Tuesday, January 1, 2013



Beloved, the Lord is good and ever so faithful in His willingness to teach us of His grace and mercy. May you be ever so blessed by the Lord to call Him teacher! Amen...

There’s always a beautiful lesson to learn from God, that not only gives us insight into our walk with the Lord Jesus but also the greatest blessing of all— To come to know that our walk, is a walk to know God absolutely intimately and personally. Amen.

Beloved, since my heavenward calling in July of 2009, the Lord gave me a spirit and a heart of specific prayer. Right from the start I was consistently driven to pray specifically to God for what I desired.

Now, let me clarify something first. Being specific in prayer to God doesn’t mean that we go on and on droning about details to God as if He is unaware of the very details of our frame, heart and soul. God created all things, so let us refrain from such tedious details. That being said, let us all rejoice in the following words that follow.

There was a time where I in my ignorance of God’s ways, prayed not with boldness but with incessant details. Someone dear to me, told me that they didn’t pray with details to refrain from keeping God from going above and beyond in blessing them.

Looking back now, they were partly right and partly wrong. It is never a good idea to pray with details because it shows lack of faith in your audience with God, but it is always necessary and to our and many others benefit to be specific in our prayers to God. Details and being specific are two entirely different things. Continual details to God, shows we don't trust His judgement, and being specific with God, shows we are willing to walk in His ways, submit to His authority and trust in His Word. Amen.

Beloved, bold faith-filled prayers in all humility acknowledging God as awesome and Lord, that exceed the order of nature is what moves God’s heart into action and when that takes place, whoa baby! Stand back and watch God do something new you have never seen before! Amen.

But! We must truly come to a place in our faith walk with the Lord Jesus, that we will know, by God and before God and as a testimony and witness to others, that specific details are bold prayers from a humble heart that acknowledges God for how great and awesome He is, and without Him we surely cannot accomplish it. Amen.

Prayers bold in nature, asking confidently and more importantly with unwavering faith and all humility for things the natural man and creation doesn’t comprehend nor is able to do or accomplish, is what moves the heart of God into action!

Elijah, one of the most notable prophets of all time, was a man of specific prayer. At his specific words, rain ceased for an astronomical amount of time and rain came back at an appointed time by a specific (bold) prayer in all unwavering faith, in humility, before His God and to His God, which moved God into action and God did as His servant Elijah specifically asked for. (1 Kings 17–18).

And there’s the most notable man in all of history when it comes to talk of riches, fame and wisdom— King Solomon. God presented Himself before Solomon in a dream, when Solomon was at a very early age in his life where immaturity always gets the best of us, and God extended grace to Solomon, saying to him that he could [ask] for whatever he wanted and it would be his.

**Can you imagine God asking such a question to you. What would you asked for?**

Solomon had the attention of the Creator God who makes all things come into being from nothing but by speaking His very Word, and Solomon boldly with all unwavering faith and humility asked for an understanding heart to judge God’s people, that he would be able to discern between good and evil.

Solomon was aware that only God had the wisdom and understanding to judge such a great people. Wisdom was what Solomon asked for, in order to lead God’s people who were abundantly great in number. (1 Kings 3).

This specific (bold, unwavering, faith-filled with all humility) prayer greatly moved the heart of God into action, and not only did Solomon receive graciously (may I add), what he asked for but God being a God who never does just enough for those who are humble and acknowledge Him, went above and beyond and gave Solomon what he didn’t ask for, that of which all of history has known him to have— fame, influence and fortune. Praise the Lord.

Which leads me to the insight God first started sharing with me, in order for my faith to grow and for your walk in Christ to benefit from.

There was a blind man named Bartimaeus, who became aware that the teacher (Rabboni) known as Jesus of Nazareth had come to His town. And without hesitation, Bartimaeus called out to Him “Son of David” signifying that although this man was blind he wasn’t ignorant, in that he knew Jesus was from a royal blood line and part of God’s promise to His servant David to always have a descendant of his forever on the throne. Amen.

This blind man although rebuked by Jesus’ disciples (in which we still do today) to hush up, quiet down and not bother God with specifics, became even more persistent of his desire to have an audience with Jesus.

His bold persistence worked! Jesus stopped and commanded he be brought to Him. His disciples exclaimed to this blind man that what occurred was a blessing! The blind man made a MAD DASH to Jesus, and Jesus looked at this blind man who with all boldness and persistence made it abundantly clear that he wanted His attention so badly, and asked him this specific question: “What do you want me to do for you?”

The blind man dared to be specific with his bold request that was contrary to the order of things, for his sight to be given to him. But once again we learn from this blind man with circumstances that practically every one of us sees as incurable. The blind man acknowledged Jesus as his teacher, in that he said, “Rabboni.”

This blind man knew something that many of us even with sight choose not to know and embrace. One, faith is not by sight and two, we must always be quick to acknowledge God for who He is, in every situation and circumstance first and foremost. Amen.

By this specific request, Jesus, the teacher, the royal descendant and King, granted the blind man’s specific request and by his faith he received his sight!

**Before I go on. Do you remember the question I asked you a few paragraphs above. What would you ask for if God said to you, you could have anything your heart desired. Your very response reveals your heart. If it was like Solomon, then it showed your heart is a heart that desires and humbly acknowledges God. If it was fortune, influence, fame and the like, you have some soul searching to do, that only God can help you with**

The blind man receiving his sight is certainly amazing, but it doesn’t end there. One last insight into a life of faith and specific prayers (requests) that move the heart of God into action. Once this blind man that received his sight to which, he was no longer blind, although he could plainly see, and he could go about his business and on his own way, he knew that the best decision he could make although already blessed was to follow the One who did for him that no other could ever do, in that, he followed Jesus. Amen!

Beloved, there’s so many lessons here from the Teacher, and I didn’t mention them all, but as the Spirit lead me and placed graciously into my heart, I shared freely with you.

This is my specific prayer for you that the Lord has placed into my heart. That although you are blind, by acknowledgement, by faith, by boldness, by persistence and without hesitation you too, will receive sight to know who Jesus truly is and then follow Him! Amen.

Below is the miraculous recorded event that took place with a blind man named Bartimaeus and the teacher, Jesus of Nazareth. Enjoy.

Bartimaeus and Jesus

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