Beloved just like with Goliath and the people of Israel the Holy Spirit revealed this to me (today March 28, 2013 at 12:15am) concerning us: Those who are in need of a Savior. With that being said, I know invite you into my HEART...
In order for the people of Israel to continue to chase after, attain and arrive at God’s promises for them, one who was anointed king (David), yet his contemporaries did not see him qualified nor did they qualify him themselves, had to come to slay the fear instilling and taunting giant himself alone.
Though they did not accept him and in fact rejected him, he came to intercede on their behalf as they couldn’t accomplish it themselves despite their ridicule and blatant denial of him in being of any aid to them.
Just like David to the people of Israel, Jesus Christ to the whole world is this One who was anointed King, and came to accomplish what we could never accomplish in our fear and lack of faith. He has interceded on our behalves to cut of the head of our giant; that is death and the grave: the very power of sin that Satan holds over us with great taunts. We did not qualify Him nor looked upon Him as qualified, yet God who anointed David king over all of Israel has done an even greater work in King Jesus being Lord of all. Amen!
Therefore, I pray, that this Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, He who holds the crown above all of Creation yet humbled Himself to become as a slave and servant of all in order to put to death ONCE AND FOR ALL, the hold of fear Satan has had over us and the taunts of death and the grave that Satan has used like mighty weapons against us, you will rejoice and not only rejoice in the victory Jesus gave us by laying His life down on that Cross and rising three days later triumphantly over death and the grave, but that you will give your life over to Him and make Him your personal Lord and Savior for life and for eternity. Amen.
It is The Lord Jesus the Anointed King in whom we ought to receive and praise. Just as a people rejoiced in David and shouted out with praise, ‘David has slain his ten thousands.’ Let us shout out with a victorious praise and a holy worship and reverence for The Lord Jesus’s redeeming work that has slain the biggest enemy of them all— Sin!
Hallelujah! Blessed be His Holy name forever. Amen.
Beloved, I would be doing you a great disservice and injustice if I would stand by and allow sin and Satan himself to continue to taunt and instill fear in you. As I mentioned to one yesterday, ‘I who the Lord has done and is still doing a great work in, dare not stand by and allow people to continue on being in darkness towards who the Lord Jesus truly is.’
Who He Truly Is
He isn’t some kind man or a very well known prophet. He’s the King of kings and the Lord of lords and He holds the crown of life and the keys to death and the grave. He is the Savior of mankind and the Redeemer of the soul.
He’s the Creator God, the very Word and Breath of life. He is the Living Water that sustains all life. The Bread of Life that strengthens all of Creation. He has been,
He is, and He will always be the only begotten Son of the Most High God! He was in the beginning. He was with God and He is God.
All things created are created through Him and nothing was made unless made through Him. He is the beginning of all things and the end of all things. He is first above all Creation that He Himself created and the Last Word in all that has been created. He is the owner of all things. Knows all things. Sees all things and is everywhere at one time. He is Joy. He is Peace. He is Hope. He is Faith. He is Mercy. He is Compassion. He is Grace. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
And at His Holy and Majestic name, every knee shall bow in heaven, on earth and under the earth and every tongue shall confess to the glory of God the Father that Jesus is Lord. Amen.
He is and will always be my Beloved Jesus, Great God and Savior in Whom I trust and delight in! Amen.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord and precious Savior Jesus Christ forever and ever. Amen.
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