Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Emergency Post

Dear Father,

I'm writing you because I had some bad experiences this morning that hurt me. I know I didn't respond well to them. A matter of fact I really didn't respond at all. I know I'm not to overreact or react in such a way that causes others to feel neglected, but I felt so hurt that I let it get the best of me. Instead of lashing out, doing as they did to me, or bringing it to their attention that what they did in fact hurt me which I know I should have, I remained silent. I kept to myself. I thought a lot about You and what You have taught me, and although You taught me to not allow my emotions to get the best of me they did. So as I usually do when hurt by people I shut down in order to not hurt as I was hurt. But I know what I didn't do or didn't say still caused hurt because I shut them out. I could say to You Father, "but dad," they did this to me, they did that to me, but what would it resolve? Absolutely nothing. So I will ask for Your advice and the insight You have through so many personal experiences with so many people.

Father, You know me so well. You know my every molecule. I am by far a perfect person by any stretch of imagination, but I know You have given me a pure heart towards You. Please help me to react in a healthy and influencing way towards others that I am surrounded by and doing life with. Those who do not know me, help me to be open and willing to share with them. Those who rarely understand me, help me to be at peace to let them in then they can understand me. Above all Father, help me not to close myself off from others when I feel hurt but please remind me that I do life with hurting people. I live in a hurting world, and I need to expect to get hurt from time to time. But in those moments, help me to not hurt back even if that hurt comes from my silence. Father, I thank You for always being there and knowing me unlike anyone will ever know me. Your presence and Your words are so soothing to me. They give me peace and give me rest. They guide me, and protect me. They even strengthen me when I am weak. Thank you for loving me the way You do. 

Your Son, 

P.S. Thank You so much for what You did for me this morning. Without You I could not have made it with time to spare and energy to engage others. I love You Father. 


  1. Wow! Thank you for posting this. I know what it is to be hurt, and certainly I desire to respond in a manner that is honorable. I've experienced responses as in lashing out and both parties never benefit from it, but always end up even more hurt. This is truly an epidemic from my viewpoint. People not getting along, but if even one stands up for what's right and others see that example they are doing others will follow.

    So kudos to you, for looking to your Father for guidance, and advice before you responded. I'm sorry you were hurt, but I'm glad you were example.

    God bless you, and may others be blessed by what you have written.

    1. I thank you for your comment. It's always encouraging to see that others are blessed by these writings which are my labor of love. Truly, I am encouraged and give God all the glory for such kind gestures from readers. Thank you for taking the time to do so. In this action you yourself stood up to do an honorable thing. Kudos to you as well. I like that, kudos.

      I receive that blessing in Jesus name. Indeed! May many, many, many others be blessed by these writings which are pages from God's heart into my heart to all your precious hearts. Amen.

      God's grace and peace be to you and your family through all your endeavors today and forever. In Jesus name, Amen.
