Thursday, February 7, 2013

Anything, Good Thing, Needs and the Holy Spirit

Beloved, I rejoice! To bring you a wonderful message that comes from the very heart of God, given to me when I was low and crying out to Him in my struggle and desire to ask Him for anything in absolute faith— True to God’s character He lifted me high again. Amen. With that being said, I now invite you into my HEART...

I must confess to you this revelation I had this morning. As I cried out to God, I confessed this to Him. I said, “Lord, I would trade in every dream, vision, revelation, and wisdom of your knowledge of your Word to have the faith of those two boys.”

The two boys I speak of are remarkable in their faith. They are both between the ages of 6-7. These are both true stories, although different perspectives on faith they result in the same outcome. One had the faith and persistence to receive what they desired. The other simply believed what they asked for they would obviously receive.

One boy lives in Guatemala. He was watching tv, and saw a commercial advertising a cereal. This cereal box had on the back of it an entry form to win an all expense paid trip to watch a soccer match in Spain. This boy saw that commercial and opportunity and lit up with excitement and asked his mom for the cereal. Over and over he asked his mom for that cereal then he could fill out the form and win the trip to go and watch the soccer match with his dad. This boy placed his faith in God and knew if he asked God for that trip he would be the winner. His mom eventually got her son this cereal, and with a faith-filled prayer and a form filled out, something miraculous happened. Guess what that was!? That boys prayer was answered! He and his dad went to Spain and watched the game!

This other little boy lives in South Florida. His faith as a little child was believing in Santa. His faith taught many others that faith hasn’t anything to do with them but rather the one who brings the gift and knows our desires. His aunt asked him if he thought he was going to get for Christmas everything he asked for. This little boys response was, “Yes! I’m getting everything. I asked Santa for it, why wouldn’t I get it?”

Two different perspectives on faith but both resulted in the same outcome. Showing a world, child like faith that actually comes true on what they were asking for.

Beloved, I struggle to have child like faith. Even the notion of child like faith, seems so mysterious to me. I often struggle with what to ask God for. Oftentimes it’s something “spiritual” that I believe I can only ask God for. For example, wanting to speak and teach His Holy Word more boldly and confidently. Wanting to have the fullness of the Holy Spirit evident in my life. Such things like that.

The thought of simply asking for something I want (like in the case of the little boy from Guatemala) seems ludicrous to me, and a waste of God’s time. The thought of being absolutely sure I will receive exactly what I ask for although it’s not a need but a want (like in the case of the little boy who lives in South Florida) seems to be something that is wrong to do.

Why is that?

Why do I see God as a provider of “spiritual things” and not simply “The Provider”?

I believe it’s because I still tend to confuse God with people. What do I mean by this? As a man who has never really known a father or had a father or good father figure, I often, equate my ability to ask my Heavenly Father for anything, to that of men I have known who outright were selfish and gave me nothing I asked for, or were struggling and couldn’t afford it.

Today, I believe I had a breaking point with God in this area of my life and faith. I told God that, “I don’t ask or expect man to give me these things. I ask you and expect you to do it.” Before, such thoughts begin to swirl around in your heads, I want you to know in no way do I see myself as demanding this of God or seeing myself as worthy or doing anything deserving of His mercy and grace, but rather, desiring to have faith like those two little boys that have experienced God in ways I haven’t or fail to see. Amen. Even now, as I revisit my draft before sending this out to all the precious hearts all over the world that God has this message for, I now realize the huge difference between these two children and myself— They operate out of innocence and I operate out of what I know and have experienced. The result is child like faith vs. faith that struggles to break ground and start running!

I even told God as I cried out to Him this morning that what I am pressing through to believe in Him for, if I don’t get it, I will be disappointed in Him. Now that seems way too bold! Doesn’t it? I said such things as a child to a Father. A child asks his father for things that they want. They don’t worry about economy or such things like that. They only know their loving father will give them as they ask, and I am believing more and more that God as a loving Father desires for us to boldly, confidently and assuredly see Him not as an earthly father who will always be limited, but as He truly is— A Heavenly Father who is never limited and simply does things to place a smile on his children’s faces. Amen.

These words ring out loud to me, “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything to hard for me?”

So I thank God for my morning and my day and the beginning to a great breakthrough in my life, with my faith and how I see Him, as I know, as the verse above invites me to look to Him with absolute confidence. Not only for what I may want and need, but even with those things that I need to understand He does not desire for my life because He will protect me from unnecessary harm. Amen.

This is what my Heavenly Father showed me today:

We can ask anything of Him: John 14:12-14, Matthew 7:7-12, Mark 9:23 & Jeremiah 32:17. Anything is possible— Therefore, continue to do good to others and God will give it to you, as nothing is too hard for God. Amen.

God will not withhold any good thing from us: Psalm 84:11. Continue desiring God above all else and walking as an upright person (in other words as honorable and just people), and no good thing God will withhold from us. Amen!

He provides all our needsMatthew 6:25-34. We are not to worry about our needs but to keep seeking God out, and He will provide for our needs. Amen.

Our Heavenly Father will not refuse or deny giving the Holy Spirit to those who persistently and confidently ask for it!: Luke 11:5-13. Be persistent and never give up asking, and God will send Him to you. Amen.

What does Anything, Good Thing, Needs and the Holy Spirit share in common? They all come from God the Father who is our eternal provider. Amen!

Be at peace, and if you are like me and are struggling to have peace in this area of your life and faith, then cry out to God to strengthen your faith in the manner you look towards Him as a Heavenly Father, as faith is given to us and strengthened within us by God Himself! Amen.

Let us pray:

Heavenly Father, nothing is too hard for you, and we want to be sure of that. We believe, but help us with our unbelief! We thank you for your everlasting kindness. Your will be done in Jesus name. Amen.

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