Friday, April 19, 2013

Be willing: Go on the Journey

The journey less traveled, is the journey of the straight and narrow

“I don’t worry about running out of material to write about because I am not your ordinary author. I am the transcribing author of all authors— The Holy Spirit! This is the declaration from heaven: ‘Till the last breath goes from me, He will have something to say to be heard.’ Amen!” — F. Lugo/The Lord Jesus Christ/The Holy Spirit

With that being declared, I now invite you into my HEART...

I have been told, “stop writing in your blog, on Facebook and on Twitter and simply focus on writing your book.” The problem with that, is that it really doesn’t pertain to me as a writer. I say this, because it wasn’t I who decided to start this writing ministry. It was the Holy Spirit who gave birth to a God-given dream inside of me that would reach millions for Jesus Christ. Amen.

Beloved, the title of this post came from a conversation I had with a young pastor early in the morning today (being April 19, 2013) concerning his thoughts of starting his own blog/website and not wanting to duplicate the same mistakes we his contemporaries have made. Such a conversation was birthed out of his question to me, “Still writing?”

As I shared that I would be submitting my first outline on May 9, 2013 to Thomas Nelson one of the biggest Christian publishing companies (by way of Westbow Press a sister company that solely focuses on Christian literature from the new author), I shared with him that one of my great joys was rereading original works written when I first started the writing ministry the Lord revealed to me in a vision.

I went on to share that the first works were filled with typos and run on sentences and such things of that nature. His response to that, was a common one. He wanted to avoid such mistakes.

11 hours later from that conversation in which I thank the Lord Jesus for, I am writing this to you now. This will be a writing of encouragement to the new writer, new author and an edifying blessing to all.

I would like to thank the Holy Spirit for such words. As He hears and declares, I hear and declare. Amen!

This was the revelation given to me concerning willingness and going on a journey. “It isn’t about avoiding previous mistakes though you can gain wisdom, insight and discernment on going about such things. But it is gloriously about and will always be about discovery— of yourself, your God and your heavenward calling in Christ Jesus.” Amen.

We shouldn’t merely look to others to avoid their mistakes as that is the biggest piece of the journey— It’s personal and intimate. My mistakes are mine to be made. Surely I can look at others and take from their experiences and learn from them and if possible, avoid unnecessary heartache and pain, but mistakes are inevitable as we are human beings called into the ministry of God Himself. It’s impossible for us as human beings though made new in Christ, to perfect such work, but it is possible with God to perfect His work in us and through us. Amen.

Click the above link and receive the blessing

As I was preparing to place the above link (in which must be read to fully grasp the blessing of these words to follow) to the holy scripture the Holy Spirit reminded me of, I was going to choose two chapters, but as I began to reread them something dawned on me: One chapter would do. Also, we in the 21st Century are not the original disciples nor original apostles, but are their successors. Amen. However, to get a greater grasp on what Jesus was doing you can read the chapter before as well.

In the link above we are shown a picture. A group of people sent out with detailed instructions from the Lord Jesus. Today I am presented with something new and you will to. The detailed instructions from the Lord Jesus are scary and leave us with practically ourselves and what we have learned thus far from the Lord to work with. Here’s that “new thing.” The Holy Spirit revealed to me that the instructions caused the disciples to rely not on themselves but solely on their faith and trust in the Lord and who He said He was and what He said He Himself gave them. Hallelujah!

I say hallelujah and amen, as this new thing, speaks to me as a writer who was willing to go on the journey the Lord Jesus Himself desired for me (though I had no formal training or education on being a writer let alone upholding a writing ministry for the cause of Christ unto salvation), so much so He was willing to reveal it in a dramatic — and may I add —extravagant fashion. Amen!


The vision given to me that I received came not in a far off place that seemed majestic and holy. It was in my apartment back in 2010. I was sitting and looking out of my living room window as was a great enjoyment to me to see the lake and the different kinds of birds that would congregate there. I would read from my Bible and write as the Holy Spirit lead me and inspired me to write. And from one moment to the next, I was seeing things that were not outside nor inside but elsewhere. I was sitting on top of a rusty broken down car and I was very still and calm. This was quite amazing for me to see as there was a whirlwind that was spinning violently next to me. As I looked at the whirlwind (tornado) there were jagged knives circulating about within it. This whirlwind was so close to me it should have sliced me all up and further more, sucked me into it but amazingly so it could not! I remained seated and still with great peace and confidence.

The next thing I saw, was myself now no longer sitting on top of the rusty broken down car, but now the car was sliced evenly down the center, and there was like a chasm; a separation between the two halves. On the right side I was inside the car and on the left side inside the car was three demons. I without hesitation jumped into the left side and started to with a mighty forward thrusting motion (and this is the really weird part) swing my iPhone at the heads of the demons.

When the vision was over and I was back in my living room, sitting down and staring out the window, the Lord said this to me, “Now you will start your writing ministry and it shall be called ‘Ministry in Technology’ where you will use what the enemy meant for bad and use it for good.” Amen Lord Jesus!

So here’s the encouragement. If you are fearful of making mistakes, don’t be. It’s part of the beautiful journey. If you are concerned about making mistakes, that’s fine, it’s part of the makeup of humanity. However, if fear and concern keep you from doing what God and God alone has clearly laid before you for your life, that just won’t do!

Beloved, solely be willing to move forward as He commands and instructs you, and rejoice because it is His calling for you and He will not fail you! God will do extraordinary things in you and through you in which will have an eternal impact on a scale you could not fathom in your wildest dreams.

Be inspired. Be confident in your heavenward calling given to you by your great God and Savior. Reach further— Trust the Lord more.

As always... YOU ARE LOVED.

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