Monday, July 15, 2013

3 Things About Honesty

Beloved, I have recently started to use instagram on a consistent basis. My username is a cool one...I certainly think so. Its: @hello_im_flavio. There are times I post something on instagram and decide to elaborate on it a bit more on my blog. Today is one of those days, and it could not have come at a better time and a worst time for me. A better time, as it can certainly encourage me as well as others by the content that will be read here, and a worst time, because its going to cause me to be transparent with you my audience and that means once again putting myself out there. So with that, I now invite you into my HEART...

They’re three things on my mind today and they aren’t necessarily three easy things, though they are three crucially helpful things. The three that I list below have been lifesavers. Once again, they aren’t easy to do or to admit.

  • Be honest with God.
  • Be honest with yourself.
  • Be honest with others.

Today is July 15, 2013 and yesterday was the very day I posted what is read below. It was birthed out of my desire to encourage someone else who had a struggle they were going through. I elaborated on it, on my instagram page, and now I elaborate on it again. Yet, I will leave the original content as it is, then you can read it, and I will add new content afterwards. The new content will be in italics.

Beloved, little over a year ago, and these three individuals @daughteroftheking_drea @uncannyskillzz and @happymishel can attest to it, I was in a HUGE struggle. Probably the toughest and hardest struggle I’ve been in, in all my life. Till this day I do not know how I got into it or why it happened, but the HUGE struggle was this: I stopped hearing the voice of God and it felt like I was literally dying. It was the worst thing a person could experience. From July 3, 2009 to about October of 2012 I consistently heard the voice of God and not hearing from Him was agony to me.

After a few months of struggle, pain, agony and even doubt, I slowly began to hear a faint whisper. It was so faint I think a whisper would’ve been easier to hear. Slowly what seemed like noise became a whisper. Eventually I heard one word spoken to me, “Honest.”

So I asked the Lord, “Honest. What do you mean?” I heard from Him again. He said, “Be honest.” So I asked again, “Be honest with what?” And again I heard Him speak to me, “Be honest with Me, with yourself and with others.” 

In that moment many things as if a rushing river came to the surface, breaking free from my heart and soul. I started to confess things that were bothering me and that I was angry about. I started to share those things with others and little by little I became emotionally free. 

No longer would my heart lead me, but I would lead my heart. Thank you to @happymishel, @uncannyskillzz and @daughteroftheking_drea for your prayers in that time of my life as well as reaching out to me whether a call or a text or an email, even when I wouldn’t want to speak to anyone. YOU ARE ALL VERY DEAR TO ME and have a special place in my heart forever.

Here’s the new content as promised: This is certainly hard to express, but I am willing to do it, as I believe not only will it encourage others, but breakthrough comes to those who are willing to forge ahead in the midst of great struggle and pain. Today as with many days, I struggle with the thought Does what I do matter? I have been faithfully writing in this blog for three years now. I have often prayed for and hoped for many, many people to follow it and that we would build a community online all over the world, to share our hearts for the Lord, our stories of coming to the Lord, our memories and experiences of being loved by the Lord, yet this has yet to happen. 

I know that my content is long, and it is not because I choose to make it long, but I believe, it’s because I truly pour my heart out and have a story to tell that unfolds in each and every post that I am inspired to write. I believe firmly that God will make a way, and one day whether this side of heaven or not, He will show me the great impact all this writing and sharing and transparency has made. I also believe, that when I stand before Jesus; the Lord of heaven and earth, my Savior, Lord and Beloved, He will show me a great multitude behind me that came to Him by my life lived for Him and legacy left behind as a committed Christ follower.

I will tell you this. I certainly would love to wake up in the morning and have tons of emails from followers of this blog, that have left comments on multiple blog entries. I would love to be getting back to the followers of this blog, and actually be telling them, I’m sorry it has taken so long to respond to you, but I had so many comments from so many people, but you certainly are of value to me. I want you to know that. Maybe this day will come, but if it doesn’t, I will still write what God places on my heart to write, whether it is liked or disliked that my blog posts are too long. 

Since my rebirth in Christ, of the Holy Spirit on July 3, 2009, I haven’t been known to post or write about niceties. It just isn’t me. I wont post anywhere that Jesus loves you or God is good and keep it like that. I will be transparent and truthful of why those epic statements are true to me, and I will pray God will use it to make it your truth. 

Beloved, I ask those who are in Christ and do believe in the power of personal prayer, prayed in Jesus name, to pray for me. I need encouraging. I want to impact this world for Christ, but I can’t do it alone. I need a team of people who are passionate about Jesus, social media and using it as a platform whether it be via writing, posting divinely inspired pictures, quotes or personal Christian testimonies, to partner with me. I am willing to listen to your ideas and I am also willing to partner up with you, if your efforts are grounded in Jesus and are for the glory of God.

Other than that, I will write to you and keep sharing the heart God has given me for His glory and the passion to write to share the love of God with others and my God-story with the world. May this encourage you and help you along the way, if at any time you feel or felt insignificant.

As always... YOU ARE LOVED.

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