Thursday, November 27, 2014


Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His faithful love endures forever.

Today being a day observed in North America as thanksgiving, I want to bless you with a thanksgiving blessing. Beloved, God’s grace, strength and peace be with you today in Jesus name and may you continue to experience all His goodness throughout your generations in His name. Amen. Now that a blessing has been bestowed upon you, I now invite you Into My HEART...
Daily bread: The essential nourishment the spirit, soul and body of a person needs to grow stronger in God and to live out their purpose in Him.
Our daily bread for Tuesday,  November 25, 2014. How appropriate that today’s Word is on Thanksgiving. I am reminded of something quite wonderful and necessary today. With the electronic and cyber age booming and winning over the hearts of many, we must be careful to stop and be thankful to God or we suffer to become anesthetize by the bombardment of information, ideologies and scientific beliefs that look to drive out God and minimize the human race and all of God’s Creation to some sort of lab experiment.
Oftentimes I ask God for direction in my life—where I should go, what I should do—and today, I am reminded of the greatest direction and how it begins. With thankfulness to Him.
Receive the glorious Word of God:
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
(Philippians 4:6-7 NIV emphasis added)
Thanksgiving isn’t about turkeys and hams and a smorgasbord or plethora of food. The root of thanksgiving is in being thankful not in having our bellies filled pass the point of contentment heading towards strain and pain. I read this the other day, and it was alarming. We have become body and emotion driven as a human race that we live by this motto: “Body, mind and soul.” However, we are more than our bodies and emotions. We are more than what we will eat and how we will look and feel. God made us in His image and He is Spirit. God being Spirit, formed us and breathed His breath of life into us and we became a living being. Therefore, we are spirit, soul than body.
Being thankful to God, truly thankful to Him with a genuineness that can be felt in heaven, will always feed our spirit first, nourishing our souls and strengthening our bodies to not depend on food, clothing and status to be the completion of us.
Let today, be the day that a new tradition begins. A tradition that will connect you to God in ways you couldn’t even imagine. The tradition of THANKSGIVING.
As always…YOU ARE LOVED. 

1 comment:

  1. How glorious this word is. How I rejoice in the Lord. A year ago I was divinely inspired to post this and a year later, I read it with an ever growing awe of God’s goodness and faithfulness. He is truly the reason to be thankful, not for a day, but for all time, even, forevermore. Amen.

    Thank you Lord. You are my all.

