Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Awakening: Asking For The Holy Spirit

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14 NKJV)

Awakening (defined by rousing; quickening; the act of awaking from sleep; a revival of interest or attention; a recognition, realization, or coming into awareness of something; a renewal of interest in religion, especially in a community; a revival.

Father, Your Son said to us, how much more would your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him! (Luke 11:13)


And so I ask!

Father in this moment and in this hour, we ask for an awakening.

You and You alone My God, can bring alive in me the desire to do Your will.

I am asleep My God! Awake my soul Father, awake my soul that it would sing to Your glory, to Your praise... O LORD, and bring awakening!

An awakening of Your Love.
An awakening of Your Grace.
An awakening of Your Truth.
An awakening of Your Peace.
An awakening of Your Faith.
An awakening of Your Justice.
An awakening of Your Joy.
An awakening of Your Compassion.
An awakening of Your Mercy.
An awakening of Your Power.
An awakening of Your Authority.
An awakening of Your Word.
An awakening of Your Selflessness.
An awakening of Your Calling.
An awakening of Your Holiness.
An awakening of Your Purpose.
An awakening of Your imminent Return.
An awakening of Your Presence.
An awakening of Your Glory.
An awakening of Your Praise.
An awakening of Your Majesty.
An awakening of Your Son Jesus.
An awakening of Your Forgiveness.
An awakening of Your Salvation.
An awakening of Your Holy Spirit.
An awakening of Your Faithfulness!

Beautiful Father a moment with You, brings awakening. 
A moment with You brings revival. 
A moment with You brings resounding beauty. 
A moment with You captivates a nation. 
A moment with You brings death to life! 
A moment with You My Great God! Sets the heart on fire to greatly know You! 
A moment with You breaks the chains of bondage that a lifetime of pain, hurt, anger and hate has brought upon us. You My Amazing God are faithful! 
A moment with You! Is a moment we all need. 
A moment with You brings us to our knees. 
A moment with You has us trembling uncontrollably, as a moment with You is to be in Your loving presence and embrace! 
Yes! Father of Glory! A moment with You we need. 
O Beautiful Father of Compassion and amazing God of comfort, how we need Your Spirit of Holiness to bring AWAKENING!

How I praise You O Holy One! You are to be greatly praised! From the time I awake I shall praise You for You have given me the breath of Life!

Yes Loving Father, who compares to You My Great God?! No one! No one comes close. Your grace and mercies fill the whole earth. Your grace and mercies brought a swarming of life to the sea! Animals of the greatest imagination to inhabit the land! And the flying birds of the sky to captivate the imagination of nations! Yes! You My God and My King! You alone did this. Glory and praise and honor and dominion and majesty belong to You and You alone! You are greatly to be praised! O Father... bring AWAKENING!

Who am I to receive such unconditional love?! But You Glorious Father, have showed that I am a priceless part of Your Heart in that You sent Your one and only Son Jesus, to die for me! That I should not perish but have everlasting life! And this life O Father, My Precious Father, is a Light!

This True Light gives light to everyone that is coming into the world... This is life! And we have seen His glory! And this glory is from the Son of God... Jesus! Who is full of grace and Truth! Amen!

Truly, truly My Father and Great God! You knew this love of Yours, and You choose to give it to us before the foundations of the earth were formed! That we too, would love and give it to others.

Father... O Father! How I ask to be filled with Your Love. Your Power, and Authority. That I would speak to the nations of Your Everlasting Love!

Father... O Father! How I ask that my heart break for the things Your heart breaks for. That I would be moved by what moves You. That I would mourn what Your love is needed for. That I would have compassion and bring comforting to others as You have had compassion and comforted me!

Father... Glorious Father. I thank You that You always hear me. I know You hear me now. Let Your Son rise in me, and bring Awakening to my soul, that I would always sing from my life...

Your will be done... Your will be done in me.

Father, this I have received and believed. That Your Son came into the world, and as many that received Him, to them! He gave the right to become children of God. To those who believed in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

Father, it’s my heart’s desire, and I pray now, that to all who receive Your Son and obey His Word, they would receive the Holy Spirit, and as You did My Precious Father through Your Son... Start to boldly bring awakening. In Jesus precious name, I pray. Amen.

Beloved... BELIEVE and ask for AWAKENING!

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