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"Your mourning will be comforted" |
I thought it would be fitting to start Part 2 going right into the verse in which we will experience what God had to share with me on this subject. If you haven't read Part 1 yet, (click here).
"Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted." (Matthew 5:4)
All to often I desire to be happy, happy, happy and I've notice through great pain and suffering that happiness simply doesn't result from wanting it, but desiring for others to have it. Sounds nuts right?! That's what I've come to know as a paradox when it comes to kingdom living. The kingdom of God isn't about the "Me attitude" but the "They Attitude." It's not about what you have, but what you will give them. Certainly I share this with you with two very distinct perspectives I have had the privilege and honor to experience. I have experienced being all about me in which lead to great pain and suffering, and I'm gratefully experiencing all about Them now in which has filled me with a joy the surpasses all things. It's not easy to live a life desiring to help with the concerns of others especially when this world is hard-wired to advertise endlessly to us the concerns of ME.
This is why I am so thankful to God for these beautiful words depicting the ALL ABOUT THEY ATTITUDE that are an absolute truth, "But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8 NKJV).
If it wasn't for God's attitude to be about others and not Himself, we would all certainly be living in an even greater world of hurt that would remain lost forever. To that we can certainly shout all thanks and praise be to God! Amen.
As I asked God to give me those impacting words to share with you, I am always glad he hears the prayers of His children and is so amazing to help us in times of need. My beloved (Olimka Mishel Estrada), shared with me something that was on her heart and a prayer she prayed for those who have recently lost their lives in the Midwest due to tornadoes, in which a news source I researched said, "The catastrophic storms claimed at least 37 lives in Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio, the three states hit the hardest, according to The Wall Street Journal."
Here is that prayer:
Father, I come to you with tears in my eyes as I see so much devastation due to the tornadoes that have taken lives. My heart is heavy not because of the material things that were lost but of the lives that were taken. Heavenly Father you know how it feels there is nothing that is hidden from you. Bring comfort to those hearts that are crushed and feel like pieces are yanked from their heart. Wrap your arms around them, and carry them through. Carry them please as they may be feeling weak and lifeless. I feel the pain too Lord as they are our brothers and sisters that have departed in the most hardest way. To those that didn't have time to hear I love you, I believe in you, thank you, you are forgiven, you are loved. That we may learn that tomorrow is never promised and that I Lord, I never get comfortable in being familiar.
I pray in Jesus name, Amen
I pray in Jesus name, Amen
Amen to that! As I take in those words above I reflect on the Lord's words to us, Blessed are those who mourn and how crazy it sounds to to blessed to be mournful, but it isn't the act of crying over lost that is the blessing, but rather the position of our heart's desire to receive comforting. Therefore, how we can certainly rejoice when we take in, look to God, cry out to Jesus and believe in the second portion of His promise, For they shall be comforted. Amen.
When I woke up this morning I woke up with these words in my heart singing, "Safe in His arms." God being the great comforter He is, place these words of promise into me to share with you all concerning and pertaining to His comforting love to all those who mourn over hurt, lost and especially to this world and the need of the Savior, "If it wasn't so I would have told you." Then I was reminded and lead to His Word where we are invited to embrace Salvation through the life and name of Jesus; the Son of God- "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved." (Romans 10:9-10 NKJV)
My pastor courageously shared the above message of hope with the congregation last Sunday. He said something so amazingly true yet saddening at the same time, 'Something so easy as speaking from our mouths our confession that Jesus is Lord tends to be so hard for us. If it was harder somehow we would believe it more, but being so easy we don't believe it.'
Beloved, I believe I have shared everything that God placed into my heart to share with all of you in part 2 of a "Beautiful Attitude", and I will leave you with this, allow your mourning to be turned to endless joy by believing and receiving the free gift of Salvation by confessing Jesus is Lord and believing in your hearts His death and resurrection was for your eternity to never again be filled with sorrow. Amen.
As always...YOU ARE LOVED.
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