Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Closing words: to the lost, and confused

[pass it on]

Children, we are all meant to be lost, dazed and confused in this world. The only true source of direction, is through Christ Jesus. We will remain lost, and more so, as slaves to this world, this world of laws, unless we choose freedom through Jesus Christ.

He is freedom from a persecuting law of this world. If anything, wouldn't you rather be a slave to Christ, who makes you right with God to have eternity in Heaven with Him? Of course you would.

Then, stop going back and forth, and allow the spirit of God to guide you in the perfectly right direction.

All my love to you children.
Be blessed.

Keep me in your prayers, for strength of heart, and mind, for the spirit will lead me to speak out on all sin in this world, and the world hates me, as I represent God Himself.

Blessings and honor, for the Lord Jesus Christ. Forever and ever! Amen!

Romans 10:10 (New Living Translation)

For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved.

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