Sunday, March 31, 2013

Resurrection Sunday: A Testimony/He Lives! (Part 6)

Beloved, grace and peace be with you in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ and in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On this day, being March 31, 2013 what I share with you is part 6 of my personal testimonies. The first 5 are on Facebook and you can befriend me and read them in my notes (HERE). With that being said, I now invite you into my HEART...


Truly, I do not desire you to be ignorant in the things of God. From the beginning God has sent His witness and later messengers and faithful servants of His both in a place and later dispersed throughout the world to testify of Him, but a people did not receive their testimony. Whether consumed and blinded by their own wickedness or thinking they knew the messengers by their history, they would not receive their testimony of what the Lord had done, is doing and would do. Even today, those faithful messengers and servants unto God are diligently at work and one may very well have been brought near to you, but their history has caused you not to see God at work in them and through them but only receiving what you have known.

This is the truth! God isn’t a God confined to the past. He is the Almighty God, He who is the Great I Am. He isn’t the great I was or the great I will be, but He is ever present accomplishing new things in all of creation. And has chosen throughout the earth from the beginning to present day and until the end of this age to do a “New Thing” in those whom the world has not considered worthy nor qualified to speak of such things.

I praise the Father for holding such things away from those who saw themselves in their own prideful ways as intellectuals and worthy of such praise but rather revealed His ways to babes, being those who were considered to know nothing having no formal education and upbringing in such ways. And today as it has been since He has called me, I too, have received the great honor and privilege to have such things revealed to me. It is an immense responsibility in which I do not take lightly.

For who can say among us that God’s heart is like an ocean to them, in that they bask in the glorious splendor of such beauty to be seen, and have been immersed by His love? Truly, to God’s everlasting glory, honor and praise I am such a person who God Himself has revealed such things and done such things to. But is it this I boast in? Indeed it isn’t! If I sing praises of anything it isn’t what I have experienced as many have experienced such wonderful and beautiful things from God, but this is my boasting! That He Himself accomplished what I or anyone would never do, could never do, in that He who is holy and perfect lacking nothing became all things despised and most despicable, that all would have opportunity from God to become the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ. Blessed be His Holy name forever! Amen.

As Jesus Christ, the very Son of God, in not being sin nor knowing sin became sin, taking upon His very self the sin of the world! Through His righteous act many would be saved. Through this everlasting demonstration of God’s love towards a people who were not receiving of Him, but rather despised Him and conspired to kill Him, in that frame of mind, in that hardness of heart and darkness of the soul, God did the unthinkable... He sent His Son to die on a Cross! Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ forever! Amen.

Therefore beloved, that is what I boast in. And if there is anything else for me to boast in, I do not boast in that I have received countless revelations. That I have seen visions of the war in heaven where Satan was casted out along with the angels who revolted against God with Satan. That I have received many visions and dreams and have audibly heard the voice of God and seen angels and heard angels call out to me. That the Holy Spirit has manifested Himself in me and through me and all around me before witnesses. What is the boasting in this?

For a man is counted foolish if that is what he can boast about. Such things to a man should be considered fleeting, but this I boast all the more about. In my condemning sin He who is righteous and willing called out to me and came to me and saved me. He awakened me to His divine and everlasting love. He showed me that He truly was the Resurrection and the Life, the eternal living God who is above all things, all people and all names. Blessed be His Holy name forever and ever to the glory of God the Father. Amen. Praise the Lord Jesus!

What else can I boast in. Is it in that God has called me to be a walking oracle unto Him? Can it be that God Himself has revealed to me that He alone by His mighty hand has saved me from bullets, fires, car accidents, women, drugs, alcohol, materialism, lack of love, lack of peace, lack of trust, lack of confidence, lack of rest, lack of willingness and purpose. That He Himself has kept me from living a life of lies? Should I boast in this?

No, this I boast in! That He who is the everlasting God, the very Lord God who was in the beginning. He was residing with God and He is God... The Creator God Himself. He is the One who all things created were created through and nothing exists unless it exists through Him! Amen. He is the very profound image of grace and truth. The One who has declared the Father’s love to the world and brought the very kingdom of God near to us. The One who is the everlasting Word of Truth, hope, peace and freedom. He Himself is faith! Amen.

I further boast in His beating prior to His crucifixion. For in such a beating I became healed from the sickness of sin. In such a crucifixion I became redeemed from God’s righteous judgement (upon me once being sin as the penalty for sin is death) and sins venomous bite was no longer upon me. I further boast in this. That in His burial my sin and what was to be my eternal death and separation from God was buried with Him. And I BOAST if there is anything worthy to boast about in this! By the power from the Most High God and in His everlasting love, Christ rose from the grave, He resurrected from the grips of Satan’s mighty weapons being death and the grave, and I was justified forevermore before the Father Himself to stand in righteousness, the righteousness of Christ Jesus Himself! Blessed be His Holy name forever. Amen.

Beloved, what is there to boast about? Is it in our feeble attempts to earn our own salvation through “good deeds” as if any man has ever been good and accomplished good deeds without ulterior motives lurking about.

No! This is the boasting, that God in His righteous love, His great patience, His everlasting compassion and daily renewing mercy has drawn near to us through His faithful messenger and Righteous Servant Lord Jesus, the very Son of the Most High God and Father. His suffering Servant in whom the Father placed all of our iniquities upon Him. Amen.

This is boasting. That the Majestic Father called His Righteous Son back up to Him once His faithful work unto Salvation for many was finished; for those who believe in Jesus as the very Son of God. He ascended up into heaven on the clouds of glory before many witnesses to sit at the right hand of the Holy Everlasting Father. In such I boast! For those who place their faith in the very Son of God who Is Jesus the Risen King and Lord, we all being forgiven, justified and redeemed before God through Christ Jesus will too be lifted up with Him to be in His glory at the appointed time forevermore. Amen. And all shall see Him, the Lord of glory return in such a glorious manner. Blessed be His Holy name forever! Amen.

I boast in Christ. He is my glory. He is my honor. He is my reward. He is my portion. He is my treasure. He is my praise. He is my reason for existing and in Whom I exist in. Amen. My blessed Redeemer, Great God and Savior in Whom I trust. Yes! He is my BOASTING. Hallelujah!

On this Resurrection Sunday, I rejoice and I say rejoice! For what I have known and what I have seen, and what has been revealed to me has only been revealed to me and made known to me by a loving God who alone has all power and dominion over all of creation. Amen! Such a gift is available to you in Christ Jesus. And there is no other thing to put your faith in. No other religion to follow. No other deed to accomplish in your own strength. No other god to worship. No other way to heaven. No other truth and no other life to live. There is only One Way, One Truth and One Life, and One True God of heaven and earth and all the fullness of it, in whom the revelation has come through and that is Jesus Christ! Amen.

Therefore, call out to Him, receive Him, place your faith in Him and as He has declared, in Him you shall not perish but have everlasting life. Amen. Praise The Lord!

As always... YOU ARE LOVED.

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