Thursday, March 7, 2013

Accusation and the Defense

There’s two things I have bear witness to be consistent in all of life, all over the world. A people constantly arguing. There’s always two sides to this argument— An accusation and a defense. With that being said, I now invite you into my HEART...

Beloved, in all of Creation there is one truth; there are not degrees of it, but One— Truth of the accusation and truth of the defense. Through a consistent basis of remaining either in the accusation or in the defense you will either be condemned or acquitted. Such is the case in a court of law, and such is the case before the Righteous Judge residing over all of Creation, that being in heaven, the whole earth, and under the earth who is God and God alone. Either you continue on in the accusation apart from God’s will which is a sinner who is condemned (which is death) from breaking the Law of God, or you are justified (set free and made innocent) by the Defense, which is the Cross of Christ; His very sacrifice to acquit you. He alone, Jesus Christ the Righteous, is our Advocate with the Father in heaven. Amen.

You may say, what is truth? God is truth. This truth is seen and known only through Jesus Christ. Not by any other god, angel, religion or practice. You may say, how do I come to know this truth; this Jesus? It’s quite simple, so don’t believe that you need to do something, buy something or attain some level of something. Call on His name, and He being the Truth will come and upon receiving Him, you shall be saved (acquitted of all allegations brought against you) by Him and through Him only. Amen

Therefore, remain in Him and His Word, and He will remain in you, and you will know the Truth, that is, Jesus Christ the Righteous who is Advocate to all people who humbly come to Him, confessing their sin, desiring to turn away from their wicked ways and be forgiven (pardoned) and restored back into the grace of God, rather then remaining sinners being outside of God’s grace condemned to the letter of the Law. He like the defense attorney is here to plead our case through Himself and by Himself, that we would no longer be condemned to death through the breaking of the Law, but justified by His sacrificial payment of His very life!

Beloved, do not trade in the truth of freedom and redemption in Christ, for the lie that is in this world fully governed by Satan himself which is the condemnation.

Stand firm in your walk with the Lord, whether hard pressed, in struggles, perplexed, in persecution, in ridicule, in others abandoning you, in false accusations, whether imprisonment, beating, thievery, lost, pain, etc... For God is our great God and Savior and He is calling us home! Amen.

Blessed be His holy name forever, and praise be to Jesus Christ the Righteous our Advocate. Amen.

As always... YOU ARE LOVED.

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