Thursday, August 8, 2013

The right answer, the right word at the right time!

That defining moment when faced with two roads to choose from. Today’s insight is near and dear to me. As I was one who was faced with such a life transforming and eternity securing choice. With that said, I now invite you into my HEART...

“Such is the fate on a man who so chooses the choice wanted and not the choice needed— He shall forever remain separated from the love of God.” — F. Lugo

Beloved, I believe the tide is changing in my family. I belong to a family here on earth that almost all are far from God, in that, they are not securely in Christ. But I am believing my prayers lifted up to God as a sweet smelling aroma since 2011 in faith, are starting to manifest themselves in and through my family. Since 2011 three of my family members have came to Christ. A fourth has expressed a deep need for change and that they are aware of two roads (two choices) set before them.

Matter of fact these words will be delivered to them, that they may further spur them on to choose the road less traveled that leads to salvation and reconciliation with the God Eternal who abides in everlasting peace and glory. Hallelujah!

Freedom is a word loosely translated in this day and age. Freedom has never come free, but rather with a great price attached to it. For the one who desires freedom for many, great has been their sacrifice and if need be, their lives were the ransom demanded for such freedom.

Many times we may fall into the trap of believing the right answer, the right word at the right time, is what we want to hear, but this will never be true and never benefit us. What we want to hear has lead us to the road we’re on. A road of despair. Potholes of disgust, shame, guilt, pain, exhaustion, emptiness and loneliness. Leaving us abandoned and without purpose. Like the thread marks of tires left behind, our lives and the joy we thought would be, has been left behind. We are utterly lost and searching for purpose yet cannot find it in and of our own strength.

The weak man continues to do it as he has done it. A strong man, humbly looks for a new way.

The right words. The right answer at the right time will always be what we need to hear. This is the two road choice we find ourselves in at a very pivotal moment in our lives. For the Word of God examines the thoughts and intents of a mans heart, and here it is: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (Matthew 7:13-14).

Beloved I have literally been faced with this situation. I was placed before two roads for my life. One was broad. Easily navigated but surely it was the road most traveled and I knew it all too well as I was on it! The road less traveled, was narrow, it was difficult and very few had chosen it for its difficulty and narrow ways. After looking at both roads and noticing one was in darkness and the other with brilliant light, I chose the illuminated path.

I quickly discovered its difficulty. And before long, I turned around and went back the way I already knew to experience 7 times as much difficulty, despair, lost and emptiness than before. Three years went by and then the choice presented Himself again. And I say Himself, as Jesus is the Way. Following Him isn’t easy and it can get quite difficult but He is also the Light and by Him and through Him we will see where we need to go and will be aware of where we’re headed. Amen.

As I said, three years went by. I was at the bottom. A pit of despair. What little I had was taken away as I didn’t appreciate it and I found myself inconsolable. I wept on end. And when the dawn of a new day came, it was as if I was still in darkness. But one day. One glorious day! Everything changed. Jesus presented Himself to me.

He wasn’t scolding me or with a pointed finger telling me how very bad I was. On the contrary, His mercy is what I experienced and His peace is what I was given! These are His actual words to me as I stood at the edge of a bed a broken shell of a man.

“I come to you with a gift. A gift no one can take away. When you lay your head down and rise again. Your eyes will be opened and you will now see. Your ears will be opened and you will now hear. Everything will be different.”

Beloved, from three years of pain and agony, emptiness, anger and lost, one encounter with the God of all grace, mercy and peace changed my whole entire life! Since then, I have not looked back. I am on the narrow road. The road less traveled. The difficult road, but that is fine with me, as I now have faithfully and confidently my Jesus— Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Jesus is the way to heaven and by Him alone, the most glorious love is available to us and awaits us. 

The weak man turns back, but the strong man walks forward always reflecting upwards.

So, these may not be the words you want to hear, but guarantee you, if you are facing two roads, THESE WORDS ARE EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED TO HEAR! Therefore, take courage and choose wisely. Consider the cost of your choice— A choice of life and death. Broad or narrow. Easy and leading towards certain destruction or difficult leading to everlasting life. It’s your choice. And know this! I am praying for you. 

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