Beloved, as the Lord spoke to me, and showed me more of Himself and His ways, I rejoiced! As I long to faithfully share the heart of God with you as He generously shares it with me. With that being said, I now invite you into my HEART...
Any military strategist, private, specialist, corporal, sergeant, major, chief, lieutenant, captain, colonel or general can attest that orders are orders. If it has been given from the top, unless changed otherwise, it is executed on in detail or severe penalties will be enforced.
Therefore, I rejoice to share what the Lord says and shows me based on my great dilemma concerning all the killings that took place between the people of Israel against all other nations who inhabited the land promised to them by God, that at their hands, men, women, children, livestock and entire cities were completely destroyed. As I read and read and read over again about these wars, horrific scenes played out in the theatre of my mind, and it was too much for me to bear. So I desired to know the heart of my God, then nothing would lead me or influence me away from His love.
Therefore, this is what the Lord says and shows me, “I Am a holy God sovereign above all things and all people. And I have waged an all out war against sin.”
Beloved, it is hard to comprehend such things, as we look at it through the lenses of our own character in which is flawed and corruptible unlike God’s character which can never become flawed nor is corruptible, nor susceptible to corruption— He in and of Himself is perfect lacking nothing! Amen.
God cannot tell a lie, nor be tempted, nor tempt anyone, nor become influenced by anyone or anything! Amen. But that which is sin and unrepentant, in God’s sight must be destroyed. For holiness cannot commune with unholiness.
But you may say, Jesus Himself was around sinners and forgave people. And you would be right! However, what has caused a people to stumble at the ways of God, is that God being holy, by His Spirit and in His grace took it upon Himself to enter into history.
Putting on flesh (that is dwelling in humanity as a human being; one of us) as His temporary vessel, so He being holy could now reconcile an unholy people to Himself through the mortal body,
becoming a worthy sacrifice in upholding all the ways of the righteous and holy Law of God and becoming God’s free gift of Salvation Himself! Although this vessel which brought peace between God and a people once again, was susceptible to corruption, Jesus did not sin! Amen.
As this is a true and faithful saying, let us all rejoice in it and turn back to God, “He made Him who knew no sin, become sin for us, that we would become the righteousness of God.” Amen.
Beloved, we as human beings are not fully capable to comprehend the ways of God, nor are our thoughts His thoughts. From the time of Adam and Eve’s disobedience in the garden of Eden to present day, God who is Spirit, has been waging an all out war against sin, which moves in the hearts and minds of men.
It is not a war against flesh and blood (as many who intellectualize and theorize God would have you foolishly believe), but against Spirits, and powers and principalities of darkness of the unseen heavenly places that move through a faithless and disobedient generation who in their disobedience, ignorance and utter foolishness towards God, are lead by sin not to repent and turn back towards God, then they could once again have life— A life reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. Amen.
He Jesus, who by His faithful and worthy sacrifice, made a people who received Him and believed in Him as the very Son of God, to be reconciled and in right standing (made righteous) once again before their God. Amen.
It amazes me, that for so many years of my life, I too, was blind to this amazing love that propels this war waged against sin then a people can once again be saved and reconciled to their holy God who is sovereign above all things and all people in all of Creation. In this awakening that God has called me to, I rejoice to stand with Him and no longer against Him, as I pray you will to. Amen!
Therefore, as you prepare yourselves this Good Friday and Easter 2013, as you take in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ and His resurrection, know that in Him, the war waging in you will cease! Beloved, how I pray, that this will be the year of awakening for you, where you will no longer walk in darkness unaware of God but by believing in and receiving Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you will now have true life and walk in His love. Both now and forever. Amen.
As always... YOU ARE LOVED.
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