be sure they have taken the opportunity while they still have it to repent and be made right before the eyes of God.
How so? The Father alone knows when His Son is returning (Matthew 24:36) and it is not a difficult thing for Him to have allowed all people of the earth to know the day and hour when the Lord Jesus, the Righteous Judge of the whole world would return, as all things are possible with God, yet God in all His wisdom choose not to, foreknowing the human race and in their great depravity, not being willing to repent, nor seek the Lord out, nor embracing His love, but continuing on in their sin knowing that as long as they ‘called on the name of Jesus to forgive their sin’ they would be forgiven and go to heaven.
Where is there a problem in all this? God knows our hearts and minds, and rather than tell us everything, He kept some things hidden; not secret, but hidden for a time. Not to torment us or tempt us, as God does not tempt anyone and He Himself can never be tempted, but to lovingly protect us as the Father He is. His loving protection was expressed in the first ministerial proclamation Jesus made in His earthly mission: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17).
“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” (Mark 1:15 NKJV)
Instead of knowing the hour, even greater, we knew the message. Instead of knowing the day, even greater, we were able to know the Savior. Instead of waiting till the last minute to fake repentance and solidify our condemnation, even greater God’s Word declares to us, “today is the day of Salvation.”
God knew everyone in their sinful nature would hold off till the last moment to ask without sincerity of a broken heart and the genuineness of a grieve stricken spirit through true repentance, to forgive them and since it wouldn’t be true but insincere, they would remain a people condemned not knowing Christ the Lord as ‘there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ.’ Was God in the wrong? Absolutely not! He was acting as a loving Father, a gracious and merciful God and a compassionate Savior, when He did not include the hour.
We can say with the rest of the world, ‘where is God? Has He forgotten His Word. He’s never coming back!’ God is not taking His sweet time, nor has He forgotten His Word as “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance]” (2 Peter 3:9). For just as the rainbow represents His faithfulness throughout all the earth (Genesis 9:8-17), so is His Word a reflection ever before Him that can never be forgotten as wisdom and knowledge of His Word is made known here: “Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal [reflective and reflecting in many facets from all directions]. And in the midst of the throne [ever present], and around the throne [perpetual reminder like the movement of an automatic watch], were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in back [visibility of 360 degree magnitude representative of God’s promise being ever before Him and made known all around Him]. Halleluyah!
Beloved, Jesus is our Protector, He is the Atonement for sin, He is the Visible image of the invisible God and He is the Righteousness of God. His glory is known throughout the earth and also in heaven. Therefore, let us look further into His Word where we meet Him at His throne room where His will is made known: “The first living creature was like a lion [the strength of Christ in His obedience to do the Father’s will; that being to endure the shame of the Cross in order to save a people afar off from God’s presence], the second living creature like a calf [or Ox in other translations but equally revealing the majesty of Christ redeeming work on the Cross for all humanity], the third living creature had a face like a man [signifying the excellence of ‘the Word became flesh and dwelt among us,’ as well as His humanity, His gentleness, His wisdom and His right born of the flesh to be under the Law of God and to uphold His ways and reveal the glory of the Gospel], and the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle [the majestic wisdom of God to make known the glory of God; by the deep things of God hidden in His heart for all mankind to ponder and rejoice in forevermore through the way He has made and set before all the human race, being the Gospel of the Jesus, the Son of God]” (Revelation 4:7 NKJV). We who look upon Him and call on His name in truth and receive His death for us given on the Cross to pay for our sins, will reap the inheritance that is in Christ, through which God has made known to us in these days through His Son Jesus and equally reveal His purposes throughout His entire Creation so none of us are with excuse and his inheritance in His Son is— Eternal life with the Father in heaven. Halleluyah and Amen.
So let us, in view of this beautiful word [repent], change our course in which is Jesus Christ the Lord and rejoice in the name of Jesus, for by it, we are made right with God through the blood of Jesus. And in repenting of our sins with a heart that has come to know the magnitude of God’s promises, let us be found ready for that hour when it comes, not allowing any delay to rob us of His joy, and let this be ready, “Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing” (2 Timothy 4:8 NKJV). Amen.
As always…YOU ARE LOVED.
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