Every divinely inspired insight and truth from God made known to me that I recorded down was just another step leading me into the glorious future He has for me, and with each letter typed and word recorded down, closer I came to the point of a new year. God is faithful. Below are all those quotes recorded down for the year of 2015 and they are indeed epic! Thank you Lord! I pray, you will read through all of them, be lead to pray to God because of many of them and will come to know Him more and my joy that is Jesus Christ the Lord. YOU ARE LOVED. With that, I now invite you Into My HEART that pens down faithfully and accurately all that the Almighty speaks to me.
576. “If you lead a dull and routine life
that leads you discontented and without purpose, follow Jesus Christ.
He’ll take you on a trip of a lifetime. From your present moment into
eternity He’ll transform your life radically and the change you’ll
experience will also be from day-to-day.” 8/14/15
“There is a price to be paid for all things of great worth. We can be
confident in this! God expressed His great desire for us and the great
value we have to Him when He gave Himself for us. He was willing to pay
greatly for what He loved. Jesus, His Son, was the price that was
necessary to pay, we, the people in this world, were the object of His
affection. Like a man after the woman of his dreams, there is a price to
pay to-get-her. So it is with God towards us. His Son gave His life on
the Cross to pay for the costly debt of our sin, so we and Him, once and
for all could be together.” 8/14/15
“In many places now and throughout history. Father’s arranged
marriages. Father’s paid greatly for a wife for their son. Father’s paid
to ransom a woman who was destitute and without a husband so they would
not be left to there own undoing. Although in many parts of the world
now this is an archaic practice it is still known, has its place and
considered relevant. However, let it be known. God the Father arranged
for a marriage. God the Father paid for a bride. God the Father paid all
that it would cost to ransom that which was destitute and without a
covering to call her own, and we are that bride. We are that destitute
woman in need of a kinsman redeemer. God the Father sent His Son full of
gifts to court, to propose and ultimately come and take His bride to
Himself. Yet, if not for His sacrifice. If not for His Cross. If not for
His death and resurrection, we would never be redeemed and we could
never know the joys of marriage to Him.” 8/14/15
“If you lead a dull and routine life that leads you discontented and
without purpose, follow Jesus Christ. He’ll take you on a trip of a
lifetime. From your present moment into eternity He’ll transform your
life radically and the change you’ll experience will also be from
day-to-day.” 8/15/15
580. “Tithing has an amazing and effective way of growing up a person—it cultivates trust and creates accountability of one’s financial decisions.” 8/15/15
(inspired by “Boundaries In Marriage”)
“Like new growth in a forest. If it is in direct sunlight it grows. If
not it hinders the process and growth is cut short. We need to surround
ourselves with those who have God’s light in them. For when you have
contact with light you grow.” 8/15/15
(“Boundaries In Marriage” inspires!)
(“Boundaries In Marriage” inspires!)
582. “Spiritual growth
in marriage should always result in the other spouse being better off
with their spouse not worse off!” 8/15/15
(“Boundaries In Marriage”
God gave us dominion over the animals on the earth, those that swarm in
the sea and the birds of the air. Dominion is not harming or abusing.
It is looking after. Tending to. Protecting and promoting the security
and thriving of these creatures that belong to God so that His glory
throughout the entire world can be seen.
With The Lord God
“Until we make the decision to position ourselves with the Word of God,
we won’t experience the timeless treasures of God.” 8/16/15
584. “I want
to know Jesus linguistically for He is the Word of God. I suppose the
sum of it all—I am desperate to know Jesus completely for who He is!”
585. “Quiero saber a
Jesús lingüístico porque él es la palabra de Dios. Supongo que la suma
de todo, estoy desesperado por conocer a Jesús completamente por lo que
es!” 8/16/15
586. “There’s something you need to know when you come to the Lord Jesus—you need to forget everything you think you know. For the kingdom of heaven has no resemblance to what this man-made kingdom on earth resembles. This world operates out of sin, whereas, without holiness you won’t see God.’” 8/17/15
587. “If you give up a
position of influence and increase for the Lord now He will place you in
a position of influence and increase later. The first is temporary the
last is permanent.” 8/18/15 (Matthew 25:14-30 inspires!).
“With God, a position of influence and increase is not based upon your
references or resume. It’s based on more accurate and unblemished
criteria—trust and obedience.”
589. “We often if not all the time see our ‘talents’ as something by which we get ahead. We may study the word ‘talent’ and come to know it as some form of monetary denomination centuries ago. However, the underlining truth of it all, is that a talent or talents is never more fully known then when you have multiplied the souls won over like interest compounding, unto the Lord of hosts. He alone gives to us that account that, we as His servants, are reckoning on His behalf. To do so is to bring honor to Him and increase to us. Not to do so, is to dishonor Him, shame ourselves for eternity and be thrusted out from our Lord’s sight forevermore! Let us be a proper servant of Jesus and work with what He has bestowed upon us from the fullness of Himself, to win over; that is, increase the influence that which we started with. Amen.” 8/18/15
Revelation that came
through praising the Lord God. Halleluyah!
“Out of all things God commanded into existing from nothing, He
personally formed the man from the very substance in which he was to
rule, reign, occupy, work at and look after. Yet even within God making
man, man wasn’t a living being until Elohim; the Eternal One, blessed be
His holy name forever, breathed His Breath of Life into him and shortly
after placed the man into the Garden to tend to it. What is the sum of
it all? Whatever God makes, whatever He calls us to, unless He breathes
life into it, it remains without purpose and without cause and cannot
be fulfilled. Wait on His breath in which causes the dream to come
alive, then tend to it with all you got!”
My true story. Thank you Jesus
“When praying to God, it doesn’t move God that you pray loudly, or that
you pray on and on and on or that you pray very formally or invoke His
name repeatedly. None of this matters or moves Him. But the one who
prays with a sincere and genuine heart in the matter at hand, if he or
she were to utter four simple words, “God, please help me.” God would
shake up heaven and earth to come to that person’s aid and make Himself
known to them in such a way, that it forever changes them dramatically
to become unrecognizable to most.” 8/19/15
592. “Be content to speak
plainly before God yet to speak truthfully. This will always ensure you
hear back from Him.” 8/19/15
“Whenever you pray, if it be not some tragic thing that has taken
place, let your prayer take on this form—like a child that is super
duper excited to see God for the first time and you have no filter upon
your willingness to be in awe of Him with your words. Not only are
prayers answered, but God richly adds to your experience. You get to
leave knowing Him so much more than when you came.” 8/19/15
“Do not settle for your experience with the Lord Jesus to be second rate
or second hand. Determine now, even from the beginning, to know Him
personally, intimately and powerfully for yourself. May you be able to
teach others of Him and not settle for the other way around.”
595. “We have all heard and done the saying, “I go out of my way” for some person or another yet it is always said sarcastically with aggravation and always performed halfheartedly with much complaining. But there is a glorious truth to it— We must go out of ‘our’ way into the way of others, so that Jesus is made known. Only then can we be confident we are living the Gospel: “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”” 8/20/15 (Going Out Of Your Way)
“The confidence of God’s love is in the Cross of Christ. Equally the
confidence of our heavenly Father’s approval is through carrying our
Cross. This is how you know the Father delights in you, approves of you
and supports you—you are winning souls over for Jesus. For the Father
has given testimony, ‘this is my Son in whom I am well pleased.’ Now the
Son gave His life that we would be saved (John 3:15-17; Romans 5:8; Romans 6:23) and it is through the Son we are set free (John 8:36; Romans 8:2; Galatians 5:1). Therefore, if we are winning over souls for
Jesus then we can be confident our Father delights in us and is well
pleased. Yet let us not misconstrue the situation. God’s love is
unconditional yet a parent delights in a child that obeys and does
well (John 8:29).” 8/20/15
“We carve idols to worship out of many materials with our own hands; in
our own strength. This reveals our human nature twofold—we need to
worship to fine fulfillment and purpose and this is what connects us to
God. Yet we want to control our ‘gods’ because they were created by us
for us, allowing us to get away with our sinful nature and this is what
separates us from God.” 8/21/15 (Idolatry: The Underlining Corruption)
“You know when you’re accurate with your tithing and your heart is
right where it needs to be with God, if someone who analyzes your
consistent tithing can determine how much you get paid either weekly,
bi-weekly or monthly.” 8/21/15 (concerning tithing and our hearts)
“When we go from, ‘I just pray everything works out’ to, “Father, I
thank you and praise you, for you are good and faithful,” we are in that
growth track, where faith and thankfulness thrive and doubt, concern
and worry, perish!” 8/21/15
“God’s grace is so vast, powerful and effectively at work within the
believer in Jesus Christ as Lord, that it isn’t limited or contained to
the believer, but spills over onto everyone in the vicinity!” 8/22/15
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