“Man was created in the image of God, and like God, is a moral being. Able to discern good from evil, thereby, making us the human race able to know the difference between upholding law or breaking law, making our consciences a judge in and of itself, leaving no room for mistake or doubt of our actions.” — F. Lugo (inspired by Romans 2:15)
“They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.” (Romans 2:15)
Beloved, truly I tell you, our very conscience, the very fact we exist and have life and are alive, has bear witness that we are aware of God and truly we have no excuse to argue whether He exists or not. For in our daily decisions whether to proceed through with them or not, whether someone is watching or we do in secret, we ourselves testify that God is the judge, He is holy and we are either condemned or acquitted by what we have done and have pondered in our thoughts by our conscious nature. In that, I now invite you into my HEART...
As I ponder these two words “High Treason,” a dark and destructive end becomes apparent for the one who is found to be guilty of this. We often hear, and you may have heard tales of what the garden of Eden must’ve been like, and today I will put to rest any confusion. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth— All things seen and unseen. Towards the end of God’s wondrous creating, He created man and woman in His image. This image was not the image we see in our flesh, but an unseen agent of wonder, splendor, amazement and morality that did not have a expiration date, but was everlasting.
God breathed into us His Spirit, His morality, His beauty and His will. This will was freely given accounting for our God-given ability to make choices— both good and bad, yet the fundamental choice God always made and would never waver from, was the right choice, to do good and not commit evil nor allow evil to thrive or exist. Yet, as man in our body, and with a free will such as God’s, we quickly abandoned the choice of good and settled for a lifetime of evil by choosing unwisely.
Now, God is not only a God of justice, being holy and sovereign above all things, He is also a God of mercy, compassion, and in having all these attributes in His nature and character, we can, we will and have come to know it as God; being a God of amazing love. In this unwavering, unconditional love, when the greatest of all that He had created fell to sin, and death overtook the perfect world He so gloriously created out of the abundance of His good pleasure, God showed Himself to also be a God of sacrificial love, in that He had already devised an ingenious plan for mans’ salvation. He, the Creator God, would enter into History and become a human being Himself, to fulfill what was unfulfilled by man, and that was to live a perfect and holy life praising God and rejoicing in the abundance of His good pleasure. Amen.
In a child being given to us, He who was God’s loving answer for sin’s fatal blow, was named Jesus, and in Him we came to behold the fullness of God’s holiness, divinity and love towards humanity. In God’s Christ, Jesus, we who were once in darkness beheld the glory of God, in His Son Jesus, who was the fullness of God’s grace and truth. In Jesus, a light was given onto a dark, hurting and dying world, and this light was so great, what man fell to in the garden so long ago, yet lived it out daily, this pure light extinguished and overcame it. In the garden, we God’s greatest handiwork, knew paradise and were part of a perfect world, but through disobedience, we choose unwisely and fell from the grace of God’s love, but through God’s only Son Jesus Christ, we have forgiveness, we have justification, we have redemption by His life, His sacrifice, Himself: Who became sin that we would no longer know eternal separation from our Holy and loving God, but would become the righteousness (the image of what we once were created for) of God in Christ Jesus. Amen.
High treason, isn’t something to turn our brows up to or scoff at. High treason is what occurs when one of the kings subjects betray their king, and the penalty for such betrayal is death! This death we have all witnessed and testified to, that has overtaken all of creation in all this world when we take in the current state this world is in, as man is consistently adding to the sickness, violence, crime, murder, theft, deaths, adultery, fornication, etc... and not only is this death apparent in all of creation, but it is never more apparent in humanity itself. We ourselves are dying and dead, as we who are apart from God in our sin, are marked for judgement condemned to death. This death is not merely a moments pain but an eternal separation from the One who created us in His excellent love in the first place. Such a judgement and stark reality should cause us all, to cry out to God for His forgiveness and to be made right and justified by the only way God has made readily available for us to no longer be condemned but acquitted of all wrongdoing— by accepting the free gift He gives us through the death of His Son Jesus on the Cross, and His Resurrection and defeat over death and the grave which are sins greatest weapons against humanity. Yet, let us rejoice, for even in a fallen world where death and destruction abides, God in His excellent love and mercy shows us beauty and splendor in His intricate, intentional and intimate works through nature, the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, children being born to parents, and life still showing in us humans, laughter, love, the ability to think and reason and build. God is faithful!
By Jesus’ blood being shed on the Cross as the supreme demonstration of God’s undying, unconditional, sacrificial and perfectly moral love towards us, and by Jesus’ resurrection three days later showing God’s power, dominion and rule over life and death, we who once were headed to destruction and a long way from God, would have not only been freed and brought near to God but given rest in that, we would also have eternal life in God’s only Son Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen!
Beloved, let us not wait another moment! Indeed let us rejoice in this miraculous occasion, where no longer will we say, “My soul why are you anguished? My spirit why are you contrite? My heart why are you broken? My mind why are you cluttered and not at ease thinking of such evil? My body why do you sin against your God? My eyes and feet why do you rush to commit murder and all sorts of evil atrocities? Do you not know you are the Lord’s and are His handiwork created for His good pleasure?
~Are you ready to receive Jesus and be pardoned of your sin?~
By asking God to forgive you, to take away your heavy burden and give you rest from sin, and by accepting the free gift of salvation of your soul, that is only given to us through God’s only Son Jesus Christ, you will be saved. By our conscious decision of making Jesus our Lord and Savior, what was once rightfully given to us in the garden, God will now make it available to us in eternity with Him. Amen.
Truly, it is good for man to say and rejoice in coming to such a revelation of action; such a faith, in declaring ‘Oh God, I have sinned against you!’ asking for forgiveness and committing to repentance, for in that day, the chains, the walls with the looming shadow of giant fear and doubt will have come undone, unraveled and crashing down to no longer rise again, and you will have known yourself to be loosed in the Lord Jesus, who is Christ our Savior. Amen!
Beloved, There is no prayer to pray unlike the cry of a contrite heart and a broken spirit, that has acknowledged that they are in need of their Savior and God. Amen. So, in your quest to seek out God if you have not come to that realization by now, know that as you investigate the claims of Christ, God freely makes Himself known, in that He declares to all, Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Amen.
As always... YOU ARE LOVED
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