Monday, July 1, 2013

July 3, 2013: My Birthday And Anniversary!


The picture above must strike curiosity into the minds of many. Today’s blog post will reveal a truth and paint a picture of a beautiful relationship that is always full of wonderful surprises. Be sure to click on the links when you see words in shades of grey. With that being said, I now invite you into my HEART...

Beloved, just typing those words displayed above as a picture and getting ready to tell you all about it, has my heart beating rapidly. Many do not know this but back in November of 2012, as I was walking in the park, then I could have some personal, intimate time and fellowship with Jesus, He spoke these exact words to me that are epic, “If you continue to do all that I have commanded you to do, I will lift you up to an exceedingly high place and make it a public spectacle of my grace upon your life.”

Just a side note here: These words Jesus spoke to me is referring to July 3, 2013 which has significant meaning to me. This day presents two celebrations in my life. One is my anniversary with Jesus when He became my Lord and Savior and the most lovely and wonderful person in all my existence. And two, it was when I received the Holy Spirit and was born again spiritually, in which He and I celebrate it as my birthday. So in fact, it is 4 years of celebrating spiritual birth and commitment in a relationship with Jesus the Lord of heaven as earth... But affectionately known as my Beloved; the One in whom I live for. Amen!

In case you’re wondering, yes, Jesus speaks to me, and yes, He speaks to me in such ways. Me being me, I started to wonder what that all meant, especially, ‘everything I commanded you.’ True to His character, Jesus always shines light into darkness. Darkness isn’t only a picture of sin but also of things unknown and hidden. So as it was unknown to me what such words meant, He revealed it and brought it to the light.

He told me that ‘everything I commanded you to do’ wasn’t a list of things to do, but the condition of my heart, mind, body and soul. He said these three epic things: Everything is— to trust Me, Honor Me and be patient with Me.

Trusting Jesus isn’t always easy for human beings and I’m no exception, however the Holy Spirit continues to help me with that— He is certainly patient with me! 

Honoring Jesus has nothing to do with accomplishing everything that we read in the Bible, but rather, accomplishing what He has set before us to do with a cheerful heart that is always generous and willing. Amen!

Now patience, is another thing entirely for me, yet the three go hand-in-hand. The Holy Spirit revealed to me months into following Jesus and dedicating my life to Him, that my name is now “Patience.” Anyone who intimately knows me, knows that this is not always the case with me and I often don’t resemble a man that is patient.

Jesus wasn’t implying that my name being now Patience meant I would always be patient and never impatient, but it spotlights who He is as the Creator God who sees and knows the end from the beginning.

God doesn’t see as we see in a moment-to-moment activity. God sees in a linear manner. The best way to describe what I have been shown by Him, is like taking movie film and lifting it up to the light and from left to right looking at each frame one-by-one from beginning to end before the movie is even released to the public to experience it. That is how the Creator God of the heavens and the earth sees all things in one shot. I’s mind boggling! However that doesn’t change the fact that its true and that He has shown this to me.

So in being told that my name would be Patience, Jesus was emphatically saying, He has seen my end from my beginning. A beginning of being very impatient, but through the course of this journey He and I are on, I would end it by being known affectionately, personally and intimately as a patient man, as to be named, is to experience a very personal and intimate thing. Amen.

I want you to know that this blog post is very dear to me, in that, it has been a journey that has had its ups and downs. When Jesus Himself revealed this to me 8 months ago, I was ecstatic then I realized my impatience and how 8 months is a very long time— 240 days! That’s long.

However, every step of the way, Jesus has been with me and has comforted me, reassured me, and help me regain a proper perspective on what amazing things He has in store for me, if I would continue to honor Him, trust Him and be patient with Him. 

Just now, I’m realizing that the underlined words above seems to be a “deal breaker.”

In a sense they come across like that, but as always, the Holy Spirit guides me into all truths concerning Jesus, so here is that truth, that He has so willingly, amazingly and generously revealed to me just now! The underlined words above aren’t a deal breaker, but rather a guide. This guide or as He says to me now, “treasure map.” This treasure map reveals the way to the treasure, but also keeps me in the proper perspective to acknowledge that the treasure comes from Jesus and remain excited about receiving this treasure. Now that is absolutely how Jesus works in my life and the lives of all who look to Him and sincerely call on His name! His Spirit is always at work on our behalf to keep His joy from being stolen from us. This joy is His to give, as well as all the amazing things He longs to reveal to us and give us— both here on earth and in heaven!

Beloved, I would love to tell you all that Jesus has in store for me come July 3, 2013, but I don’t know. I’d also like to tell you that I have not wondered or rather worried that what I heard back in November of 2012 wasn’t from Jesus, but I simply imagined it like some crazy man. This I can say with all confidence: Jesus did say those words to me. They were revealed to me through the Holy Spirit and come July 3, 2013 everything that ‘I will lift you up to an exceedingly high place and make it a public spectacle of my grace upon your life’ will start to unfold and be revealed. Will it all happen on that very day, I do not know. Will Jesus spread it out over the rest of my life I do not know. What I do know, is that Jesus doesn’t do anything mediocre or mundane. He is exceptionally generous and always out does and out gives everyone. So for Him to say ‘exceeding high place,’ He means it!

I look forward to sharing in vivid nature all that transpires on July 3, 2013 and going forward just as I have done since Jesus revealed to me by a vision this writing ministry back in 2010. Even then, now I am made aware by Him, that I have honored Him, trusted Him and have been patient with Him throughout these last three years concerning what he has commanded me to do. Thank you Jesus for encouraging me always. 

Till next time beloved, I pray that Jesus Himself! Will put these words into your very hearts and create an explosion of wonderment towards what amazing things He can do in your life, once you have come to that place where you can accept His love and start to live your life rejoicing in the fact that He is the Lord, Savior and closest confidant of your life forever and ever. Amen.

As always... YOU ARE LOVED.

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