Thursday, January 24, 2013

Is my body God’s temple?

Beloved, God has been building me up for something great and He has been revealing much of Himself to me and in the process showing me who I truly am and where I stand. This is the great challenge I am faced with. This challenge I also extend to you. The applications of the words to follow are much greater and go way further than being a Christian, a Christ follower, but they show the innermost being and intention of how a man views a woman in marriage and the female gender; how a woman views a man in marriage and the male gender; how men and women view Jesus and the way Jesus views us. I prayed and will pray, that your heart, mind, body and soul will absolutely be prepared by God to receive this message from His very heart. With that being said, I now invite you into my HEART...

Five verses in the Holy texts are eye-popping with challenge at this moment in my walk with the Lord, like none other.

1. “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 emphasis added)

2. “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple (this very sacred dwelling place) you are.” (1 Corinthians 3:16-17 emphasis added)

3. Foods for the stomach and the stomach for foods, but God will destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.” (1 Corinthians 6:13 emphasis added)

Beloved, if Jesus is Lord, and we have indeed received Him and placed our trust in Him confessing that He is our (making it a personal and meaningful relationship) Lord and Savior, we have come to know that our bodies were bought at such a high price by the Lord. He gave His very body; His very life in exchange for ours!

If this is a truth we stand on, then we must know that our bodies are no longer ours, but His! They belong to Him and are freely His to do as He pleases. If that is a truth we have further embraced and now stand on, then we must further acknowledge that as this very temple of God, the way we present ourselves; our bodies is directly in proportion to our love for our Lord; our King, God and Savior Jesus Christ.

If we are standing firm on this truth as well, then as the body of Christ, the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, the way we dress, the way we adorn ourselves, the manner in which we look at things and people and speak of them, the way we touch ourselves and others is directly proportional to the way we honor our Lord and King as our head.

This truth, we must all stand on, speaks volumes towards the way we touch Christ. As we touch ourselves, we touch Christ, for we who have believed and received Him by faith are the very body of Christ; His Church (His temple and dwelling place of service and worship to Him and Him alone) and the body is His and belongs to Him and only Him!

In the manner we look at things and others (lustfully or respectfully) says a great deal of our relationship with Christ (as He is the bridegroom and we are His bride). If He, The Lord Jesus, indeed has say over us and we abide under His authority and rule as head over us, we must submit to Him and all that He says. If indeed Jesus is our Lord and He is indeed residing and ruling over His temple; His home, our bodies, then the anointing of the Holy Spirit rests on us, and the enemy that seeks for us to defile ourselves and indeed be destroyed by God, flees from us and doesn’t ensnare us, causing us to stumble over our same sin.

As this truth became aware to me and I stood in the witness and testimony before heaven (knowing the earth too would bear witness to a victory to His praise and glory or a defeat leading to disgrace and destruction) as now being educated, I stood in awe over this beautiful and awesome (extremely scary) thought: If Jesus is my Lord, I do not defile myself by the way I touch myself. If Jesus is my Lord, I will not defile others in the manner I touch them. If Jesus is my Lord, I will not covet other things or people. If Jesus is my Lord, He has the right to do as He pleases with my body; with my life— with my very soul. If Jesus is my Lord, and my body is now a temple where the Holy Spirit dwells, I must ask the Holy Spirit, if what I wear and do is pleasing to Him. If Jesus is my Lord, I will own up to the fact that I am His and He is mine, and my body is no longer my own, but His dwelling place where He resides and His rule and authority abide. Amen.

Late into the night (1/22/13), These questions sprung from the depths of me:

1. What is a temple?
2. What is a dwelling place?
3. What is a sanctuary?
4. What is covenant?
5. What is dowry (reward)?

1. A temple is a place dedicated to the service of worship.
2. A dwelling place is somewhere you live in; a place of residence; an abode; your home.
3. A sanctuary is a sacred or holy place; a place of refuge.
4. A covenant is a solemn oath that is legally (or by blood) binding between two or more persons to do or not to do something specified.
5. A dowry (reward) is the money, goods, or estate that a wife brings to her husband at a marriage. A dower, is the portion of a deceased husband’s real property allowed to his widow for her lifetime.

As I looked at the above five questions, a great and amazing picture of Jesus and the Church started to become more clearer and more vivid to me than ever before. The picture of the way I viewed the Lord Jesus, and the way He viewed me, became more real and convicting than ever before.

Upon the above definitions and answers to the five questions, I plugged them into my place as a member of the Church; Christ’ body; the temple and dwelling place of the Holy Spirit:

•I as His temple must dedicate myself to the service of worshiping my King Jesus.
•I must take pride in being the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, and make sure that I am adorned beautifully both inside and out to His liking, specifications and good pleasure.
•In being a sanctuary where the Most High dwells, I am to set myself apart from anything that seeks to defile me and my very special, one of-a-kind relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
•Upon acknowledging Jesus as my Lord and Savior and following Him in baptism, (I have and must view my new everlasting relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ as a solemn oath that is legally binding by His blood that was spilled for me, and has cleansed me of all unrighteousness) I have been identified in His death and resurrection positioning myself to be where He is at. Amen.
•As a dowry (or reward) for what lavish love the Lord Jesus Christ showered me with (in giving His dower for me) on His Cross by surrendering His life willingly up for me, He gets all of me— I am His in sickness and in health. In the good and the bad. In my bodily death, and in my eternal life with Him later. Amen.

I know what you are taking in, is much to consider, pray over, to meditate in and come to that place with God and by God alone as you seek Him out. When this becomes your truth it will revolutionize your relationships with people, your marriages, and above all, your life now and forever with the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. As I have said before and I will continue to say, God is faithful, and for the one who truly is willing to draw near to Him, counting the cost of such a miraculous and divine love, they will indeed find it, receive it and abide in it forever! Amen. 

Beloved, I must always lead by example for this is the will of God for my life. I confess that I am a man, whom much of his life lacked proper motivation, and it would take a great considerable time to get me motivated and going, but God is faithful in that, once I’m motivated, once I’m going, I’m like a freight train that is not easily stopped. Amen.

Even now, I shake my head in amazement over this truth “Is my body His temple?” Although it was made clear to me I have not fully attained that prestigious role, as it was with the ancients building the Lord God His dwelling place, a specific time of construction to His plans, measurements and liking, I know I too, just as you if you are willing, will become that beautifully adorned palace that the Lord Jesus Christ will receive as His dwelling place with delight for His good pleasure. Amen! I desire for my rejoicing to reach the heavens and fill this earth, in that it becomes my truth as I am honoring the Lord my God and Savior with my body in all ways to His liking and not just in some ways to my liking. Amen.

I ask myself this question and to my great shame, the answer was not good nor was it pleasing to God. I ask this same question for your honest answer to the Lord Jesus: Where do you stand in presenting your body as His temple? Is it solely for Him and the things He desires for it to be used for, or to please your cravings and lustful desires?

We may not all give into lust, but many of us may give into the temptation of over indulging and living to eat rather than eating to live. This I know and trust in, it is the Lord Jesus Christ who has died for me; for us! And as being rightfully His, He alone is able to cleanse us, sanctify us and prepare us as a pleasing and spotless dwelling for Him to abide with and in. I’m leaning on that truth. Amen.

As always... YOU ARE LOVED.

1 comment:

  1. Beloved, this may seem weird, as you may be thinking ‘why is the author of the post leaving a comment on his own post?’

    I certainly typed up the words you read, but truly, the words are literally from God’s heart and what I do is absolutely a great privilege and honor and immensely rewarding responsibility— I get to transcribed God’s heart on paper, on screen to send to all the precious hearts and souls of the world. Amazing isn’t it?!

    I felt greatly lead to leave this response in hopes of once again leading by example, that others will humbly follow. Upon reading and rereading and rereading multiple times this message from God’s heart to make sure I didn’t present any typos but exactly what God revealed to me, I was greatly challenged and greatly troubled by the words I was reading and now taking in.

    The message was the most challenging step I’ve encountered with the Lord Jesus thus far. After the initial shock of this message from God’s heart, God said to me, “This is exactly what you have been praying for— to know Me more intimately and personally like never before.”

    Beloved, God said to me directly word for word, what I have been pleading to Him going on months and months now with weeping and wailing both in body and in spirit for. Why is it when we are believing in God for something and then He is faithful to do it, we are astonished in amazement to receive exactly what we had asked Him for? I don’t know. But this I know, I knew what I was asking for was going to be challenging, as I would say ‘at all cost, I need to know you Lord!’

    I have never desired anything with such an intensity like knowing my God. I have witnessed many things of myself that have changed and transformed. From the way I think and feel, to what truly matters to me and captivates my heart. I have stopped engaging in many things that were hurting me and hurting others in the process, and I continue to experience this daily. God truly transforms sinners into saints. If it were not so, I would not have said it. Amen.

    The Lord be with you, strengthening you on your continual journey with Him. Remember, it may become very hard at times to follow Jesus, but allow these words to sink into your soul and bones, “It’s worth it!”

    As always beloved... YOU ARE LOVED.
