Friday, September 21, 2012

Hard Like Rock... Soft Like Clay

“Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.” (Isaiah 64:8 NIV)

I say Amen. Beloved, today’s post speaks to PURPOSE. Many of us may walk around in our day as insignificant individuals, so much so, we may very well see ourselves as a small ant or a fading shadow, but God is faithful, and He has appointed me to encourage and inspire a great many. So take courage today, and as you read on, know that YOU ARE LOVED.

I remember using clay back in kindergarten or first grade, and it was a dark orange/brown color and came wrapped in wax paper. It wasn’t the play-doh kids use today. It was the real deal clay that artists/potters used to model with.

I remember if it wasn’t kept in the wax paper it came wrapped securely in and put away, left to the open elements it would hardened like rock and crack (what an ugly sight), but praise the Lord for the Spirit, for this memory as I am remembering comes to me now. Amen.

When we would wet the hard rock; that solid clay with water it would soften up again. A little bit of water would bring the clays natural texture back, but a lot of water would bring the clay back to LIFE! Back to being able to be used, being moldable again, and although we were little children, we were the potter and that clay in our hands was made to exactly as we intended for it to be.

Just as the hardened and cracked clay needed to be placed under water, we too, being exposed to this world, hardened by lifes harshness and abuse need to be IMMERSED in Jesus... The Living Water

Truly, God is the potter and we are the clay. Anyone who has worked with potters clay knows that you don’t add to the clay, but you remove the inessential parts that’s not needed for the sculpture you have envisioned beforehand to become a REALITY, something that can be seen as a MASTERPIECE. Amen.

So as my friend and brother in Christ (Noe) inspired me today with the devotion he sent me, as it spoke in the devotion, know that being in the Word; The Word being Jesus, is exactly how we remain immersed in water... Everlasting life giving water, as Jesus offers the living water (John 4:14), and if we drink from what He offers us we will have EVERLASTING life, but He also said remain in Me and I in you, and you will bear much fruit as apart from Me you can do nothing. (John 15:5)

Let us not only draw near to the Lord Jesus Christ, but enter into Him in prayer, in meditating in His Word daily, whether seated, laying down, walking, jogging, running, cycling, driving, eating, talking, and in what we do for others, and we will witness God removing those inessential parts that are unneeded, and soften those rock hard cracked places in our lives, in our minds, in our hearts, from our past, in our relationships both past and present, and become useable for His glory, and begin to experience a fulfilling life that’s satisfying to our soul; that gives us absolute purpose. Amen!

Beloved, God’s plan far exceeds our plan. Not in that we have nothing significant going on (but what is significant unless it produces life and not death), but that His plan will not only increase our significance but allow many others to know they are significant as well simply by the plan God has unfolding like a beautiful flower in the spring time for you and I. Amen.

I’m fired up for what God has planned for me. I’m fired up for what God has planned for YOU! I’m fired up for continuing the Lord’s point-of-need ministry in going out to the people. I’m fired up for the writings God inspires me to write. For the people He inspires me to encourage that also become inspired, for the lives that change just by the plan He unfolds for my life, and that is ABSOLUTELY what God; the Potter, has in store for YOU!

Amen to that Lord Jesus! Amen.

Let us pray:

Faithful God we praise You, how You are always near. 
Faithful God we confess to You, we need You now more than ever. 
Faithful God we thank You. How wonderful You always are. 
Faithful God we seek You, may Your Spirit move through us with precision once again making us soft as clay. 
Faithful God we love You, may we forever obey Your faithful commands. 
In Jesus name, we pray. Amen!

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