Tuesday, July 16, 2013

HEED THE WORD: Same Sex Marriage

“Love covers a multitude of sins.”

This message I share with you today, the Lord prompted me to write a few of weeks ago, when it would’ve been a high priority on what was being read through search engines. For reasons I cannot even remember, I didn’t get to share it. Nevertheless, today being (July 16, 2013) will be the day it is posted. I am no stranger to these words, “Same Sex Marriage.” It has brought about mixed feelings to me over the years in my life. First at the tender age of 12 when gay and lesbian meant nothing to me other than “we’re just friends,” then over the course of my teenage and young adolescent years, where it became more obvious to me. With that said, I invite you to read a message from Gods HEART...

Before I get to the message God Himself spoke into me concerning a hot topic in our today, I wanted to share this with you from my heart and personal life. In my youth I knew gay and lesbian people and couples. They never caused me any trouble or harm directly, and for the most part they seemed happy. Of course I was between the ages of 12 and 15. What did I know? When I got older, the word gay or lesbian still didn’t impact my world much other than so and so, knows so and so. It was a world I was aware of, yet kept protected from at the same time. Eventually as I grew into my early twenties, resentment started to set into me concerning the words gay and lesbian, but not for the reasons one would think. I didn’t dislike people who were attracted to the same sex, for the sake of disliking them. I certainly didn’t think they were “demon-possessed.”

I was angry over the hurt, pain, suffering and anger that I witnessed coming from it. I witnessed fights, arguments, insults, betrayal, lies, etc... from such relationships and it made me more and more angry. Yet, I noticed the same from heterosexual relationships as well. Eventually, I came to the conclusion any sane person should come to: relationships whether of a hetero or homosexual nature, are both lacking something. There must be something wrong if media and social classes of any denomination say either is more preferable than the other, yet both are susceptible and destroyed by the same problem— They both shared the same underlining factor.

This factor is separation from God. 

Now I wasn’t a “Christian,” or “Christ follower” until the age of 29, so this conclusion was many years in the making, but it is now a certainty whether straight or gay couples want to acknowledge it. This post isn’t an in depth teaching of God’s Word and will certainly not include any reference to any biblical scripture. What it will be, is a message for both straight and gay orientation to heed, myself included. Below is a message given to me from God’s heart to my heart to your precious hearts.

Beloved, anyone who is of God is of love, as God is love. Therefore hate, isn’t of our vocabulary when it comes towards our actions. Who is “our” I speak of? It is the Christian; the Christ follower: The believer that Jesus is the Son of God and the lamb that took away the sin of the world. Amen.

Beloved, what is to hate? Is it not to stand against sin and the corruption and death it has brought against the body and all of Creation? Indeed it is. Therefore, hating the brethren (the Jew, the Messianic Jew, the Christian) is not of God. Hating sin that may be at work in them is of God, and what does such a fierce emotion drive us to do? Act! What is action? It is to do what is demanded and necessary. And what is demanded and necessary of the Christ follower? To love at all times. God first, then all others! Amen.

Hate towards any Human being is enmity against God. Such has been the case throughout the ages. Those who rose up in the name of Jesus to hate a fellow human being. So, with that said, I speak to a matter that the Lord brought to my attention this morning, being (June 26, 2013). Actions and debates have been going on for quite some time towards the right to “same sex” marriages being legal. Not only in one state, but as it were, in all states and surely worldwide. This will stir up in the person who is not of God. They may speak out and against declaring they are in Jesus, but their hate and blood lust clearly testifies against them! Such is the vengeance against them from God Himself if they do not repent of such hate and murder, as to hate another, before God, is equal to hate!

So let not your heart grow hard, nor let hate rise to the surface like leaven (yeast) in dough, but humble yourself before the Lord God of heaven and earth, and ask Him to love others through you. For all sins are pardonable through Christ Jesus, but one sin in particular is so strong and causes the greatest of harm against us and that is the sexually immoral sin, that wages war within our bodies and causes us to become imprisoned. No man can be set free in and of themselves, but it takes a divine intervention from heaven itself, in order to free the sexually immoral imprisoned.

This can only be done by the Lord, yet we have a wonderful opportunity as believers standing in Christ— that is to act in love! 

This love, comes by way of prayer, that the sexually immoral imprisoned may be love by God back to wholeness, for their sexual immoral sin has separated them from God Himself, but His love is willing and able to blanket (cover) them in their sin, that they by faithful prayer and a gracious and loving God shall be set free. Amen Lord Jesus!

So beloved, let us pray and not judge. Let us love and not hate. Let us look to the Lord who is the justifier of the brethren and redeemer of all sinners. He is the judge and in His righteousness, knows how to deliver judgement for or against anyone. Yet before judgement always comes mercy by way of Jesus Christ, who is the expressed image of God. Let us not get caught up in the rhetoric of those who say this and that about Jesus or the love of God. As I started this I shall end it says the Lord, “anyone who is of God is of love, as I Am love.” Amen!

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