A prayer of praise to the Lord our God.
by Flavio A. Lugo
Beautiful and wonderful God. Hear my words now for they come from my heart.
This is my life's anthem to You. May it be so unto You forever! In my life, through my family.
I am Yours! Amen.
I caught a glimpse of Your splendor at the corner of my eye. You remember that day. I remember that day. You came like a thief in the night and stole my heart forever.
The most beautiful thing I ever seen.
Truly, it was like a flash of lightning reflected off the sky illuminating into my heart, my life, my everything.
I know I'll never be the same.
Show me Your glory my God. Send down Your presence I want to see Your face my King.
Show me Your glory!
Power, glory, dominion and majesty shines about You and I can't go on without You Lord.
Holy Father in heaven may You forever be glorified.
You are Lord over all Creation. Both water, earth and sky.
Glory to the Lord on high!
You are the God of wonders beyond our galaxy.
The universe my God declares Your majesty.
You are Holy, Holy, Holy.
I praise You for You are to be praised!
May we forever long to see You.
May we be forever reminded of Your grace.
Righteous Father, You and You alone are to be glorified.
Your grace brought the Beautiful Savior.
Your Love endured through the Righteous Servant.
Your love, Ohh Your love! persevered that we may all be saved by the precious blood of the Christ. Amen.
Your Love we have heard and seen. How precious are your thoughts of us.
May Your name be glorified above all others, above all else, above all that may be in our lives. Amen.
Glorious Father and God! May You forever have dominion over our hearts.
You are to be praised! for You are God! and there is none like You.
You have saved me from the gun.
You have saved me from the mocker.
You have saved me from the tempter.
You have saved me from the poisonous drink.
You have saved me from myself! Glory to Your name forever! Amen.
You have saved me from the lust that spoke to me from the darkness.
You and you alone have saved me from the flames that were meant to burn me up and swallow my life.
Wise Father, I praise You because Your mercies endures forever!
You know the end from the beginning.
All the worth in this world and the next to come belong to You and You alone!
You are the everlasting God!
You're the defender of the weak. You comfort those who are in need.
Everlasting Father, glorious are Your ways. Lift us up that we may soar like eagles my God!
You are peace to a weary soul. Amen! Your name be praised forever!
Beloved Father, our cries You hear. Our prayers You answer. Your timing is impeccable, and Your Word is a delight.
Our Father in heaven, holy is Your name.
Your name triumphs throughout the ages..You are God!
You! have created us, Your name be praised!
Your Word, like a light spoke out to the darkness and illuminated our hearts. Your name be praised!
You have showered Your love to those who have loved Your name for a thousand generations. Your name be praised!
You and You alone, delivered us by hand and strong arm out of our captivity that we may know that You are God our Savior! Your name be praised!
You and You alone are a lamp unto our feet and a light to our path. Your name be praised!
You lead us in the darkness. You deliver us from the enemy. You keep us safe; You are a fortress. Your name be praised!
Father, what can be said of You? My God, My God if you are for us! then who dare be against us!? Amen. Your name be praised!
Merciful Father, Your Son we declare. His name saves! Your name be praised!
We look to You for guidance and You deliver.
We look to You for a Word, and it never returns void but always accomplishes its purpose. Your name be praised!
Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty...Holy...Holy is His name! Amen!
My Lord, You love us, You provide for us, You protect us.
My Lord, You console us, You counsel us, You help us.
My Lord, You direct us, You lead us, You never forget or abandon us.
Your mercies Oh Lord, endures forever! Your name be praised! Amen.
My Lord; My God, You are the love of my existence! Into my heart You came.
Your merciful, compassionate hand reached out to me and out of the ashes I am.
As I stumbled in the darkness You were mighty to save me! Your mercies endures forever!
You framed me in the darkness of the womb.
You breathed life into me and knew me before anyone else.
In Your image I am. Out of Your love I was begotten.
I am purpose! I am power! I am a prayer answered! I am Yours!
How well You know me. How complete You Love me. You are my God!
Your love is so beautiful. Your embrace gives me life! I am Yours and You are mine!
I have a jealous love for You, and You have a jealous love for Me! You are my wonderful God! and I will follow You all the days of my life!
Oh Father, You are love, You are life, You are hope, and all my sins are forgotten. Amen!
You my Father, are a father to me. You have taught me. You have raised me. You are with me.
You encourage me. You spur me on to continue, and I see You. I know You. I feel You. I hear You.
You move me to climb, to achieve, to be what others say I wont be, can't be, shouldn't be.
Nothing compares to You. No one compares to You.
Your love, Your embrace. When I am low You pick me up. When I fall, You pick me up.
When I am lost, You reach out and call my name, and I hear You!
My heart sings Your name my Lord. My heart rejoices in You my God!
My heart will sing a song to You and only You. You are my God!
I will sing to no other. My heart dances in Your presence. How can it not!? You are the melody; the anthem of my heart, of my existence.
May You forever reign in my heart; in my life! I praise You my God!
You are love. You are life. You are truth. You are power.
You're the air that I breathe. You are the voice that speaks to me. Out to me!
You my God, You taught me to love. To be kind. To be compassionate. You are my day and my night!
How can I not follow You forever. You call out to me. You lead and I'll faithfully follow.
I can't live without You my God and My Savior!
Apart from You I am nothing, but in You and with You I am all things onto all men. Amen.
Holy Spirit You are a comfort to me. Without You I would have no words of life to speak.
I praise You Lord Jesus for Your obedience. By You my Lord, precious Father sent us the Helper.
You are to be praised! You are to be glorified! Let it be cemented both here on earth and in heaven forever! Amen.
My God. My God You and You alone gave me faith to believe. To stand. To walk. To talk. To love unconditionally and sacrificially. You are my God! and My Savior! I am Yours!
How can I ever leave You!? Where would I go!? You are life. Your words are life.
Without You I am nothing. Apart from You I can do nothing. In You. In You! all things are possible.
Father, I thank You for my day. For this day, I will rejoice in You because of You. In this day, I will love. In this day I will declare. In this day I will praise You. Amen! amen.
You my God, You are my King. You are Lord! You are my Savior. You are my hope. You are my dream. You are my desire. You are my beginning and my end! You are my bread; my portion. You are my water; my source of life!
You are my everything! Your faithful name be praised! Forever and ever. Amen! and amen.
Hallelujah to Lord of heaven and earth.
Precious Lord reveal Your heart to us. Oh how we need You Lord!
Lord God Almighty! You are holy.
Lord You are holy. Jesus is holy!
Praise His precious name, our faithful Savior; our Lord...YOU ARE KING! Amen!
You are a friend and a brother to all who receive You, and the Father in Your holy precious name. Amen.
Thank You for that Lord Jesus!
As for me and my family, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD! AMEN!
All you children of God. All you angels in heaven. All of Creation...Give our great God praise forever!
For His mercies endures forever. Amen!
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