**Before I begin, I desire for this to be absolutely clear, as a true witness and testimony of what God has done and is absolutely capable and willing to do, for the one who truly desires fellowship with the one true God of heaven and earth and all the sea. Amen.**
Beloved, this morning (1/14/13) I did not want to wake up. I did not want to experience the burden of looking after dogs, or to hear the noise of people. I just wanted to sleep. But as I laid in bed, a beautiful thing began to occur. Something I have experienced continually yet it never fails to have me in awe—God started to speak to me and speak into me wonderful things. So wonderful were these things my tiredness dissipated like dust in the wind.
I got up, went to wash up and then I started to write down all that He had spoken into me as reminders of what I would share with you later. Yet, upon my return to my room, as I sat and reflected on what amazing things God just spoke into me I would be amazed as it would not be what I would write here and now. What God would show me and now has shown me, I testify has transformed me to never be the same and it will do just that to you as well! Amen. Now, I invite you into my HEART...
As I closed my eyes, and entered into my “closet” of prayer, and started by acknowledging my God, the One true God; the God of heaven and earth and all the sea, as the One who by His grace I am able to get off of my bed, for surely if it were not for Him, I would never rise again! I rejoiced and continued to praise Him, in that even before I awake, He is there. That He and He alone causes me to lie down in rest and in peace, and even before I rise from the bed, He has caused me to open my eyes and see the light of His sun coming through the shades. That He and He alone causes me to have hearing of what sounds and noises are circulating about. As I continued to praise my God and thank my God, I knew I was in a special place of worship towards my God, and then that is when my God took me in the Spirit to a special place that mere men dare not, and cannot enter: The Father most supreme above all of creation, opened up the “CHAMBER OF LOVE” to me, for that was what was inscribed upon the vault door. As this door opened, I was ushered into the Heart of God.
Beloved, this morning as I mentioned above, God allowed me into the chambers of His heart. He opened up the vault of love and allowed me the immense privilege and honor to enter into it. Upon entering into this vast treasury, I saw the extent of God’s excellent wealth! There lining God’s heart to my amazement, was not silver and gold, but an endless and everlasting quantity of grace, peace, mercy, compassion, holiness, faithfulness, hope, obedience, service, generosity, kindness, wisdom, knowledge, understanding and discipline.
The Spirit of supplication, praise and worship was overwhelming. God’s love overcame me like the most pleasing intoxication of perfume no man has ever taken in. I didn’t know my beginning from my end. I became lost in God’s love; in God’s heart! Yet, I did not panic but wanted to remain lost.
Upon this chamber, I also saw fellowship with Creation. There was a sadness and sorrow that was as far as the eye could see, and then it kept going. All of a sudden I was overcome by this great wealth of compassion towards humanity and the hurt it was causing to itself and to God, and I began to weep and wail over this sadness both in body and in Spirit that now overcame me.
This sadness and sorrow truly grieved me, and it was so great I could not stand under the heavy weight of it, that I cried out to God from His heart to take it away, but He didn’t. He said, “in the treasury of my Heart, there is compassion, and upon being lost in it, sadness and sorrow are heavily felt.” This heaviness was too much to bear, but I was also experiencing in it, a great rejoicing, because mercy filled the chamber. As I wept and wept, God said, “we now have fellowship. Rejoice!”
Beloved, I Flavio Anthony Lugo, testify that what you have read and what God has shared with me and now with you, is true. Even now this miraculous and special moment that is forever in the treasury of my heart, causes me to tremble and shed tears.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. For in Him, by Him and through Him, reside all the riches both now and forever of our soul! Amen.
As always... YOU ARE LOVED
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