Saturday, April 6, 2013

My Revelation of the “Burning Bush”: A Terrible Dream

Beloved, what I now share with you is not for the faint at heart, but for the soul that craves God above all else! I add this extended introduction now (being April 4, 2013) as I originally was lead and inspired by the Spirit of God to write this revelation from a terrible dream I had on (February 8, 2013) concerning a people, a generation that is wicked, unholy, compromising and unwilling to love God as He loves us, in that God gave me this dream, to be received in the first person. With that said, I now invite you into my HEART...

It started with a terrible dream the Lord God gave me that was honestly about unfaithfulness, lying, deceiving, plotting, scheming, cover up and falling short of what love demands of me. From such an alarming dream, it went to a list of things that I wrote in my compromised position to protect myself from furthering myself as a man of unfaithfulness. This is the list that I wrote down that I could remember from the dream:

1. #1 Rule: Protect yourself at all times: Guard your heart above all else (with your mouse click here)— Never be alone with attractive women.

2. Keep yourself pure (thoughts, words, actions) —> thoughts = intentions & motives that govern your speech and actions.

3. #1 ally is trust and patience (by listening to God first and then responding with open, honest and peaceful communication).

The above list, can be further embraced by these glorious words found in the book of wisdom and the book of James (with your mouse click here).

From such a dream and from such a list it went to thinking how the enemy cannot read my mind (based on scripture in Job 1:11), but to get the whole context (with your mouse click here). So, I realized it isn’t the enemy who plays tricks on my mind— It’s me! All Satan can do is suggest to me that which isn’t pleasing to God in such a manner if in a weaken state I will choose it over obedience to God (with your mouse click here), as it is found and understood in the whole context of Genesis chapter 2 and 3. By such a revelation coming to me by this dream, this stark reality was very troubling. I myself, could think very vile thoughts of unfaithfulness that would lead me to becoming compromised. I myself, could plot and scheme not because Satan placed it into my mind (as when he lied and manipulated Eve, by perverting the Word of the Lord God, they were still in their original image; that is, the likeness of God) but because I choose to do so.


That further lead me to reflect on how we are to be holy and perfect as God alone is holy. And in such truth I extend to you the holy texts that declare in response to God’s love such received truth (see here).

That lead me to further reflect on the Lord God responding to Moses’ question of what to tell His people when they asked who sent him, and the Lord God said to tell them that, “I AM has sent me to you” (Exodus 3:14).

When I think of how the Lord made Himself known; how He introduced (declared) Himself to Moses as “I AM WHO I AM” the Lord showed me in this very instance that He is uncompromising; unwavering in His faithfulness to me, and I should be as well.

That humbled me, and even now it humbles me and causes me to tremble and tear, and by such humility before a perfect, holy and sovereign God this is the testimony of my flaesh I am not faithful to my Lord. I am compromising of my loyalty and love towards Him. I have no excuse and my actions have justified my falling short of being set apart for Him as He is set apart for me!

As I thought of the way I view women, and one woman in particular, I asked myself this, “How can I see God as expecting anything less, if I don’t expect anything less than perfect? I want a woman’s body to look a certain way. I want this woman to act a certain way; carry themselves a certain way. I desire for this woman to be uncompromising in her loyalty to me. To love me. To respect and honor me— to worship me. That is exactly what I’m saying and desiring of this woman. Perfection in the way she responds to me, but that also means such perfection should be my initial response to her!

The Lord’s initial response is perfection and holiness to me and to all. Why am I not responding in like manner? Yes, perfection is demanded. Such words that encourage and admonish us are located (here).

Every time I eat fried food and gain weight, I am not responding in like manner. Every time I get drunk with alcohol I am not responding in like manner. Every time I am unfaithful even in my thoughts or lusting after someone in my thoughts I am not responding in like manner! Whatever it is that causes me to stumble and stray away from the way God presents Himself to me, causes me to present myself in a manner that isn’t pleasing to Him.

To desire to be desired by someone else or to desire someone else, rather than knowing I am indeed desired by this particular woman and desiring that particular woman, shows my willingness to be compromising in my faithfulness and my loyalty towards her and moreover, my unfaithfulness and disloyalty to the Lord— That is not love!

I am ashamed of my weakness. I am ashamed of my willingness to compromise a love that is UNPRECEDENTED— being unparalleled, unmatched and never experienced by myself ever before! Yes, this truth I know and experience I invite you to embrace both with all your heart, mind, body and soul as well as with your eyes (click here).

At the thought of such things, it brought me to this place in this very moment, that now I let you know that I will stop typing to pray... (view words of my prayer as I was lead by the Spirit of God to pray).

Beloved, I’d like to tell you that my time of prayer just now was a time of boldness, but it was a prayer of confession. As I confessed to God (crying like a baby, snot coming out of my nose and all) that I couldn’t love Him the way He loved me. That I couldn’t be faithful the way He was faithful to me. That I couldn’t be loyal the way He is loyal to me. That I couldn’t present myself perfect, unblemished and uncompromised, the way He has always, is and will always present Himself to me. This became the great revelation of the burning bush to me: The Lord was declaring and presenting Himself the way He is and at the same time I was able to see, that I saw myself unlike Him.

I simply can’t do as He does. I tried and tried and tried. Before I knew Him and even now knowing Him. I cannot do it I tell you! It is impossible! But God truly shows me and has shown me, that this isn’t something for me to try and do, but for me to allow Him to do it through me— like a leading example inside and out of me upon my surrender. Amen Lord Jesus! Blessed be your holy name forever and ever. Amen.

So, I pleaded and pleaded and pleaded with the Lord to cause me to present myself in the manner He presents Himself to me. Beloved, I said these exact words to the Lord, “I hate it that I can’t love you the way You love me. I tried, but I can’t do it!”

As I reflect on this whole situation unraveling, from the dream I was having, to the revelation I stand upon, I was aware that this would not be a message that many if any would rejoice to hear, but I take great comfort in knowing that the Lord inspired many generations to deliver such stark messages before me to His people in order that they would see where they stand in the light of God’s perfection but greater than that! That He the Lord God, is presenting to them Himself as an UNPRECEDENTED reward that is unparalleled and can never be matched! The Lord our God is perfect and holy. Set apart for us as an everlasting reward. His love is too great! His presence too grand! His voice remarkably beautiful! His ways impeccable! He alone presents Himself the picture of perfection and beauty to a people who are corrupt, wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked in the light of His majestic grace. Amen! Such declaring words, comforting truths and stark realities are presented (here).

Those words will cause people to scoff at me. To hiss like venomous vipers at me. But then again, those words caused a people to do just the same to Him who is unmatched in holiness and perfection. So I wont grow offended but will perpetually rejoice! Amen.

I ask myself now, “Why must we hear and see the Lord God as such and where we stand? The answer became quite evident to me, in which I praise the Lord now for. Truly I do. It’s absolutely pertinent for us to hear and see Him for who He is because it causes us to see and hear ourselves for who we are. When that distinction is made, we as a people can move forward following the Lord our great God with an abandonment of the things of this world, and even greater, desiring to allow Him to set us apart for Himself as a holy and perfect people solely faithful and uncompromising in all our ways to love Him as He loves us— Perfectly. Amen!

Let us pray:

Lord God, you alone are perfect, holy without spot or blemish! You alone are wise and able. You alone are faithful in your willingness to love us even though we transgress in our sins. Blessed be your holy name forever! Therefore, I acknowledge my inability to love you as you love me. To love others as you love them. Cause us to be a faithful people. To be a holy people. To be a perfect people for you who are without spot or blemish. Cause us to desire to be set apart for you and only you! I desperately cry out to you for this, as I am incapable to do it, but you are! Thank you for your unwavering commitment to me and all of creation. And help me to be committed to you just the same! Let it be so, in Jesus name. Amen.

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