"Showing mercy to others is tough, but the heart that does so rejoices when God is merciful."- F. Lugo |
Good morning beloved, I pray God's grace and peace over you today that you will walk with a heart of mercy towards others that wrong you. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.
As I thought of what to write for part 5 of "A Beautiful Attitude" I really had nothing to write. Would this be writer's block? No, certainly not. I believe God wants me to share one of my brother's writings on this portion of the Beatitudes spoken by Jesus known as the greatest sermon ever spoken - The Sermon on the Mount.
Keeping in mind the Beatitudes are staples for good living and the blessings that go along with them. I direct you to my brother in Christ' website (Click HERE to go to "Get Up With God") where you will read what God put on his heart pertaining to mercy through God's Word. Please read and leave a comment encouraging him letting him know that I sent you by leaving my blog site address: http://www.n2myheart.blogspot.com/
As always...YOU ARE LOVED
Thanks so much for the link and encouragement, Flavio. We are loved, indeed! Keep spreading the word!!