Beloved, the question arises: Why would I post this? Read on and find out all the details, as I invite you into my HEART...
Here’s true confession. For practically all of my teenage years and throughout my 20’s and even stepping in 30’s I struggled with sexual immorality. I was consumed by it. You could say, I was addicted to it, and you’d be correct.
Here’s true confession. For practically all of my teenage years and throughout my 20’s and even stepping in 30’s I struggled with sexual immorality. I was consumed by it. You could say, I was addicted to it, and you’d be correct.
It wasn’t till one fateful night that while consumed in the act of sexual immorality, that I experienced something strong rising up in me. Something that didn’t make any sense at the time, but I was sure glad it happened. I felt like a prisoner who wanted nothing more than to escape imprisonment, yet I did not know how to seek out freedom.
Inside, I literally was crying out to God while engaging in this act, for Him to save me from this as I no longer wanted to commit such despicable things against Him. If you could hear what was going on inside of me, I was literally yelling out to God to save me. I didn’t know how to stop what my body wanted, but my spirit was in agony over.
After that point, another occasion occurred where I found myself engaging in sexual immorality, however this time God answered my prayer from last time. Power came over me and I grew angry at my sin and said it was enough! I told the individual I was committing such sin against God and our bodies that we could no longer do such things. We actually spoke about it, and when I returned back to my home, I literally with gesture of my hands, as if I was carrying a heavy load said to God, “Here! I hand this burden over to You. I can no longer handle this.” I literally moved my hands in motion as if throwing down the sexual sins I committed against my God to dishonor Him, and from that day I no longer committed such an offense against my God. Blessed be His Holy name that saves forever and ever! Amen.
If you are going through such a trying time in your life and you need power from God to stop what your body is craving, cry out to God, as He is faithful to hear the cry of a soul that is in agony and needs Him. Amen.
As always... YOU ARE LOVED.
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