Friday, August 2, 2013

The forty minute call in the 10 minute conversation

Beloved, I rather enjoy hearing others speak. I am to God’s glory someone who observes a lot and absorbs much of what is around me. Jesus Himself would observe people then from such observations, He would speak profound words that if heeded with all humility, would forever shape a person’s life for their own benefit and the good of mankind. Today, as I woke up and inquired of the Lord this most glorious thing: “Lord, what do you have for me today?” I rejoiced in thanking Him for being good and faithful to me and I prayed that He show me a new thing as He makes all things new. Today (being August 2, 2013) I was most blessed to have a ten minute conversation today that revealed the blessing of a forty minute call. With that said, I now invite you into my HEART...

10 Minutes

Beloved, here is a conversation I had with someone. I will paraphrase it, as word-for-word cannot be transcribed here, but follow along and a beautiful blessing will unfold right before your eyes and if you are willing to humble yourselves and admit your part in this, surely the goodness and mercy of God will befall you. Amen.

Someone: Hello, how has your day been?

Me: Good. I went to sleep around three in the morning as I was talking to the Lord and reading. So I woke up real late. I started to speak with the Lord, I did some writing, made breakfast for myself and tended to some household matters.

Me: How has your day been?

Someone: Good. I also went to bed late. It took me a while to decompress.

The 40-Minute call is introduced into the 10-Minute conversation

Someone: I woke up, spoke with the Lord, did some reading, and prayed for my nephew in specific. I prepared for my day, and went into work.

Someone: As soon as I get to my desk and log on, I receive a call that took forty minutes. The first thing was a 40-minute call with a man who just wanted to talk and didn’t want to hear what I had to offer. He wanted to ask questions, but didn’t want to give me any information to further help him. I Told him, sir, I can help you and answer all your questions, but I need your information, to better quote you prices for our services.

Someone: At this point from hearing the man speak, asking questions, not wanting to give me any information to help him, I became annoyed with him. I asked the Lord to help me with this.

Me: It’s amazing how we as human beings approach God in the same manner. We immediately start asking questions, and wanting to talk and talk right from the start, yet we don’t want to hear what He has to say. Don’t you find this interesting?

Someone: That’s why I ask the Lord to help me. I saw that I couldn’t get annoyed with this man but had to put myself in their shoes. If they would hear what I had to say, and only give me the information I needed, I could answer all their questions and help them out. Since the first thing was this 40-minute call, everything got out of whack for me.

Beloved, from this point on, I was not moved to share anymore as I saw the individual I was speaking with wasn’t willing or couldn’t at that point in time, hear, see and receive what a glorious thing I had to share with them. So I soaked it all in, and was rejoicing inside as I knew the Holy Spirit had already inspired me to write, and something excellent would come out of this ten minute conversation, and this excellent thing; was the new thing I had prayed to experience. Praise the Lord for He is faithful!

Here it is. Much of the time we as human beings, and Christians alike, rush into telling God what we want from Him, and very seldom, do we inquire of the Lord. What do I mean by inquire? To inquire of the Lord, is to approach Him as all knowing. To approach Him in all humility. To approach Him in confession, letting Him know, we do not have the answer, and we further need His help. To inquire of the Lord, has nothing to do with telling God what you want, but speaking with Him. You express your deep need of Him, and He in His mercy, grace and unparalleled wisdom decrees what it will be. Whomever heeds these words, they shall be known as wise.

I too, have known all too well, what it is to tell God what I want, what I’m expecting and what it’s going to be, as if, any of it moves Him or captivates Him. Truly, such actions, motives and intents was utter foolishness on my behalf, and showed that I truly did not praise and worship the Living God of heaven and earth. I have since found myself placed in a most beautiful position; that of a worshiper inquiring of the Lord. Amen!

Beloved, what can we gather from this ten minute conversation revealing a blessing from a forty minute call? Humility goes a long way. Reverence of the living God is absolutely needed. Speech requires two things; To be heard and to hear. God isn’t someone who you tell what you want from Him, He is the One you express your deep need of Him and await His Word. Amen.

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