Tuesday, August 6, 2013

BOOST!: The Generous Heart (part 2 of 2)

“The generous heart doesn’t give from excess but abundance.”

It is always wise to heed the words from those who have a wider view of a perspective from the outside who know you and who are consistent examples of what they will speak to you about. With that said, I now invite you into my HEART...

Today the generous heart is on the table to be examined. The generous heart doesn’t worry if there is enough or is concerned with having just enough. No! The generous heart gives extravagantly and abundantly as it knows all its needs are supplied.

For the Word of God declares thus: “And my God will supply all your needs from the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.” Amen.

Generosity isn’t a tricky thing, however it’s certainly a trust thing. Trusting your source of provision is everything! The one who trusts their source of provision gives abundantly and extravagantly no matter what their current state or surroundings are telling them. 

I want this to be clear, tithing isn’t about generosity— it’s a command. Giving an offering freely of your own will is!

Budgeting and setting priorities is an excellent thing, but it should never supersede generosity. God doesn’t present an opportunity to be generous based on your circumstances and limitations. He presents opportunities to be generous based on His limitless glory. If God is your source of provision, you wouldn’t worry if you have only enough to pay your bills as you have budgeted yourself. You would give generously when the opportunities are presented, and furthermore, you would be praying for opportunities to be generous as generosity is the core of God’s heart!

God did not send His very Son to die for the sins of the world, with this thought: “I’m not sure if I can afford to let my only Son die.” A loving God who is rich in mercy sent His only Son to die to free us, because He knew generosity breathes life! Amen.

Beloved, let not your surroundings dictate your actions. Let not your past dictate your present and future. Let not your upbringing dictate your actions.

I say such, as many, such as myself, have come from homes and families where money is the epicenter of everything. The sun rises and sets on money. The question of, “Will we have enough?” Consumes the thoughts of all. Budgeting to only pay bills and work for another paycheck is the heartbeat of the family.

But this isn’t the case according to the riches of God’s glory in Christ Jesus. God is not on a budget with us but He freely gives, however, God is looking for the person who is willing to freely give generously because they trust Him and believe what He says He will do, He will do! This doesn’t come easy— it comes with trust.

I often hear people complaining about having only enough, yet their ratio of worry and only working to pay bills to giving generously financially is completely off.

If we want to experience the abundance of God, we need only believe and give generously. Through repetition, on our behalf and on His behalf, it becomes our truth. Let this not remain some loose theory but a consistent truth through implementation and practice. There will always be an opportunity to give, but just as it was with a thankful heart [link to part 1], so it is with a generous heart... At first, it is hard but then there will be abundance and a bubbling to the surface that will infect everything with goodness. 

I am thankful to God for supplying all my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. That is one less worry for me! This doesn’t mean it comes easy, but when did building trust come easy? I am also thankful for now having a generous heart and being a consistent example of generosity to all. God is my source of provision and since He is always giving and exudes generosity, so will I. Amen.

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