"I can wear the red ribbon to raise awareness but I rather God wrap awareness around me." -F. Lugo
According to Avert.org there are over 33 million people globally diagnosed/infected with HIV/AIDS as of 2009 and that number climbs by 2 million every year. According to the Census Bureau the US population is just over 311 million people, and there is close to 2 million people diagnosed with this terrible disease in the U.S. alone.
Globally close to 2 million people die yearly from this disease, and women count for half of the overall number of infected globally, and 66% of the cases are in So. Africa. These are staggering numbers, and yet people are so callous with their sexuality as if it's dinner conversation.
Men, women, children and babies are contracting HIV/AIDS daily due primarily to poor moral decision. I myself being someone who knew and engaged in sexual activity at an early age am ashamed and appalled of my poorly morally crippled decisions and thanks be to God! I did not end up with a death sentence as many of these people have and even more frightening will continue to receive.
It simply breaks my heart to know that many are born into such, without even having knowledge or a choice in the matter, and now must suffer the excruciating facts that they will die and not due to natural causes such as old age.
Babies! not even having a chance to make a decision on their own are birthed into this fallen world already dead by such accounts.
Such a disease is terrible and horrific, but there is a disease, that is more catastrophic than HIV/AIDS, Cancer, pornography, and any other disease, and that is DISBELIEF. Disbelief in God. Disbelief in a place destined for the disbelieving and it's called HELL. oh, we do indeed say Hell for everything under the sun, except the place YOU will end up if you continue to NOT Believe in God, His Son Jesus, and the forgiveness and redemption that is afforded to you because Jesus laid His life down and died for you.
This Disbelief is more terrible, more sly, and even harder to detect to a fallen world, that thinks heaven and hell are on earth, and it's what you make of it.
Heaven is not earth, and Hell is not earth either. They are two different places for two different people. It's not a racial thing, but it's a faithful thing. Either you have faith in Jesus, in whom we are taught is the only Way to heaven, or you DON'T believe and you embrace through your disbelief your final destination...HELL.
This epidemic; pandemic is more real than anything else, and if you reject Jesus, you reject Saving. If you reject Jesus the Son of God, you reject God the Father. If you reject Jesus, you have denied everyone wants to go to when they die.
The Word of God says and this is Jesus Speaking, "But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 10:33 NKJV)
Suffering is real. Death is real. Denial is real, and HELL is real. Just as that is all real, Heaven is for real, and choosing Jesus, believing in Jesus, following Jesus and being saved from HELL is for real.
CHOOSE JESUS WHILE THERE IS STILL TIME, as it is written 'I come as a thief in the night.'
How I invite you all to pray day and night and present yourselves, give yourselves completely to God in prayer and fasting, that we as a nation will see the mortality rate from diseases decrease, from violent sexual acts decrease, that there will be a moral compass that is used and visible to all, rather than being shattered and discarded by generations.
May abortion itself be aborted and abolished. May hate crimes become reports of compassionate God-centered love reports towards one another. May child trafficking halt and cease and desist.
May leaders rise and lead and not crouch and corrupt. Oh, indeed Children, it's my dream and desire, for God to take back this Nation of all peoples by our election of Him and His mighty power being ushered in through exhaustive prayer and fasting.
How can we stand by and selfishly allow this corrupt world become more corrupted? When we, a People with the greatest influence and power of all, Prayer!.. prayer in a unified voice of one accord could truly see the God of Wonders and of Miracles act
Oh Children, how I urge you and plead before the Father to unite us as one in prayer and fasting wholeheartedly till Kingdom come that we will see the foundations of this blood soaked world be radically shifted from death and decay, to life and prosperity of the heart, mind, body and soul. Amen.
Every account of radical change from sorrow to joy came from crying out to God to help, to free, to improve, to advance, to strengthen, to guide, and to make known His Holy presence, came from constant whole hearted; soul agonizing strength depleted prayer and fasting.
We as a body of believers can see God perform signs and wonders. People all across the world would receive visions of God. Would prophesy His Word, and chains that hold this nation that once of Pride and Strength through God, and now of complete degradation, would be broken. Walls of racism, sexual preference, confusion of identity, and all denial of God existing would come tumbling down if we only would humble ourselves in prayer and fasting and turn to God, He would make what has always seem impossible possible all over the world.
Please join me, as I invite you daily, hourly, individually and jointly as a body in Christ to lift up this nation from the persecution it no longer flees from but embraces by it's immoral, sexually explicit, and money hungering greed.
As prayer has shaken the foundations many times in the past let us not think it's folklore or a tall tale, but God's eternity, and our reality. Amen!
As God declares "if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, [and turn from their wicked ways], then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and [heal their land]. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place. For now I have chosen and sanctified this house, that My name may be there forever; and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually." (2Chronicles 7:14-16 NKJV)
Oh Children, how I pray and plead, you will be so moved, so heavy hearted from the hurts of this world to pray and fast and believe that God will answer us, and restore this land called earth, this land call humanity, this land called the human race, that it will be no longer nation against nation being divided, but One Nation under (protected & provided for) God. Amen.
Let us not continue to live and experience the opposite of the verses in scripture above, but let us walk with courage and an abandonment in all faith to live out and see God fulfill those words of Glory and Grace in the scripture. Amen.
This world is severely hurting and dying rapidly, but God is mighty to save and redeem. LET US NEVER FORGET, BUT ALWAYS BELIEVE HE WILL DO AS HE SAYS, IF WE WILL DO AS WE ARE CALLED TO DO...PRAY AND BELIEVE.
All my love to you, and God's glory and grace be made known through a body that prays, fasts and believes always. Amen.
Your brother and His faithful servant,
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