Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Devil is a Liar?

Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. — Jesus (John 8:43-44)

Beloved, grace and peace to you in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, giving you wisdom and revelation to know His unconditional and sacrificial love from the devils selfish lies. Amen.

Before I share with you what the Lord placed into my heart, I wanted to let you know that the illustration I choose above, I choose for it’s humor. I found it funny. Now, I invite you into my HEART...

As I awoke today, no doubt by God’s grace and to His glory and praise. I asked my God such a simple question in which a man never knows how his God will respond. I asked, “My God, what do you have for me today?”

Indeed I believe that every word that I am typing is spiritually discerned and divinely inspired by God from His heart, to my heart to be received by all your precious hearts. Blessed be His Holy name, and blessed be the one who receives this blessing. Amen.

Beloved, such a question as the above, is presented to you, because it truly is a starting point for our day. We may certainly have agendas, schedule appointments to keep, task to do, etc, etc... But our acknowledgement of God leading the way, shows that we believe our lives are in His hands and whatever we think is best to do in our lives, surely God can interrupt it, with such things that are greater and not only to our great benefit but to the benefit of many others. Amen.

Today, as I asked that question, moments went by and no response from God. Yet! A short while later as I was speaking to God, my speech went in a direction that I had no idea how it got there, and to my great delight and to God’s glory and praise He was speaking into me, our need to know His immense love for us, then we will know that the devil is a liar.

This is what the Lord says and shows me, “Yes the devil is a liar, and yes you may have read that the devil is a liar and you even say it! The devil himself even knows he’s a liar. Unless you know my love intimately and personally, you will not be able to discern when the devil is lying to you.” Amen.

Beloved, the devil isn’t concerned with the fact that you know he is a liar. He isn’t concerned with the fact that he is a liar. That will not stop his lying. We, should all be concerned with whether we know when he is lying to us.

Just as with someone who says that Jesus is Lord, to someone who doesn’t believe that. How is it that they will believe it? They must become intimately involved with the fact that Jesus is Lord by knowing God’s immense love for them.

The same goes for knowing when the devil is lying to us. Unless we know God intimately, we will never know when the devil is lying. When his plotting and scheming, and slithering tactics are at work in the lives of human beings.

Did you know that the devil has been described as a serpent?

As I was talking with God, He was telling me that there’s a difference from a serpent and a snake. Is there a difference I say to myself? Both slither on the ground, both are categorized as snakes. Both are cunning and sneaky but what differs between a serpent and a snake is the ferociousness of their attack.

Not all snakes are venomous. Some snakes carry no venom and constrict their prey then they can consume it. The majority of snakes with venom do not use it for self defense but to kill, subdue and consume their prey. Not all snakes bite, or can tear flesh or puncture skin. Some snakes consume their pray whole and alive. Snakes are not consistently attacking human beings, and much of the time (but not all of the time) with many species, their attacks aren’t fatal if cured immediately. Snakes go into a form of hibernation (brumating) after consuming their prey, but unlike hibernation where warm blooded mammals are actually asleep, snakes are not asleep just inactive. There’s even spitting cobras that can propel their venom six feet from them if provoked.

I listed the above characteristics of snakes to further illustrate that the devil described as a serpent has many forms of attacks to human beings, namely the believer in Christ that is awakened to the devils schemes. But with the devil just as a serpent, he is unbiased in whom he attacks: whether the believer in Christ or not, the devil is active in his campaign to all human beings. The difference is, one knows his schemes and the other doesn’t. Which one will you be?

Not only is the devil a liar. He is cunning. He’s a schemer. He sits and waits and plots. He isn’t consistently attacking us as many who have weak faith think, but He lies and waits for an opportune time to attack, where it will cause the greatest blow.

When it comes to a human being who isn’t prey but a victim who has come in contact with a serpent, just as it is with the devil, if treated properly and quickly, though they may have been hurt, stunned even paralyzed for a time, they will be cured.

Now with many venomous bites from serpents, there’s antivenin that is developed from the actual venom. In Christ, towards the devils attacks, we too, have a sort of antivenin— The blood of Jesus.

When Jesus died on the Cross, he wasn’t dying for what wrong He had committed, but on the contrary, for all the wrong we have and would have committed. Blessed be His Holy name! Amen.

Serpents in religion have been seen as a source of curing and healing power. Moses, in the desert, lifted up a bronze serpent on a staff and those who were actually bitten by serpents when looking upon that bronze serpent on the wooden staff became cured. So it is, towards the bite of sin that the devil has caused. When ANYONE will look upon the Cross of Christ (made of wood) upon the holy Son of God who knew no sin but became sin that we would be the righteousness of God (bronze serpent on the staff lifted up), as those inflicted by the serpents in the desert, so it is with us, we too, will be cured (forgiven). Amen!

Beloved, there is only one way to know when the devil is lying— it’s by becoming the righteousness of God. Blessed be His Holy name! Amen.

As always... YOU ARE LOVED.

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