Sunday, January 29, 2012

Just messing around

Today I decided to see if I could add more flare to my blog. In the midst of changing the look of it I messed it up. Couldn't get it back to the way I previously had it, but I like how it looks. I want to know how you respond to the colors and font. Is the color soothing or too bright? Is the layout inviting to the eyes or too busy to take in? I invite any suggestions or tips you may have that will make my blog the best it can be.

The great thing about messes is that they can be fixed.

It's cool to see what you can come up with using your creativity. I've gotten into drawing and I also want to paint. I'm not a very good drawer but that isn't the point. The point is to find creative outlets that are positive. Being creative and having fun while you're doing it whether drawing, painting, creating a website, or any other thing is not just for kids to attempt but for all ages. Although your age on the outside may say grown up, your heart on the inside can say, I'M YOUNG AT HEART. Well, I just wanted you to know that even though you're not very good at something doesn't mean you can't attempt it. We can learn a lot from children.

Enjoy your day and stay CREATIVE...YOU ARE LOVED

Oh yeah! one more thing. What are some ways you express your creativity? 

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