Saturday, July 13, 2013

Atheist/Christian: An Instagram Debate

An Instagram Debate

Beloved, this all started with someone with the username: @geekychristian. The below contains two snap shots: One from @geekychristian and the other from the atheist from Boston @bostonatheist. I have also included a response from a Christian who wasn’t debating this Atheist but rather shared what he as a former unbeliever in practically everything and everyone including himself had to say on the matter. With that said, I now invite you into my HEART...

Beloved, oftentimes debates between Atheists and Christians resolve nothing. An Atheist may win over those who choose not to believe in God and a Christian will win over those who choose to believe in God through Jesus Christ, yet it is still a lose lose situation because the Atheist knows the defense of the Christian based on his argument yet not by his living example. I wonder how far does one go to argue his position, knowing his living example will win others over without debating my the mouth whatsoever. 

I am reminded of what Jesus said, Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16). 

We need Christians to debate less and do more good works. Certainly there is a place to bring the truth of the Creator God to a world that lacks the wisdom to know that they are certainly more than a coincidence, in which, any rational man should be able to realize that, yet darkness covers there eyes as like with Saul and the scales that dropped from his own eyes.

A man in darkness isnt aware he is in darkness if his eyes are closed. A man that is blind, cannot see the light that is before him. A man that is deaf, cannot hear the truth. A man that walks in his own strength, cannot walk a path that is intended to be walked by two. Such is the sadness of Atheism, that causes the very creations of God to walk in utter darkness, blindness, deaf and weakness. How I pray that we as Christians, will not debate without proper direction, and live lives testifying of the very love of Jesus, that cannot be debated only received. Amen!

Below, is the insight shared with the Atheist from Boston based on his response you see here to the right, by a Christian that doesn’t live to debate but testify of the love that Jesus gave to him.

@bostonatheist: How can “basically empty,” “unstable,” and “spontaneous” all be placed together and make up something that anyone who is willing to see that they aren’t empty, unstable and spontaneous make any sense?

Take it from me. A once unbeliever in God. An unbeliever in anything really, even myself! I believed in no one and saw the world as something I wished I could blow up, simply because I hated everything and everyone. You could say, I was far worse then an Atheist in that respect.

The bible meant nothing to me. Church... What was that?! Who was Jesus? No one taught me anything from the Bible not of Jesus or God’s love. I had no idea. The thought of God... A Creator God didn’t even cross my mind. I wasn’t raised in a Christian family. I was taken to a church less than a hand full of times from my birth to early twenties and it was always a place to get a good nap in— simply put. It was boring! Yet at the age of 26 and again at 29, Jesus Himself called out to me and drew near to me, and His perfect love won me over.

Now back to this very shaky theory you believe in, that is riddled with holes. Virtual particles jumping in and out of existence? It takes more faith to believe in such preposterous things. Such would be the case of the person that moves into a new home. It’s absolutely empty, there’s obviously gravity in the home as you’re standing erect on the ground and upon simply standing in the room without going to purchase any furniture nor having any furniture of your own, furniture just appears as obviously with the empty space and gravity present, furniture should be created.

Or maybe it’s a slower process. You find an empty lot. You decide you want to buy it yet have no money. Since emptiness and gravity exists within this lot, money will create itself, a house that’s fully furnished will just appear, and you’ll have your home. But wait! How could this lot, this money, this home, this furniture appear, unless you first thought of it. And if you thought of it, and no actions proceeded from that thought, other than knowing space and gravity need to exist in order to make something else exist, everything that is desired will appear. But wait! How do you know to have thought? How do you know that you exist in order to have thought? Did space and gravity create you? 

Everything in life, we see creators creating. Your very life testifies against your theory and sadly your belief. But wait! How can you believe in belief! How can belief that is so complicated in its simplicity just be. Belief or faith, is dependent not upon “empty space,” “virtual particles,” or “gravity” for that matter. Faith, is dependent upon hope and the belief in what you do not see— this is the very defining aspect of hope! Yet, belief or faith, originated from the Creator God. It is a product of His will and desire for us. But wait! If faith originated with Him who is not dependent upon anything to exist, but He is existent within Himself and delights in creating, simply because His love desired to share all that was within Him with others, then that means you yourself expressing love towards family, friends, things you have been a part of doesn’t single you out, not making you a product of nothingness but actually is the epitome of belonging to the very heart, thought and will of a Creator that not only creates from His will but even greater, created you out of His abundant love, and this abundant love is always directed and available to you!

Now imagine that! You believing. You existing. You have a rational thought, and motive behind everything. You didn’t simply show up, but love, thought, motive, objective and actions came together in order not out of chaos to create you. And not only that! If that wasn’t enough, you were created with a purpose in mind and for a purpose, and this purpose was to be an ever present, living, breathing, active and pulsating expression of God’s divine love. And the mere fact that you were created in His image from the abundance of His unconditional and sacrificial love for you, you yourself are a powerful agent here on earth. 

But wait! What resonates within your very heart and what amazing thought you are capable of in your mind, that is so complicated within its design it is still not fully understood, yet in all its glory, its very design wonderfully declares a Master Creator at the helm, but wait! Your very heart is like a treasury within its own self. Out of the abundance of it, good or bad will pour out of it. Therefore, you could liken your heart to a bank account. Is there a few dollars in it, in which does not secure you for a future or is there 100’s of thousands if not millions in it? 

Such would be my concern. Why? Because you yourself know full well that you have known the difference between bad and good, as I’m sure, if something would come against you or loved ones even liked ones, to cause you harm you would react to protect or feel the injustice against you or them. So, the question that’s not up for debate is this: You being an unbeliever in God and certainly not knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior, how could you stand to let your family know that you being a rational human being (in which as a human being you are wonderfully complex) stand to know that in having a belief in which just doesn’t materialize and you being created with a purpose (as purpose is a driving force behind all of creation or you would be in a catatonic state forever in which is not the case as you responded to @geekychristian in reference to his post) you allowed them all not knowing the Creator God who is a righteous and holy God creating all things to a perfect standard, to not know this very good news and remain separated from this amazing Creator God who absolutely is head-over-heels in love with them as well as you?!

And what is that news? The good news of Jesus Christ. And who is Jesus Christ? I will sum up for you right here and now (yet in knowing Him personally the extraordinary journey will begin and unfold). 

Yeah, that surely should not be believed in (the sarcasm within this very sentence astounds me. Why? Because Atheists all over choose to believe such a lie). You would have to be absentminded to not rejoice from such good news. 

Just to think, such a sinner being once myself, I too, by believing in Jesus and putting my faith in God’s Salvation plan, in which is Jesus Christ, that easily, that unconditionally, that sacrificially was reconciled back into the love of God forever!

That’s good news indeed! The truth of the matter is this: You CAN afford to not be an atheist, you simply CAN’T afford to not receive God’s abundant love that is expressed through Jesus Christ the Son of God and Savior of the world. Amen!

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