Monday, December 28, 2015

Epic Quotes 2015 (Part 28 of 33)

Every divinely inspired insight and truth from God made known to me that I recorded down was just another step leading me into the glorious future He has for me, and with each letter typed and word recorded down, closer I came to the point of a new year. God is faithful. Below are all those quotes recorded down for the year of 2015 and they are indeed epic! Thank you Lord! I pray, you will read through all of them, be lead to pray to God because of many of them and will come to know Him more and my joy that is Jesus Christ the Lord. YOU ARE LOVED. With that, I now invite you Into My HEART that pens down faithfully and accurately all that the Almighty speaks to me.

676. “You can’t talk about Jesus and leave out your past. Without your past, Jesus isn’t the Savior or the Redeemer. Without your past, forgiveness is void and without strength. Without the sinful past, the forgiven present and future hope is without life. Without your past, your audience who needs to know why Jesus is your Savior, let alone theirs, cannot experienced opened ears, eyes and hearts to receive the Gospel of Christ with joy. But let your sinful past remain in the past, to never again command your present or dictate your future, so that the holiness of God in which, we in Christ are called to, can also be a witness to those who need to know the holy God. For without holiness no one will see God. Amen.” 10/1/15

677. “You have heard it. ‘What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?’ Know this! In Jesus Christ the world has experienced this to the greatest heights, depths, widths and breadths. The Father’s love is that immovable object and the Son of His glory is that unstoppable force—And it is written thusly: ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.’” 10/1/15

678. Unstoppable. Immovable. This is God; this is Jesus! This is no paradox or theory. It’s the love of God in harmony, in order, revealing ultimate power. For the Cross of Christ has resulted and culminated in God’s love and Christ’ sacrifice. Equally wonderful and to know it, is to know it’s altogether irresistible. Halleluyah!” 10/1/15

679. “The joys of birthdays. Let our birthdays take a turn for the best. Let us give thanks to God on this day for our parents and to God who gave us life. Instead of it being about us, let us reverse it, and make it all about God.” 10/2/15

680. “LOVE AND OBEY. The tasty ingredients that are found in a personal, intimate and powerful relationship with God, that will equally, cause you to be the type of person that will be a delight in any and all relationships.” 10/2/15 

681. “If God is doing most of the talking, He is speaking eternity into us. If we’re doing most of the talking, we are speaking into the air. For God is the Voice of Truth and the Breath of Life. We are but dust and like a blade of grass. Scattered into the wind—Here one day and gone the next.” 10/3/15

Inspired by a quote from D.L. Moody’s that was posted by someone on Instagram @proverbs_31life and God’s Word: Ecclesiastes 3:11; Psalm 119:159-160, John 10:27; Genesis 2:7, Job 33:4; Psalm 103:14-16)

 What is prayer?

682. “Prayer is activated faith, summoning the response and presence of the Almighty!” 

 683. “We don’t get married to someone who suits our emotional needs. We marry someone who believes and upholds God’s standard for marriage made known in His Word.” 10/3/15

684. “Don’t take the man-made course for Christ before you think you’re ready to share the Gospel. Take the appointed route for Christ. Jesus called mere fisherman who were not educated or with a ministerial background to preach the Gospel. Don’t conform. You don’t need to attend seminary, wear a suit and have some paper on your wall and identification in your wallet to share the good news of Jesus Christ—all you need is to follow Him, believe He is the Christ; the Son of God and obey His Word. The rest He does.” 10/3/15

685. “We can’t look inwardly to ourselves. We can’t look outwardly to others. We must look up and cry out to God to be forgiven and restored, then bow down and humbly receive His forgiveness and rejoice to experience His restoration.” 10/4/15

686. “You who are married and contemplating divorce. Know this; divorce is a sin that destroys and separates. Do not trust in your own understanding but trust in God—He who instituted marriage sustains and provides for marriage.” 10/4/15

687. “We must get to a place where we acknowledge that Jesus is Lord or everything will come to disaster and ruin.” 10/4/15

688. “The name of Jesus is a beautiful fragrance that remains.” 10/5/15

689. “Like Paul, I have a great zeal for His church and His people Israel, but like the Son, I rejoice in the holy presence of my Father in heaven desiring to do His will. Now like King David I cry out to God, confess my sin and sing His praises. Like Daniel, revelation after revelation I receive from the Lord. Now I rejoice like Enoch, that I walk in hand and in step with the Lord. Just like Abraham the Lord spoke, called me out and I believed. All in all, it’s counted as righteousness unto me. PRAISE THE LORD!” 10/6/15

690. “Obedience to Christ and the love of God is EVERYTHING.” 10/6/15

691. “It doesn’t matter what you think its what you know as the truth. It doesn’t matter what you think its what you can prove. Therefore, know the truth and let your life be the proof so that you may walk in the power and authority of a solid foundation.” 10/9/15

692. “When it comes to Jesus Christ, those who come to know Him should remain in a perpetual state of ‘WOW!’ Anything less, will not do.” 10/9/15

693. “Thankfulness, gratefulness and appreciation demands action! Words alone, will not suffice.” 10/9/15

694. “We’re living in a culture that is satisfied at mere words. Taking action does not play a role.” 10/9/15

695. “If action does not follow up your words, your words are hollow, having no meaning, accomplishing nothing. Simply put—they are in vain and are void of purpose.” 10/9/15

696. “Although I am in Christ I still make mistakes. Even being a child of God I stumble and fall. But God like a Father to a child is understanding that we will all stumble and fall as we learn to walk. He is faithful to lift us back up.” 10/10/15 (My prayer for all God’s children who are in Christ and for those who God in Christ is drawing to Himself. Father God, you are a very understanding father. More understanding than we deserve. Thank you that as your children, when we stumble and fall as we learn to walk, your strong right hand is there to lift us back up so that we can continue on. As we grow up, help us to trust in you more and to delight in our loving Father always. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.) 

697. “This word ‘freewill’ is something that invokes laziness and many take what is ‘free’ for granted, yet to be more specific, God endowed the human race with the ‘power of choice’ and in this power we have the right to accept and acknowledge the Lord God or to deny and reject Him. If we accept Him, we equally accept faithfully following Him and being obedient to His will. If we reject Him, we reject everything that comes with Him—forgiveness, redemption, salvation and sonship [becoming His children, heirs and joint heirs in Christ in God’s eternal kingdom]. Either choice is a packaged choice. Choose wisely.” 10/10/15

698. “This we can all be confident of— Through our praise, revelation of God comes.” 

This is my confidence: Through praise, revelation of God comes. Every time we praise the Son the Father is glorified. Every time the Father is glorified He reveals the Son. The Father first made the Son known to mankind not because we praised Him or He received glory from our praise, but solely due to the Praise of His glory! Out of Himself who is perpetual Praise and who is perpetual Glory, He made His Son known to us. Yet in response to His Son being made known to us even given to us, we praise His Son and we, in Christ, now live for God’s glory. Amen.

Through such response, revelation of the Son of God is given to us. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Who being the Son of God made known to us the revelation of the Father’s love and our Helper the Holy Spirit, who abides with us and dwells in the believer in Christ. Halleluyah!

699. “A man that isn’t satisfied with anything is a dangerous man.” 10/11/15

700. “Ladies, don’t submit to a thief! Submit to a righteous man. For any man who has denied Christ anything inwardly or outwardly has robbed Him as ‘He has bought you at a high price and your life does not belong to you anymore.’ So I say it again, do not submit to a thief!” 10/11/15

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