Monday, February 17, 2014

The Friend I desperately need to know!

“I don’t want us to be friends that only call and speak to each other to tell our problems to. I want us to be friends because we love each other.” — Francesca Vittoria

Those words are so powerful to me. The Word of God says perfect loves cast out all fear, and that love covers a multitude of sins. Right now, God’s Word speaks to me two things, and I thank God Almighty, that I now have the privilege and honor, to invite you into my HEART...

1. Friends do speak to each other and PRAY for each other about the problems and sins they are experiencing or committing or committed as it states in (James 5:15-16).

And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. 
(James 5:15-16 NIV)

2. The love of a friend is like a blanket and a remedy. Whether it is a smile to greet each other to show we are happy to see the other. A hug to show we care. A call to reach out and let the other person know they’re important. Even time spent together to catch up and vibe off of each others energy. The love we can experience in Jesus for one another can be a powerful thing that can be used for good.

All this came out of a deep need. This deep need is not merely defined as friendship but more gloriously as fellowship. This fellowship is not merely between a friend but more gloriously between the Lord Jesus and I. Desperation set in. A deep need has been made known. A thirst that cannot be quenched by any human being but that of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Yes! I need this deep fellowship for I am once again at a crossroads—This crossroads has me looking at life and death to be in the balance. Now, life and death is gloriously made known through the power of Gods Word.

Therefore, in speech I am in need of the Lord. In utterance I am in need of the Lord. In dialogue I am in need of the Lord. In thought I am in need of the Lord. As I hear and I faithfully and accurately write, I am in need of the Lord. Once again, the very breath of the Creator God who is Lord of heaven and all the earth formed all of Creation and gave life to mankind and made him a living, pulsating and active being, therefore, in all my actions, I am desperately needing to experience fellowship with the Lord!

Beloved, this I write you, is no mere writing to be read and cast to the wayside or dismissed entirely. This I write that not only I but you my audience would come to know that there is a friendship; a fellowship that will surpass every friendship you have ever known. This friendship; this fellowship, I have come to know personally, intimately and powerfully for the last four years and continue more and more to desperately need to know more and more personally, intimately and powerfully, is the same One I pray, you too, will come to know above all things and all else. May the words I write you; the words I cry out to you, these pleading words that are in my heart and calling out to you from the deep recesses of my soul, will become your saving grace...for in grace by faith one is befriended; one comes to have fellowship; one is saved when they call on the glorious name of Jesus who reveals God Himself! Amen.

As always...YOU ARE LOVED.

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