Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Epic Quote (2014) Part 6 of 7


 Quotes, quotes and even more divinely inspired quotes. Thank you Jesus
First and foremost, this is all the Lord’s doing. All things good come from God above, and He is faithful and exceedingly generous in His kindness to share with me a sinful man, such wonderful things too great for me to know. Praise you Lord God for your exceeding kindness and great mercy to those who cry out to you in desperation to come to their aid and save them. You are good and I know it all too well! Blessed be your holy name forever and ever. Amen.
Oh Lord, may purpose that is found in you alone, be found actively at work in me and through me. Let your will be done always. For yours is the glory, the honor, the power and the praise forever. Amen.
Here are all the words I recorded down for the year of 2014 as I was divinely inspired by God to write, whether through reading, reflection, interactions with others, struggles of mine, triumphs God had given me, prayers of mine and observing life all around me. I have listed them as quotes and this is the continuation of the 7-part series. May they inspire us all to seek God first, to faithfully love and follow the Lord Jesus and remind us of why we first rejoiced over our Savior and great God and King. With that said, I now invite you into my HEART...

251. “You can certainly tell a lie, but on the same token, if you’re busy living a lie and telling lies, you definitely cannot speak on the truth—One cannot be active while the other is.” - F. Lugo 10/6/14
252. “There’s nothing more splendid, more wonderful, more beautiful, more suitable, more perfect and more complete for ones life and eternity, than Jesus Christ the Lord.” — F. Lugo 10/11/14
253. “The wicked want retribution and seek vengeance. Whereas, the righteous pray for forgiveness and mercy. Remember that!” - F. Lugo 10/7/14
254. “Our passion should not be eating as if we were a nation of hungry people. Our passion should be feeding the hungry nations.” - F. Lugo 10/7/14
255. “A generous people will defeat obesity, poverty and starvation all at once!” - F. Lugo 10/7/14
256. “If it is your job to do it, there’s no need to get upset if others don’t say thank you. Let the fact that you have life, a body that can work, you get paid and have a job be enough, and for that, give thanks to God.” - F. Lugo 10/7/14 (Luke 17:7-10 inspires!)
257. “Let us not think or speak that trifling thing. For if God who is from everlasting to everlasting knows all and has seen all, what do we mere mortals with a lifespan that is but a fleeting moment have to offer, that will surpass His eternal wisdom, knowledge and understanding?” - F. Lugo 10/8/14
258. “What you do on the journey, the journey itself and the desired destination are all equally important and none take precedence over the other. They are all to the glory of God.” - F. Lugo 10/8/14  (John 3:5-6 fuels this!)
259. “If you have no idea what it is to be in utter darkness, and upon crying out to God, so much so, Jesus Himself, has to come to you and speaks into you and says, “the darkness you see is in your heart.” And rather than condemn me He brings me into His marvelous light! If you don't have this testimony, you have no business questioning why I have an allegiance to Him.” - F. Lugo 10/8/14
“When your hard-headed and prideful ways swallow you up, you are confined to wallow in it. However, when your hard-headed and prideful ways are swallowed up, you are set free!” - The Holy Spirit 10/8/14 (Book of Jonah inspires!)

The Book of Jonah ends so abruptly as if one is expecting a ‘to be continued’ and yet, there is none. Why? Hear insight and gain wisdom. The abrupt ending as it were, is not on the account of God not being one to finish what He starts nor is it on the account of Jonah lacking in his penmanship skills. It is to show that this story isn’t about Jonah or Nineveh that great city. It is about how the Lord God responds to the Jonah’s and the Ninevites of the world and their great refusal or humble acceptance of Him. Amen. (A story of God's Character)
260. “Oftentimes our lives are not glamorous and action packed, but when that curtain call comes, let us be found in God to have performed at our utmost.” - F. Lugo 10/11/14

261. “Whenever you start questioning your faith, it’s really because you have questionable faith.” - F. Lugo 8/29/14
Beloved, God’s grace and peace be with you on this day the Lord has made and blessed, for all good things come from God above. Amen.
Our daily bread for Friday, August 29, 2014. Read on and receive the blessing. I awoke from my sleep with that thought above on my mind as I was speaking with God over some things as I slowly came out of deep sleep. I am very fortunate among many, as I have had bad things happen to me and people and animals deteriorate and die before my very eyes and yet throughout tragedy happening to me, before me and all around me, I never questioned God about it or experienced my faith dwindling or being placed into question by myself.
I have been an eye witness to others questioning their faith over big things and sadly over the tiniest of things that have happened to them or they were currently experiencing.
God the Father knew such tragedy, suffering and pain. He sent His only begotten Son to become the
very object of sin, in order to put to death the sin that had overtaken the whole world, that in His Son, those who would believe in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
It was His pain that brought the greatest fruit unto eternal life, therefore, even through our pain if we believe in Jesus the Son of God, life will come out of it.
God’s Word declares this truth like a megaphone sounding off like a trumpet blast to all generations both past and present and to the very end of the age: “Just think of [consider and take into account His life and ministry] Him Who endured from sinners such grievous opposition and bitter hostility against Himself [reckon up and consider it all in comparison with your trials], so that you may not grow weary or exhausted, losing heart and relaxing and fainting [losing hope and begin questioning your questionable faith] in your minds. You have not yet struggled and fought agonizingly against sin, nor have you yet resisted and withstood to the point of pouring out your [own] blood.” (Hebrews 12:3-4 AMP emphasis added)
How many of us can say we have lived the life of Jesus? None! If we were to experience even the tiniest thing that could be compared to His life, let us consider the above and remember He was perfect without sin and became sin for us so that we would be reconciled [forgiven of our sin and made right] to God and become the righteousness [the perfection of God perfected in us and through us over time] of God in Jesus Christ.
Let us not have questionable faith and let us not lose faith because bad things happen to us. Let us not say that very weak and shameful thing: “If God is so good why does He let bad things happen to good people.” Let us remember, all good things come from God, then He Himself is good, giving good to all. We are not the good, He is. We are the fortunate, the showered with God’s grace and mercies. We are forgiven in Christ alone. We are those great sinners who were and are in need of the great Savior. We are those people and He is that God. Praise the Lord!
262. “You can live your life with zero accountability but I tell you, it’s only heading towards destruction. We are all accountable for our words and actions and the results of them! Therefore, live your life with integrity not with the false notion of zero accountability.” - F. Lugo 9/22/14 #Wisdom (inspired by my years apart from Christ, in which I call the stupid years).
There is freedom in Christ.
There is freedom in Christ.
There is freedom in Christ.
Sincerely call out to Jesus and He will free you from whatever has imprison you. He will do it. I'm living proof!
What Jesus has freed me from (my imprisonment):
•Coveting (wanting what doesn't belong to me).
•Worshipping idols (anything that robs  me from knowing the One True God).
•Murder (he who speaks hateful words to anyone, kills with their speech).
•Speaking God’s name in vain (any manner of using His name and any and all names attributed to His character and Person with disregard, profanely; that is as a curse word or in any manner that doesn’t bless Him or others by His name).
(Matthew 26:51-52; John 18:10-12,15; Matthew 5:9 inspires!)

263. “Only Jesus can speak to one who holds a weapon to take life and tells them to let go of it and they will listen--not once, but for a lifetime and forevermore.” - F. Lugo 10/11/14

 264. “Only Jesus can speak to a man who grabs a hold of what leads to death and that man will surrender it in order to grab a hold of life.” - F. Lugo 10/11/14
265. “Only Jesus can speak to a man of war and turn him into a peacemaker. And the Word of God declares, "Blessed are the peacemakers for they will see God.”” - F. Lugo 10/11/14
“Never doubt in the dark what God told you in the light.” - V. Raymond Edman
266. “I remember two separate occasions and three times God kept His promise to me to remain with me forever.” - F. Lugo 10/12/14
On July 3, 2009 He said into me, “I come to you with a Gift that no one can take away.” This He spoke into while I was in my darkness. And again, when Satan and many of his demons came upon me to destroy my body, in my great agonizing pain and fear, God said again to me, “Just keep talking with me” further revealing He was there with me. And the third moment concluding those two occasions, Jesus affectionately said to me, on July 4, 2009, “I Am yours and you are Mine!”
For all this, no matter what peril I will find myself in, I trust in Jesus, who was the only one who spoke to me in my darkness revealing His glorious light. Amen.
267. “So many people try everything in their own power to make things happen except turning to God. In fear of what He may or may not say. This is the healthy fear we ought to have, that without Him it will not happen.” - F. Lugo 10/12/12
268. “Being set free from something and having a weakness is two different things. One you’re imprisoned by, the other is merely an ongoing struggle of growth and responsibility.” - F. Lugo 10/12/14
269. “There is but only one thing that is proper for a man to do when he stands before Jesus and approaches the throne of grace that Jesus rightfully sits on as King of kings and Lord of lords. To confess their weakness and great need of Him and for Him to make them strong in order to confidently revere Him and reveal Him on this earth.” - F. Lugo 10/13/14
270. “We as the American Christians are placed into a box of how we must be and how we must act, because we never properly identified the boundary to this world. If we were to live according to the actual Word of God and not our comfortable version of it, the world could only define us by God’s Word and there would be no box for us to fit in.” - F. Lugo 10/13/14
271. “Have you grown out of excitement for those things you became excited over. Whether a relationship or a cause to be a part of or give financially to? Let us look to the Lord to return to our first love and not let our emotions to spike here and there for whatever new thing comes our way. Stay the course!” - F. Lugo 10/13/14
272. “There are those who may recite biblical scripture like a human thesaurus and yet do not know the Lord God who inspired it, but with me I rejoice! For His Word is written within my heart.” - F. Lugo 10/15/14 [1 of 3]
This last post is a culmination of my two previous posts. The first one as always is divinely inspired. God spoke, I heard and faithfully and accurately wrote it down as a record. The next, an hour later, as I read in Hebrews chapter 10 on my lunch break, the verse I come across, is confirmation of what I heard. That's my God showing off for me and letting me know that He is God and I am the one He has blessed to write down what He says. Praise the Lord!
[2 of 3] For God’s will was for us to be made holy by the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all time. (Hebrews 10:10 NLT)
The purpose of the people of the earth, is to be holy unto God, through His only begotten [sent and born for a specific purpose] Son Jesus Christ the Lord. #Holiness

273. “The Word of God was never meant to make man feel good about themselves, their life or the world they’re living in. The Word of God stands forever to bring repentance to sinful man separated from God, to bring liberty to the captive by their sinful nature in the name of Jesus and to sanctify man to be set apart from the world to live once and for all holy unto God.” - F. Lugo 10/15/14
Oracle = One who hears and writes faithfully and accurately the divine Word of the Lord in which is holy, wise and has complete authority; that is, Sovereign above all things and all people. Writers Movement.
274. “God is not for the deserving. If that were so, He’d be in a category all to Himself. God is for the undeserving. This is why Christ came. To bring the Deserving to the undeserving. This is why we worship Jesus. Because God’s grace in Christ has abounded to us!” - F. Lugo 10/16/14 Glory! (Inspired by the thought of inviting someone to a woman’s conference and her boyfriend looked at me as if to say she is undeserving and you’re going to pay for her to go to this?!)
275. “Better to offend someone with the Word of God in that proper manner that they will be pierced to the heart and come to repentance then to allow them to remain an offense to the Lord not being made right with Him through Jesus Christ the Lord.” - F. Lugo 10/16/14 (This came out of worshipping the Lord for how glorious His Word is to pierce into the depths of men and saving them from the uttermost (darkness). Also inspired by what I read yesterday and what I witnessed from the words of another, and a glorious moment in the forming of the Church of Christ recorded in Acts 2. Praise the Lord!)
Speaking the Word of God over niceties. A nice thing won’t save anyone, but a kindness causes one to speak and act accordingly and appropriately. What is that appropriate action concerning those apart from God, that they hear the Word of God. Let us, I pray O Lord, be filled with power from God to take on such an endeavor such as soul-saving and not relent until souls are saved. Amen.
276. “This world like a Venus fly trap is beautiful on the outside and the closer we get to its lure, the closer we come to the demise that awaits us in hiding.” - F. Lugo 10/16/14
277. “Say what needs to be said, while it can be said or say no more.” - F. Lugo 10/17/14 (inspired by Acts 20:7-12)
278. “You may forget the words that I’ve said, but you”ll never forget the words that I’ve written down.” - F. Lugo 10/17/14
279. “If you go into it to prove your point you will lose, however, if you go into it to reveal Jesus you already have the victory.” - F. Lugo 10/17/14
280. “‘The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.’ What is this desperation?  The need to know their true selves and in Whom they can know who they are.”- F. Lugo 10/18/14 (inspired by a quote from Henry David Thoreau and Acts 17:16-34)
281. “To the Christian, if God is dead to this world we aren’t good evidence, but if He be alive, let us be that evidence!” - F. Lugo 10/18/14 My Conviction.
282. “We may very well find ourselves in times of anger and exhaustion and losing our temper with others even ourselves. When such times come and we can not find the strength to bless our selves, let us gain strength by never stopping to bless others, even if that other, boils down to one.” - F. Lugo 10/20/14 (inspired by my refusal to help Jackie with getting Jake out of the tree and my frustration with uncle Chiqui and his lack of adopting a sense of urgency and the goodness that came out of blessing Mishel with a prayer that was Spirit lead. Thank you Jesus!)
283. “A married man with wandering eyes and a loose tongue is like a fire burning out of control—No good comes out of it!” - F. Lugo 10/21/14 (inspired by my witnessing a married man stop and say to another woman, ‘you have such an attractive face. You could be a model,’ then ask others what they thought of her. And earlier, witnessing a married man look at a woman walking and noticing her figure and the way she walked and said, "Now I feel like walking!” Then he laughed about it with another man).
And among all the parts of the body, the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself. People can tame all kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and fish, but no one can tame the tongue. It is restless and evil, full of deadly poison. (James 3:6-8 NLT)
284. “Let us remedy this corruption we experience with our tongue that knows hellfire. Let us be quick to listen and slow to speak and slow to grow vengeful in our anger. Amen.” - F. Lugo 10/21/14
285. “What is this ‘quick to listen’ that we take in? Surely it is to heed the Word of God that gives us wise direction in every season (2 Peter 1:19-21; 2 Timothy 3:16-17).” - F. Lugo 10/21/14
286. “We hear ‘oh, how precious this life is’ at the birth of a child. We hear, ‘oh, how precious this life is’ when someone dies. But we rarely hear, “Oh, how precious the life to come is.” Let this life that is temporary, be the life we make sure we’re living in preparation for the permanent and not merely embracing the temporary.” - F. Lugo 10/21/14
287. “You be up in the club taking double shots of PatrĂ³n, like, "You only live once, let’s keep the party going!" I be like, “been there done that. Let’s take double shots of cutting that ego down. I’m not trying live up this life, I’m trying to live forever, like Jesus!”” - F. Lugo 10/21/14
288. “Flattery will get you everywhere with a weak man and no where with a strong man.” - F. Lugo
289. “What is that faith I have in Jesus as Lord. If compared to a slice of cheese, is my faith like swiss cheese (full of holes) or like super sharp cheddar cheese (strong, firm and possessing a poignant aroma)?” - F. Lugo 10/22/14
My faith, my argument, my witness, my testimony, my confession of Jesus Christ as Lord cannot have holes. O Lord, I ask you to fill every hole, so that I will rise up to be the greatest defender and proclaimer of Jesus Christ as Lord and God. Amen.
290. “It amazes me how our ears and eyes are quite the valuable commodity. What we allow them to behold will make all the difference.” - F. Lugo 10/22/14 
291. “So powerful are my simple prayers, that even being written down, they are so.” - F. Lugo 10/23/14
292. “There’s power in doubtless prayer.” - F. Lugo 10/23/14
293. “My words whether from my mouth or by my pen, will always supersede mere preaching, to be a truth you can lean on whether you experience good or bad times. That’s a promise!” - F. Lugo 10/24/14
294. “This we can be sure of: We are the masters of our own choosing and we choose what we want others to bear witness to.” - F. Lugo 10/24/14
295. “He begins well, that begins with God. Let us not complain to serve God out of what we have and moreover, by His grace, what we are given. Serving God with our little is the way to make it more; we must never think that things are wasted when they’re used in that appropriate manner to honor God with it.” - F. Lugo  10/27/14 (inspired by Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary (http://biblehub.com/genesis/8-20.htm) on Genesis 8:20).
296. “We have but only one life to live. Let us not spend it thinking about frivolous ways on how to get money and what to spend it on.” - F. Lugo 10/29/14
297. “Money means more to me than ever before. Money is twofold: To honor the Lord with it and to bless the nations in the name of the Lord.” - F. Lugo 10/29/14
298. “There are two things people ought to be concerned with concerning money: God’s house and His heart. Out of these two flow every other blessing.” - F. Lugo 10/29/14

299. “The Law is to keep us out of harms way and out of trouble. It’s not there to hassle us. Obey the law.” - F. Lugo 11/4/14

Work Ethic:
300. “If you are paid to do a job, that doesn’t include slacking off and cutting corners. The pay is for accomplishing all the facets pertaining to your job description and nothing less will do.” - F. Lugo  

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