Every divinely inspired insight and truth from God made known to me that I recorded down was just another step leading me into the glorious future He has for me, and with each letter typed and word recorded down, closer I came to the point of a new year. God is faithful. Below are all those quotes recorded down for the year of 2015 and they are indeed epic! Thank you Lord! I pray, you will read through all of them, be lead to pray to God because of many of them and will come to know Him more and my joy that is Jesus Christ the Lord. YOU ARE LOVED. With that, I now invite you Into My HEART that pens down faithfully and accurately all that the Almighty speaks to me.
226. “What you pray for reveals the intent of your heart. Is your heart aligned to God’s will or your every whim?” 4/1/15
227. “One way to gauge the relevance of Jesus over your life is to gauge the relevance of what you do in your day-to-day life.” 4/1/15 (Something to think about. Something to pray about).
228. “The love of God that produced His Son in this world through miraculous circumstances is
nothing to turn the cheek to, dismiss or put aside. The only response that will suffice is to embrace and rejoice in Him forever.” 4/2/15
229. “If Jesus be your Savior and He is your Lord. You ought to be able to speak of Him with great admiration, devotion and love.” 4/2/15
230. “The Lord of hosts; Creator of heaven and earth, surely produced through miraculous circumstances all that there is. So it was, with His only begotten Son Jesus—a virgin Hebrew girl of the tribe of Judah, gave birth to the Son of God by way of the Holy Spirit, through the overshadowing [being enveloped in the grace and power of God Almighty] of the Most High. Revealing and giving testimony of Himself through His Son and His Holy Spirit, that He not only works all things in harmony and order from beginning to end, but He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Halleluyah and Amen.” 4/2/15
231. “Jesus can do wonders with all your brokenness. He can ‘give beauty for ashes. Strength for fear. Gladness for mourning. Peace for despair.’ He can bring healing, wholeness and rehabilitation to the most beaten and battered soul. Jesus, our beautiful Savior can work all things good for those who love Him and what others meant for bad He can surely use it all for good, weaving a beautiful tapestry of His grace within your heart, your mind, your body and soul even into the depths of your bones!” 4/2/15
232. “The Word of God is glorious! Every time we open it up, the Breath of the Almighty; Eternity Himself, like a breath of fresh air on a hot dry day, speaks into us, and through it, we have met with, we take Him in, halleluyah, we are filled with everlasting to everlasting!” 4/2/15 Glory & Halleluyah!
233. “When we walk with Jesus, He works in themes with you, I and us. His Word becomes transplanted into the very dynamic of who we are and surely as the Lord lives, the Spirit of God will become more and more active and made aware in you and through you so much so, it will confound you how wonderfully glorious He is able to make all things new. Amen!” 4/2/15
234. “God accomplished all things on the Cross of Christ. “It is finished” says the Lord of Glory. Let us not walk in defeat, let us not allow despair to overtake us. What Jesus did for you, I, us, was becoming the answer to every question of hurt, concern, confusion and doubt we can come up with. Jesus is the “Yes” and “Amen,” halleluyah, for all the promises of God in Jesus Christ are yes! In which we say amen to. Therefore, let God’s promises, His answer, His Word, breathe new life into you so you too, may say along with all the faithful, amen to His yes!” 4/2/15
235. “The eyes of the Almighty are ever on the sparrow. Surely, all of us have taken notice to the winged beauties that buzz around and around like a dizzying affect of flight. If they with their stealth and speed are forever within the sight and presence of the Most High, you too, are always before Him. Take comfort and rejoice beloved one of God, for all who are in Christ, are wonderfully and completely love by God. Amen.” 4/2/15
236. ““As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” says the Lord. How I rejoice in the name of Jesus. The mention of His name in faithfulness and in love stirs my heart and soul within me. I rejoice in God my Savior, Jesus is His name! Oh that you too, would believe in the name of Jesus, and shout out with a voice of victorious faith, ‘you Lord Jesus can heal me, save me, direct me and make me whole.’ Yes Lord Jesus, I am yours and you are mine! “Let it be unto me according to your Word.” Amen.” 4/2/15
237. “Wisdom is not head knowledge. Wisdom is intimacy with God.” 4/3/15
238. “Wisdom is not head knowledge. Wisdom is intimacy with God. A man cannot know the wisdom of God unless his heart he has given it to God. In giving his heart, he reveals a reverence for God in that he allows his heart to be vulnerable. The very thing he treasures most. Whether it be to please it or protect it, a mans heart is of greatest value to him. To give his heart to God shows that he values God; his God, more than he values his heart, and in that, God can entrust His wisdom to the man. Because he will not abuse it but cherish it and use it to exalt the Lord God; His God, above all things and all people. Resulting in the greatest relationship there is—one between him and His Creator. A bond between blood, water and Spirit that is unbreakable.” 4/3/15
Blood= Human
Water= Birth
Spirit= Divine
239. “The wisdom of God sets into a man once he has relinquished his heart over to God and not one moment before that!” 4/3/15
240. “When God does things men cannot do and when God does things alongside men because that’s what He desires them to do, that leaves no room for doubt.” 4/3/15
241. “If we But don’t begin until sons and daughters of God we ought to act accordingly. In the manner we think, in the manner we speak, in the manner we act. For God is not holy part of the time but all the time. His holiness is eternal and being of His seed through Jesus Christ the Lord, let our royalty never be more visible and knowable other than through ourselves being holy unto the Lord. Amen.” 4/4/15
242. “We like to set terms and give Him deadlines always keeping this truth in our rear view instead of ever before us—Jesus died for us not the other way around. We were redeemed by His blood and none other! We owe Him everything. He owes is nothing.” 4/4/15
243. “When someone saves your life, you are indebted to them. This is a universal truth. Men save other men who were close to death and dying. Jesus has saved us too! He has saved us from a certain death—Eternal separation from God. Our praise to Him for dying in our stead should not begin and end on particular days and festivals. Our debt to God has been paid, our debt to Christ remains. Let us praise Him continually for He is our eternal Savior. Halleluyah.” 4/4/15
244. “Through revelation comes relationship. Christ is the revelation of God. This is the revelation—through Christ we have relationship with God.” 4/4/15 Glory & Halleluyah
“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” (John 1:12-13)
245. “Wherever I am at Jesus is at. Wherever Jesus is at the holy presence of God is at. Wherever the presence of God is at there is increase, there is confession, there is truth, halleluyah, there is freedom! There is no favoritism in the heart of God and there is equally no favoritism in the house of God. Therefore, let God have the place of honor in your home and invite Him to make Himself at home so that the perpetual presence of God will abide so you may receive, halleluyah, the perpetual blessing of God. Amen.” 4/4/15
Let this be your invite before you even sit down to eat your meal, “Father God, we invite you to make Yourself at home.”
246. “This is the revelation. The Father sent in the name of Jesus the Holy Spirit so that we who believed in His Son Jesus, would have a relationship with the Most High; The Lord, the Eternal God of heaven and earth.” 4/5/15
“If you love me, obey my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him, because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you know him, because he lives with you now and later will be in you.” (John 14:15-17 NLT)
“I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!” (John 14:12-14 NLT)
“So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.” (Luke 11:13 NLT)
For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God. Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.” (2 Corinthians 1:20-22)
247. “This is the revelation. “I am the Bread of Life” and again, “I am the Living Water” says the Lord. It is not enough to know Jesus or study Christ. You must have Him; you must consume Him whole! “Anyone who eats of my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up in the last day” says the Lord. Halleluyah!” 4/5/15
248. “I once was enslaved by the joys and ecstasy of sexual pleasure, but as surely as God is my witness and Jesus Christ is Lord, to taste the sheer joys unimaginable that are in Christ, is to forsake with gladness the slavery of seeking sexual pleasure that is fleeting, to being a slave of Christ—‘the eternal pleasure of knowing, loving, and serving Christ. He is our true satisfaction.’ Amen.” 4/5/15
249. “I have no more use for sex. I have Christ now. Intimacy with Him far extends anything that can be known and experienced under the sun.” 4/5/15
250. “What need do I have for sex? ‘Christ is all, and is in all.’ Halleluyah!” 4/5/15 (Whoa! The Spirit spoke to me through Colossians 3:11. Surely He was right when He stirred me up to ask such a fine question: “Lord am I to be Paul? Indeed the heavenly answer was “Yes.”)
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