Thursday, November 15, 2012

I Have Heard You: 2-in-1 Series


A Murderous Word

Beloved, I woke up with tears coming down my face with this said into my heart, from Gods heart. I was very troubled, saddened and weak barely able to get up, but my God is faithful and as I prayed for those this message was for, I rose to my feet to write this charge to the wicked, and this invitation from a Loving Fathers Heart. Hallelujah! Bless His Holy name! Amen.

You who condemns with your lips and hates your brother. You, are not doing anything in my name! Or is the work that I did to no avail? Did I not with grace and compassion, mercy through love die on the cross for you and for them? Why must you try to blot away what I have done, where you, did nothing? Why must you murder my very own with your venomous words? You brood of snakes!

I have heard the cries of sorrow. I have seen this testimony you call my will. This is not Me! But you, who are called by my name. You, humble yourself, pray and seek My face and not their misdirected, misguided and false faces. Stop this wickedness you are doing! I alone, will forgive you and restore back to you what I have given you.

Let not, My work be in vain. Heed my words, and let not yourself like that great king be casted out from the place of position I gave him to be like the wild animals till he humbled himself. But, I am, a God of mercy and my grace is sufficient. Seek me that I may forgive you.’ Amen.

The Father’s Love

The Father’s love— there’s nothing like it. Full of grace and truth. A love that knows no measure, no boundary that can overcome it, defeat it or rule over it. It’s a pure love. A love untainted. A love that operates with passion and determination. It’s freely given and never exclusive. It’s unconditional and sacrificial. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres... Love never fails. Faith is required, hope is needed, but the Father’s love was freely given. Amen!

Beloved, it was around 1:30 a.m. of November 15, 2012 and as I was reflecting on my previous day the Lord made, and blessed me to be a part of it. I was thinking of my Father’s love. I was so consumed in His love that I started to weep at the desire to be that love as well. To extend it to others. To embrace others with it. To always have the amazing character and nature of love just like my loving Father does. Three years of experiencing this in my life, in the lives of others has conclusively determined what has always been declared, witnessed and rejoiced over— God is love. Amen.

As I wept at the prayer of desiring to always have this loving character and nature, it all culminated from the story of the Prodigal Son... amazingly, it is my story as well. You could say it is a generational autobiography of the human race.

If you don’t know the story by hard, as you read it, see the uncanny resemblance to your life; as if looking into a mirror.

The son of a king decides it was no longer suitable for him to remain in the palace of his father the king. So he asked his father for his inheritance that he could leave and see the world. It wasn’t long that this king’s son spent all his inheritance on things that had no value and there was no return on his investment of time, money and energy spent chasing after foolish things.

One day this king’s son reflecting over his pitiful existence now, decided he would be better off returning to his father the king and he could be like one of the hired helpers, and it would surely be better than the pitiable existence he was now living.

Beloved, there’s a blessing for all of us to receive and be a part of as well in this story. The son of this father and king realized and acknowledged something about himself which lead him to humble himself because of his wrongdoing and poor decision making which drove him to confessing before his father and before his God. This is what dawned on him and this is what the son confessed,  When he came to his senses, he said, How many of my fathers hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.” (Luke 15:17-19)

Beloved, do you see what took place? This son of a king, although making poor decisions and totally messing up in every way came to a place where he acknowledged and recognized his need to return to his father because he had it so much better with him and he was also willing to humble himself before his father, to admit that he sinned against God and his dad (in that he did not honor his name). But he didn’t embrace that he was a son of a king, and was willing to settle for less than his birthright. Therefore, if we weed out all the negative we all do, will do and are doing, we too, just as this prodigal son, will and must come to a place where we acknowledge and come to our senses of what wrong we have done, and humble ourselves to the point of returning to our Father, God and King, acknowledging Him again, our wrongdoing, and our absolute need of Him. Where He will embrace us, love us, celebrate us and restore us back to our birthright; that is a child of God through Christ Jesus. Amen. 

Upon his return, his father the king, saw him coming a ways away, and instead of shunning him away, he ran to his son and fell on his shoulder to weep. Now this father and king wasn’t weeping because of what poor decisions his son had made, not even the way he looked or acted. He was weeping because his son was lost and now he was found. He had returned and now the father and king’s joy was overflowing again as he was deeply sad that his son had left.

His joy was so complete he had to show his son how happy he was and how priceless the return of his son meant to him, that his kingdom was in an uproar over arranging a great celebration for his son’s return. He dressed his son up in royal garments, jewelry and summoned the best of the best for the food to eat. He was celebrating and no one would change the fact his son who left had now returned. If there was any time in the father and king’s life that showed his joy to be absolutely full this was the day!

An amazing story that illustrates the Father’s love for us that permeates throughout our entire soul.

This is the love of the Father I have known and continue to know. But wait! The story isn’t over. Upon the return of the father and king’s son, arranging and preparing of the celebration to mark this joyous occasion, the father and king’s other son was witnessing all this. He was displeased that such a commotion was being made over his brother’s return when he choose to blow all his inheritance, decided to live a life of foolish decisions and now was being treated like royalty.

The father and king heard his son’s plight, and saw that his heart was filled with discontent for his father’s actions, but the father and king responded with these actual words, “‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’” (Luke 15:31, 32 NIV)

Beloved, if there’s anything I want you to get out of this, it’s a clear message of how God our Father operates. His perfect love isn’t condemning, but it covers a multitude of sins.

God doesn’t point a finger when we walk away and flee into a life of sin, but just as the son of a king squandered it all away, but realized he was better off back at his father’s palace (although misguided he was, in thinking he would be a hired laborer), we too, when we decide to abandon our palace dwelling; walk away from God, have the choice to make in either continuing to live a pitiable life or returning back to what awaits us eagerly... The Father’s Love.

Let us pray:

Beautiful Father, it’s beyond us how you can love us so unconditionally, but you do! It’s beyond us how you can forgive us so quickly, but you do! It’s beyond us how you accept us as we are, but you do! It’s beyond us how you can celebrate our lives even though we squander it away, but you do! Thank you, that we can choose to be embraced by your unconditional love. This we pray, help us to walk in the same loving character and nature you always embrace us with, and be ever so willing to extend it to all others. In Jesus name. Amen.

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