Wednesday, January 9, 2013


This thought of marriage has long confused me, and no wonder. Marriage has been drastically distorted and perverted for so long. It’s impossible in this world to grasp the reason for marriage. Marriage is something that people casually enter into and hours later dismiss without a care in the world. Marriage is done at the whim of a bet, a game of poker, or a dare. Marriage has come in all shapes, colors and sizes. People get married to their pets, and farm animals. At that foolish thought and notion, wouldn’t you be incredibly confused about marriage? Who wouldn’t? With that being said, I now invite you into my HEART...

Whenever I looked at a marriage, I saw a man and a woman that argued, yelled, fought, betrayed, manipulated, misused, disrespected and threatened one another. I never saw love. I never saw respect. I never saw sacrifice. I never saw holding hands and hugging. I certainly didn’t see two people praying together, in order to stay together, as the saying goes. I only saw and heard heartache and pain.

Using sex as a weapon instead of a sort of peace treaty and means of building a community between two people to exist as one, was an ideal rather than the idea to me. How could such a thing exist? For so long, I was in and out of relationships that revolved around sex and nothing more. Sure there was some holding of hands, hugs, and sweet words being uttered, like “You know you’re the only one for me,” and “We were meant to be together forever” but that faded away like dust in the wind. Even my halfhearted attempt at being married failed miserably as if everyone with any sense couldn’t have forseen that coming a 100 miles away. Here was my exact proposal (get ready to become woozy from nausea). “We’re too old to be boyfriend and girlfriend. We’re adults now, let’s get married.” Yup! It also makes me want to go and visit a toilet bowl nearby.

My whole marriage was a train wreck and although I’m known for being melodramatic, compared to what it could have been and should have been it was indeed a train wreck.

Now when marriage includes children (in which I was not fortunate to have experienced fully yet I am someone’s child myself) and the marriage is a “train wreck” that ends up being classified and filed away as “irreconcilable differences” the thought of not having children in that marriage of mine, causes me to say that it was a blessing, as I know all to well, the result of a child who belongs to a broken home. Such children struggle and struggle all through life.

Now, I can say with an unbelievable sigh of relief and a heart and soul full of praise, that with God, truly all things are possible.


Beloved, for so long I have heard many people desire to be married. Women wanting a man. Men wanting a woman. But the root of their desire is to satisfy the fire burning in their bodies and not to bring glory to God. I too, was one of those very people. But no more! If you desire HOLY MATRIMONY, it wouldn’t be for simply satisfying your body although certainly marriage extinguishes that and causes the man and woman not to sin against God, but truly, it is to show this world what a husband and wife and the the heart of God's purpose for marriage is all about— A holy union that brings glory to God and His message to a people. Amen. Where do you stand?

Marriage blessed by God isn’t to satisfy sexual desires, but to bring glory and praise to Him. Amen.

I desire to be married no longer for sexual gratification, but to radically change this misconception the world has about marriage. Amen.

Surely things of this earth are pleasing to the body, but if we do not comprehend their true purpose and meaning, how can we know the things of heaven that are pleasing to the spirit and move the heart of God?

Ask the Lord for this understanding, and to prepare your heart, mind, body and soul to enter into such a HOLY UNION where two become one. He is faithful to do it!

As always... YOU ARE LOVED

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