Monday, July 22, 2013

In God’s Presence: An intimate look at the Disciples of Jesus, John the Baptist, Satan, Demons, God the Father, Jesus the Son of God, the Angel Gabriel and Mary the Mother of Jesus

“In the presence of the Lord, there is confession.” 
The Holy Spirit

Beloved, the above words in quotes are the very words, The Holy Spirit, spoke to me concerning the amazing outcome of what will result from being in the very presence of Jesus. This was spoken to me three days ago and much work has been put into this. Many things shall be confessed and revealed. Whether you are for the Lord or against Him, confession cannot be denied, and at the name of Jesus, all shall bow and declare that He is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Amen!  In the gray are many links to the holy scriptures that truly illuminate what you will read below. I have faithfully and accurately written down all that I have heard the Lord say to me. With that confessed and declared, I now invite you into my HEART...

1. Imagine being someone who has absolutely and in dramatic fashion denied the single most greatest thing to ever happen to you and come into you life. Something like denying the fact that oxygen is needed to breathe and that you actually exist, and you decide not to breathe any longer and take it another step further and take your own life. This would give you an idea to the extent of what Peter had experienced when he vehemently denied Jesus three times even with curses and swears. Even with such a disgraceful display, Jesus affectionately restores him by His grace and love. Beloved, this should further encourage us and invite us to look to the Lord, even if by curses and swears we denied and turned away from Him.

1. We may certainly be ever so bold to ask of the Lord to obtain a very high and lofty position in life or in the life after, yet one thing is clear. Jesus isn’t concern with the position we may want to hold, but in the manner we will live our lives with what we do have and what positions we may already uphold. What awaits us in heaven the Father knows, but what is here on earth for us to accomplish, Jesus has made us all acutely aware us to serve as He served!

1. Beloved, I find it interesting that Jesus makes it clear that Nathanael proclaims and declares that Jesus is not only the very Son of God, but also the King of Israel, simply by Him seeing (observing; being aware of his current state) Nathanael sitting under a tree. Here we see a man who easily comes to place his faith in Jesus, not by wanting anything from Him nor by needing to see some form of miracle from Jesus, but merely because Jesus was aware of him. This is actually a beautiful picture to us. Many will come to believe in Jesus and place their faith in Him, simply because they want to be noticed by God Himself knowing they truly arent alone. So beautiful. Such was the case with me. Jesus made Himself known to me and that I wasnt alone and that was enough for me! Amen.

1. (Rabbi defined from Vines Complete Expository Dictionary pg. 504). To greet Jesus (as Judas did) with the title Rabbi, would be like hugging your Father and literally stabbing them in the back. The word Rabbi denotes great honor from the one saying it to the one who it is meant to be heard by. It means master or in this instance my Master signifying Judas to be a slave of Jesus (that he would follow Him anywhere and do as He commanded). However, Judas was a slave to greed and the love of money and his end justified his means. We can gather from this, that great was the sadness that came to Jesus, by hearing Judas saying such a greeting towards Him. 

1. I am grateful to God, that although it is more blessed to believe without seeing, when those who must see, Jesus affectionately reveals Himself to others. I believe this crossing from unbelief to belief, is one that will resonate with many. Though you may have to see to believe, Jesus will not refuse the one who still desires Him. Amen.

  • Mary Magdelene (also read here for great insight and the blessing of declaring Rabboni! concerning Jesus): Rabboni!
1. This is a beautiful picture and moment between one who was saved and healed by Jesus and the object of her eternal affection who is none other than Jesus as it should be with all who have received the love of God through Jesus Christ. Amen. There is quite a difference from Judas greeting to Jesus and Marys loving exclamation towards Jesus. Judas with greed in the core of his heart greeted Jesus and his words were empty of love and adoration but filled with nothing but deceit (see Proverbs 27:6). Marys greeting was filled with immense love, respect, adoration to the utmost heights. She was in affect confessing Jesus as her Great Master and also declaring He was Master of masters.” Jesus declared from the abundance of ones own heart whether with good or bad, one speaks (see Luke 6:45).

1. Experiencing the glory of the Lord is all around us. Certainly one can see the Creator Gods glory in His Creation and none can say otherwise, even in the midst of a violent storm, however these men saw not only His glory in His Creation but also His dominion over it as well, and this was a defining moment in all their lives. 

1. What a glorious calling John had. It must’ve been quite the scene for him to baptize the very Son of God; the very reason he exists. Truly, John was a man must honored and privileged, and Jesus Himself said this of him, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist,’ and again John’s own father Zachariah, filled with the Holy Spirit, declares this of him, ‘And you, child, will be called the prophet of the highest. Surely, John, was a child most loved and raised to a calling of love. Amen!

1. Though Satan himself tempts all, he himself cannot deny the Word of God from being existent. Therefore, not one person should deny God themselves.

1. Here is the new thing the Lord has revealed to me through His Holy Spirit.What have I to do with you, denotes no respect, no honor, no affiliation and no mark bearing such a likeness. However the words, I beg You, do not torment me, denotes a great fear and absolute awareness that Jesus has all authority and power; that He is truly King and Judge. Amen Lord Jesus! It is key to understand that Jesus will certainly reveal many things of Himself through the Holy Spirit in which testifies of Him and glorifies Him, that has not been written down in the Gospels, as John the beloved disciple of Jesus declares, “And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen.

1. For myself, to be loved by God the Father, not knowing or having the love of a man here on earth with the responsibility of being my father, means everything to me. For Him to confess and proclaim His love and great pleasure for Jesus as His Son, resonates within me to the deepest depths, that in Christ, I too, am loved by my Father in heaven with such a proclamation and confession of His love and great pleasure in me!

1. I cannot begin to imagine all the emotions that arose when Jesus confessed and proclaimed the words from (Isaiah 61:1-2) or how I would had taken it, to hear Jesus make such a claim that the holy scripture that was written about 700+ years prior to His birth, was the very thing He had accomplished and such words written were of Him! Though it is written (see Luke 4:28-29) that many were filled with wrath and indignation towards Jesus and were in a hurry to kill Him with their bare hands by throwing Him over a cliff to plunge to His death! Though I am no longer filled with wrath and indignation towards these words and certainly not towards Jesus, I have certainly had an anger and hatred in me towards God though it was guided by ignorance and an utter lack of education in Whom God was and is and shall always be. I thank God, those years are long behind me as it is certainly true of my life these words declared by Jesus, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

1. Angels do intercede on the behalf of others. What a miraculous thing for God to deliver an angelic messenger of His to declare to a young lady that she would become pregnant of the Holy Spirit and give birth to the very Son of God. Beloved, certainly such words stir up all sorts of things in the human finite mind, but do not become confused. Mary becoming pregnant of the Holy Spirit, does not in anyway mean God had sex with her. What it does mean, is that the Spirit of God is indwelling and causes the fruit of the Spirit to be made known. Jesus was a living, breathing and pulsating image of God, and the fruit of the Spirit is Jesus life. Amen.

1. What mustve it been like to be a young teenager, recently engaged and expecting her new life to start with marriage, eventually children and being a wife and mother, and then heaven intervenes into the life of this young lady and her life is dramatically propelled into the greatest story ever lived out? 

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