Thursday, March 29, 2012

Emergency Post: What Does An Apple Have To Do With Your Day?

“Seeing the apple reminds me to never give into compromise” – F. Lugo 

So serious I had to repost. “The devil is a hustler. Trading apples in exchange for paradise. Don't be fooled.” – @lecrae

As I reflect on that, I thought to myself. What would be your apple Flavio?

Not praying?  Not giving thanks to God for all I have?  Not reading His Word daily?  Not attending His house of prayer, worship and praise on a committed basis?  Not serving His house with a committed servants heart?  Not sharing what God is doing in my life with others? Not being an example of Christ to my family and all others? Not living a life that shows that God has done something and is still doing something in and through me?  Having sex before marriage? Looking at things on the Internet, in a magazine, or in a store I don't need to be looking at?  Not honoring my mother?  Not honoring my leaders?  Not obeying the laws of the land and the authority of those laws? Driving recklessly to get somewhere on time?  Thinking, speaking and acting in a selfish manner that brings down others as well as myself?  Not utilizing the gift of money well?  Not taking care of my body or honoring God with it? Will I trust in my own ability or God's?  Will I give into the pressures of unbelievers or trust in God? Not following God to my fullest potential?

These are all temptations– These are apples. These can easily hustle me out of my God destiny to be in paradise forever. What are some of your apples? Click here FOR THE FIRST APPLE STORY

Just like lecrae said...Don’t be fooled! Stay prayed up and in God’s Word. Remember the devil is a roaring lion on the prowl for his next victim. But our God is is greater! Amen.

Beloved, as always...YOU ARE LOVED.

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