Monday, August 5, 2013

BOOST!: The Thankful Heart (part 1 of 2)

Beloved, being thankful doesn’t come easy for many. Myself included. Such is to my shame at times. I have no reason why I shouldn’t always be thankful. Though hardships come, and bad, sad and heartbreaking moments will be experienced, being thankful shouldn’t be something that comes and goes but always remains. With that said, I now invite you into my HEART...

A critical heart is just that! Critical— one step away from death. But a thankful heart is filled with life! Being in “critical” condition, monitoring is needed and life support must be given. Medication is administered and if saved on time, the critical heart can recover and become strong again.

By the way, the medical field absolutely display and reveals the glory of God!

The critical heart isn’t in an eternal state of disrepair. This state has a remedy that can cause reversal of the damages— it’s called thankfulness. Thankfulness to the critical heart is strong medicine. And as with all strong medicines there are side affects. These side affects to the critical heart may cause pain, discomfort, nausea, uneasiness and if not administered properly could cause further damage. 

However, overtime, the critical heart can become the thankful heart where there is a wealth (Luke 6:43-45; Matthew 12:37) of life in it that bubbles up to the surface and infects everything around it with goodness. Therefore, be thankful in all things.

This is a boost to my heart, as it further encourages me and spurs me on to always lead out by example, in being thankful in all things. Amen.

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