Thursday, October 17, 2013

Cannot Coexist

Today I read this caption, “Fear and faith cannot coexist” and it came just on time and not a moment later. Do you know what it is to have a weakness? A weakness that God has consistently and faithfully help you overcome every time it sought to overcome you. I do. Every so often it tries to rear it’s ugly head in my life and circumstances, but as I know to do all too well, I do not rely on my own strength but cry out to God to protect me and strengthen me. God declares that ‘His grace is sufficient and His power is made perfect in weakness.’ (2 Corinthians 12:9) and God’s Word further reminds us and spurs us on to ‘not be conformed to the pattern of this world [to live in defeat, fear and selfishness], but be transformed by the renewing of our minds’ we will actually come to have the wisdom and discernment to test and approve, what is that good, pleasing and perfect will of God (Romans 12:1-2) and again, we are further reminded and encouraged, ‘Do not give into fear, worry or anxiousness over anything but in everything with prayer, supplication (to cry out in need of help) and thanksgiving present your request to God. And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will protect your heart and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7).  

This word undaunted means: not intimidated or discouraged by difficulty, danger, or disappointment. This is a wonderful word and at the same time it’s scary that it exists as they’re things in this world small and large that bring intimidation, discouragement, difficulties, danger and disappointment. However, when it is viewed in the Light of God’s unrelenting love, truth, grace, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, faithfulness and sovereignty, the only response I know is to call on Him, trust His judgement and not allow fear to coexist with my faith in Jesus. 

Here’s some amazing synonyms of undaunted: unafraid, undismayed, unflinching, unshrinking, fearless, bold, valiant, brave, courageous and steadfast. These synonyms not only show how you and I can act and react when we remain in Christ, but they so amazingly spell out J.E.S.U.S. With Jesus we can all experience what it means to LIVEUNDAUNTED and further be assured in all types of struggle, whether personal or brought upon by faith in Jesus, when we are weak, in Christ we are strong (2 Corinthians 12:10). Amen.

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