Beloved, grace and peace be with you in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ and in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. That when you find yourself, in need, in weakness, in struggle, lacking direction, lacking encouragement and are in need of being stirred up and spurred on, the Love of God, the example and sacrifice of Christ and the help, comfort and power of the Spirit will be your eternal motivation to continue on steadfast in the ministry bestowed upon you in Christ Jesus. Amen. With that being declared over your lives, I now invite you into my HEART...
I know what it is to be weak, to need to be encouraged, to lack direction and start to operate out of my own strength. It isn’t nice, it isn’t pretty and if I don’t call out and cry out and seek God continually with all that I am, I can cause myself a lot of heartache and pain, but even more frightening cause such hurtful things to others.
That’s why as I read today those two verses above, I was instantly encouraged and spurred on by the Holy Spirit. In context the first 7 verses and the rest of the verses afterwards, speak of financial giving to the ministry for the needs of the saints (those who serve the Lord with their lives in spreading and teaching the Gospel of Christ) but also to the needs of all men as well (meaning such financial offerings go to where it is needed in the world to feed the poor, give a drink to the thirsty, tend to the sick, clothe the naked, embrace the stranger and visit the oppressed in prisons (see Matthew 25:31-40).
Out of context (2 Corinthians 9) spoke to me in a whole NEW way. Not only are these most excellent words speaking about preparation for giving, but preparation of the heart in giving in any capacity and to any degree and of any measure. What do I mean by this? They’re many times I don’t want to do something, and I may have many excuses why not to do it, but if my heart, mind, body and soul are prepared in Christ, when occasion arises I will have already been prepared and be all too willing to show it.
Now these two verses I posted out of context speaks to me also in a whole NEW way, in that, in preparing myself and being prepared (verse 5), I will be ready to give “bountifully” as I have already prepared and decided (purposed) in my heart to do so, and I won’t give grudgingly (unprepared) or out of necessity (just giving to get something in return) where there are no blessings in such only curses.
The closing of these two verses illuminates our eternal encouragement... God loves a CHEERFUL (prepared, giving bountifully, not sparingly, not grudgingly or out of necessity) giver. Amen!
So, whatever we purpose in our hearts to give out of the bounty we have received from God (see John 3:16, Romans 5:8, 2 Corinthians 5:21), whether money, time or our talents, let us be reminded, let us be stirred up, let us be spurred on, let such things be our encouragement, that with God the lover and protector of our souls; those who are in Christ Jesus, we will confidently know, that He loves a cheerful giver and such giving of oneself never goes without notice (see Luke 6:38). Amen.
So as I who am not a stranger to struggles or opposition from the enemy, or oppression for my faith, or affliction brought on by demons and Satan himself, I urge you not only to pray for yourselves but pray for me as well as I will do for you, as should be the custom of all the saints in Christ Jesus, that we would look to God Himself and ask with all humility and confidence, that He will continue to strengthen us and guide us and instruct us and prepare us for every good work in Christ Jesus. Amen!
Beloved, how it’s my hope, my prayer, my life’s ambition, that when such times arise, we will be fully prepared to give in any and all capacity as we decide with gladness in our hearts, prepared and protected in His peace, to give to the saints and to all men. God is faithful to do just that (see Philippians 4:6-7). Amen.
As always... YOU ARE LOVED.
As always... YOU ARE LOVED.
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