Beloved, a word from the Lord came to me in the late night as I inquired of Him. He spoke concerning the secret believer. Those to whom search for Him in the shadows. This is the account of what I was told and heard. This is what the Lord says and shows me. In the gray you will find links. Make sure to take in the full blessing and read this unfolding in its entirety. With that said, I now invite you into my HEART...
The secret believer lurks in the dark.
Like shifting shadows desiring to be undetected,
But wait! A light shines among men of the dark,
And behold, like the dawning of a new day, the secret is revealed,
And the searcher and expecting are now outward movements,
For all to see. Amen
For all to see. Amen
The Lord reveals this and it is wonderful. The Light shines into the darkness and no longer the secret believer parades in the dark but in plain sight makes himself— His motives and intents known. Amen (so be it!)
“No one, when he has lit a lamp, covers it with a vessel or puts it under a bed, but sets it on a lampstand, that those who enter may see the light. For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light. Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given; and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him.”
(Luke 8:16-18 NKJV)
Beloved, you may very well be the secret believer. Searching for Jesus in the shadows. This is your biography from hiding in the shadows to coming out into the light. Two individuals who search in secret for Jesus we will now encounter. Many things will be learned and by the end of this, you, whether in secret or not, should be thoroughly encouraged and possibly convicted. This is where those that are not timid but courageous continue. Let us begin the journey...
There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. This man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.” (John 3:1, 2 NKJV emphasis added by me)
Secret Believer #1— Nicodemus
(Came to inquire of Jesus by night John 3:1)
(Came to inquire of Jesus by night John 3:1)
1. Why does the writer make it a priority to add this little detail, that Nicodemus came by night?
- The business day was done by sundown (6am-6pm)
- Pharisees paraded around during the day where they could easily be seen and admired
- Jesus said, evil takes place at night, and reveals Himself as the One who draws near to even those we think are the unreachable
2. So why did Nicodemus come and inquire of Jesus at night?
- In being a pharisee himself, he couldn’t allow his contemporaries to know that he was doing such a thing. He had to keep his reputation and status as it were; one who was a ruler and a religious teacher of the law (see verse 10) intact.
- If Nicodemus would have admitted his belief in Jesus as he stated in verse 1, he would certainly be excommunicated from the temple (see John 9:22, 34: The whole incident is recorded in John 9:1-34).
- Therefore, Nicodemus still saw that he had much to lose; he valued his status and life way too much (see Luke 9:23-26), however, in being a teacher of the law, Nicodemus was aware that Jesus was the genuine article (as he bore witness to what Daniel spoke of as he saw a vision of the Son of Man see Daniel 7:13-14; Matthew 26:63-64) and he was compelled to draw near to Jesus, however as verse 10 from a climatic encounter with Jesus indicates, his understanding of this was head knowledge and not heart knowledge— in other words, what Nicodemus as a teacher of Law read he knew of, but he hadn’t fully embraced Jesus personally and intimately as the Son of God. This would soon change.
- This shows us that though a man may be filled with head knowledge, if he truly looks to what that head knowledge reveals he will be compelled to draw near to its source. Amen.
The difference between day and night (to be seen and not to be seen; to be hidden and to make aware):
- Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. But if one walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him.” (John 11:9, 10 NKJV)
Nicodemus’ Profile (courtesy of Tyndale’s Life Application Study Bible New King James Version pg. 1905):
Afraid of being discovered, Nicodemus made an appointment to see Jesus at night. Daylight conversations between Pharisees and Jesus tended to be antagonistic, but Nicodemus really wanted to learn. He probably got a lot more than he expected— a challenge to a new life! We know very little about Nicodemus, but we know that he left that evening’s encounter a changed man. He came away with a whole new understanding of both God and himself (John 3:1-21).
Nicodemus next appears as part of the Jewish council. As the group discussed ways to eliminate Jesus, Nicodemus raised the question of justice. Although his objection was overruled, he had spoken up. He had begun to change (John 7:50-52).
Our last picture of Nicodemus shows him joining Joseph of Arimathea in asking for Jesus’ body in order to provide for its burial. Realizing what he was risking, Nicodemus was making a bold move. He was continuing to grow (John 19:39-40).
God looks for steady growth, not instant perfection. How well does your present level of spiritual growth match up with how long you have known Jesus?
Strengths and accomplishments:
- One of the few religious leaders who believed in Jesus
- A member of the powerful Jewish council
- A Pharisee who was attracted by Jesus’ character and miracles
- Joined with Joseph of Arimathea in burying Jesus
Weakness and mistake:
- Limited by his fear of being publicly exposed as Jesus’ follower
Lessons from his life:
- Unless we are born again, we can never be part of the kingdom of God
- God is able to change those we might consider unreachable
- God is patient, but persistent
- If we are available, God can use us
Joseph of Arimathea
Secret Believer #2— Joseph of Arimathea
(A rich man and a member of the Sanhedrin)
Joseph, a prominent council member Mark 15:42-46; Disciple of Jesus in secret John 19:38-42; A rich man Matthew 27:57-60; Isaiah 53:9; A courageous man Mark 15:42-46; A good and just man Luke 23:50-53).
Joseph of Arimathea in being a prominent council member was part of the Sanhedrin—A religious council of members that would convene together to hear testimony and pass judgement on an accuser of not keeping the Law and/or blaspheming the name of God (see Deuteronomy 1:16-17; 19:15; Exodus 20:16; Leviticus 24:15-16).
Joseph of Arimathea’s profile: (Courtesy of
Following Jesus Christ has always been dangerous, but it was especially so for Joseph of Arimathea. He was a prominent member of the Sanhedrin, the court which condemned Jesus to death. Joseph risked his reputation and his life by standing up for Jesus, but his faith far outweighed his fear.
Joseph of Arimathea’s Accomplishments:
- Matthew calls Joseph of Arimathea a “rich” man, although there is no indication in Scripture what he did for a living. Unsubstantiated legend has it that Joseph was a dealer in metal goods.
- To make sure Jesus received a proper burial, Joseph boldly asked Pontius Pilate for custody of Jesus’ body (see Mark 15:43). Not only did this devout Jew risk ritual uncleanness by entering the quarters of a pagan (see John 18:28; Mark 15:43; John 19:38), but with Nicodemus, another Sanhedrin member, he further contaminated himself under Mosaic law, by touching a corpse (see Numbers 5:2; 19:11-22; Leviticus 21:11).
- Joseph of Arimathea donated his new tomb for Jesus to be buried in. This fulfilled the prophecy in Isaiah 53:9: He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth. (NIV)
Joseph of Arimathea’s Strengths and accomplishments:
- Joseph believed in Jesus, despite pressures from his colleagues and the Roman rulers.
- He boldly stood up for his faith, trusting the consequences to God.
- Luke calls Joseph of Arimathea a “good and upright man.”
- He boldly asked Pilate (a Roman Governor) for the body of Jesus.
Weakness and mistake (added in by me):
- Limited by his fear of being publicly exposed as Jesus’ follower (see John 19:38).
Life Lessons:
Sometimes our faith in Christ carries a high price. No doubt Joseph was shunned by his peers for caring for Jesus’ body, but he followed his belief anyway. Doing the right thing for God may bring suffering in this life, but it carries eternal rewards in the next life.
Joseph of Arimathea’s story is told in: Matthew 27:57, Mark 15:43, Luke 23:50-51, John 19:38-42
Beloved, I close with this. As I walked away from writing this magnificent insight and revelation for a time that came to me from God’s heart, to my heart to all your precious hearts. I was rejoicing in the Lord for such an outstanding thing. He further showed me such extraordinary things concerning this, and I leave you with this:
Beloved, I close with this. As I walked away from writing this magnificent insight and revelation for a time that came to me from God’s heart, to my heart to all your precious hearts. I was rejoicing in the Lord for such an outstanding thing. He further showed me such extraordinary things concerning this, and I leave you with this:
- The rich are not unreachable
- The learned are not unreachable
- The influential are not unreachable
- The religious are not unreachable
- The devout are not unreachable
- The fearful are not unreachable
- Those who lurk in the shadows are not unreachable
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