Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Walking Oracle

This is something I have been desiring to write about for some time now, and the Lord made it clear that it was time to share it. Keep in mind, that all you read in gray are links to my research to finalize this post. With that said, I now invite you into my HEART...

Let us begin with the definition ( of Oracle:

  • A person who delivers authoritative, wise, or highly regarded and influential pronouncements. 
  • Any person serving as an agency of divine communication. 
  • Any utterance made or received as authoritative, extremely wise, or infallible. 
  • A divine communication or revelation.
  • A message from God.

The Hebrew word dabar (v. pg.239 of Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words) is defined as:

  • To speak or say. Thus God spoke to Noah (Genesis 8:15). The word dabar is also communicated here by David in (2 Samuel 23:2) where he declares, “The Spirit of the Lord spoke through me, His word was on my tongue.”

You also have the word logion (pg.449 of Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words) in which is defined as:
  •  A word, narrative, statement; a divine response or utterance, an oracle.

Logion is derived from logos: 
  • Meaning spoken and living Word: Where the source of it is found in the Gospel of John, Chapter 1 verse 1, where the apostle John who was a witness of the sufferings of Christ, His death on the Cross, His burial and His resurrected body, writes, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Beloved, A day came in my life that the Spirit of God said to me, you are an Oracle unto the Lord. At first I was concerned about this, because I thought it meant I had to recite and quote scripture word for word, in which, is not a gift I hold through the Spirit of God, and I am at peace with it now. However, much to my joy; my great and exceeding joy, was the day, the Lord revealed to me, what I would write would be from His heart, to my heart, to many precious hearts. This was an oracle. One who transcribes the utterances of God Almighty. This is only possible through His Spirit, that searches out and knows the deep things of God (see here).

Every word I write has come from the very heart of God. It is not I who writes, but it is I who hears what He says, and then I write it down. An oracle is not one who knows everything, but faithfully and accurately writes down everything that is told to him. This isn’t a title I claim, this is an honor and a privilege and an immense responsibility that I do not take lightly. Truly I say woe unto me and anyone else who has this great honor bestowed upon them and they take it lightly. They would had preferred to never been born. Such was the case with those who were carrying about as oracles of God, prophets and priests, yet they were false, wicked and the Lord had nothing to do with them (see here). They lead people to believe they received visions, dreams and direct hidden knowledge from the Lord of heaven and earth, yet they would speak to those who were in wickedness, not to worry about their blatant sin against the Lord, and that destruction would not come to them, yet the Lord’s words were quite the contrary (read here).

The Lord our Righteousness is a sweet name to a convinced sinner; to one that has felt the guilt of sin in his conscience; seen his need of that righteousness, and the worth of it. This great salvation is far more glorious than all former deliverances of his church. May our souls be gathered to Him, and be found in Him.

The above words were taken from from biblos. Commentary from Matthew Henry is what often gives me a much needed insight into the holy texts that enables me to further speak to my audience with accuracy and a continued excellence of honoring the Lord my God, who is the Lord, the One true God of heaven and earth and all the fullness of it! Amen. I find such people who came before me who were faithful in the Lord, to be absolute revelations and miracles placed into my life by the very hand of God; who gives wisdom to a grand scale of generosity without finding fault in you. Without their testimonies my testimony would be so much weaker. I truly praise the living God; Jehovah’s His name, for surrounding me with so much wisdom and the ability to research it, and even greater, the honor and privilege to take dictation down from the very words He speaks. To me, there is no higher honor than to serve the Lord in being an Oracle of God. Amen.

I encourage you who reads this, know that in Christ, you too, are connected personally and intimately to the Lord of heaven and earth; the One true God. You may very well not be an Oracle unto the Lord, but He is faithful to make His testimony and witness glorious in and through your life. To those who repent of their sin and draw near to Him, He will draw near to them. To such a glorious gift and blessing from Jesus Himself, let us who are in Christ hold ourselves to a higher standard and bring honor and glory to the name of Jesus... as it is the only name by which one is saved. Amen.

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